module Generators.Formatting open System open System.Collections.Generic open FSharp.Reflection open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq let indent level value = let indentation = String.replicate level " " sprintf "%s%s" indentation value let parenthesize value = sprintf "(%s)" value let parenthesizeOption value = match value with | "None" -> value | _ -> parenthesize value let backwardPipe value = sprintf "<| %s" value let backwardPipeIf test value = if test value then backwardPipe value else value let addTypeAnnotation typeAnnotation value = sprintf "%s: %s" value typeAnnotation let escapeSpecialCharacters (str: string) = str.Replace("\n", "\\n") .Replace("\t", "\\t") .Replace("\r", "\\r") .Replace("\"", "\\\"") let formatString str = str |> escapeSpecialCharacters |> sprintf "\"%s\"" let formatBool b = if b then "true" else "false" let formatDateTime (dateTime: DateTime) = if dateTime.TimeOfDay = TimeSpan.Zero then sprintf "DateTime(%d, %d, %d)" dateTime.Year dateTime.Month dateTime.Day else sprintf "DateTime(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)" dateTime.Year dateTime.Month dateTime.Day dateTime.Hour dateTime.Minute dateTime.Second let formatTimeSpan (timeSpan: TimeSpan) = sprintf "TimeSpan(%d, %d, %d)" timeSpan.Hours timeSpan.Minutes timeSpan.Seconds let isInt (jToken: JToken) = jToken.Value() <= int64 Int32.MaxValue let rec normalizeJArray (jArray: JArray): obj list = let toBoxedList seq = seq |> box |> List.ofSeq if jArray.Count = 0 then [] else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Integer && isInt x) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Integer) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Float) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Boolean) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.String) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Date) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.TimeSpan) then jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Object) then jArray.Children() |> (fun jObject -> jObject.ToObject>()) |> toBoxedList else if jArray.Children() |> Seq.forall (fun x -> x.Type = JTokenType.Array) then jArray.Values() |> normalizeJArray |> toBoxedList else jArray.Values() |> toBoxedList let formatToken (jToken: JToken) = match jToken.Type with | JTokenType.Integer when isInt jToken -> jToken.ToObject() |> string | JTokenType.Integer -> jToken.ToObject() |> string | JTokenType.Float -> jToken.ToObject() |> string | JTokenType.Boolean -> jToken.ToObject() |> formatBool | JTokenType.String -> jToken.ToObject() |> formatString | JTokenType.Date -> jToken.ToObject() |> formatDateTime | JTokenType.TimeSpan -> jToken.ToObject() |> formatTimeSpan | _ -> string jToken let formatJArray (jArray: JArray) = jArray |> normalizeJArray |> sprintf "%A" let formatTuple tuple = sprintf "%A" tuple let formatRecord record = sprintf "%A" record let formatOption option = match option with | None -> "None" | Some x -> sprintf "Some %s" x let formatResult result = match result with | Ok x -> sprintf "Ok %s" x | Error y -> sprintf "Error %s" y let rec formatValue (value: obj) = match value with | :? string as s -> formatString s | :? bool as b -> formatBool b | :? DateTime as dateTime -> formatDateTime dateTime | :? JArray as jArray -> formatJArray jArray | :? JToken as jToken -> formatToken jToken | :? Option as option -> option |> formatValue |> formatOption | :? Result as result -> result |> formatValue |> Result.mapError formatValue |> formatResult | _ when FSharpType.IsTuple (value.GetType()) -> formatTuple value | _ when FSharpType.IsRecord (value.GetType()) -> formatRecord value | _ -> string value let private formatCollection formatString collection = collection |> String.concat "; " |> sprintf formatString let formatList sequence = formatCollection "[%s]" sequence let formatArray sequence = formatCollection "[|%s|]" sequence let formatSequence sequence = formatCollection "seq {%s}" sequence let private formatMultiLineCollection (openPrefix, closePostfix) collection indentation = match Seq.length collection with | 0 -> sprintf "%s%s" openPrefix closePostfix | 1 -> sprintf "%s%s%s" openPrefix (Seq.head collection) closePostfix | length -> let lineIndent = String(' ', String.length openPrefix) let formatLine i line = match i with | 0 -> sprintf "%s %s;" openPrefix line | _ when i = length - 1 -> sprintf "%s %s %s" lineIndent line closePostfix | _ -> sprintf "%s %s;" lineIndent line collection |> Seq.mapi formatLine |> Seq.toList |> (indent indentation) |> String.concat "\n" |> sprintf "\n%s" let formatMultiLineListWithIndentation indentation sequence = formatMultiLineCollection ("[", "]") sequence indentation let formatMultiLineArrayWithIndentation indentation sequence = formatMultiLineCollection ("[|", "|]") sequence indentation let formatMultiLineSequenceWithIndentation indentation sequence = formatMultiLineCollection ("seq {", "}") sequence indentation let formatMultiLineList sequence = formatMultiLineListWithIndentation 2 sequence let formatMultiLineArray sequence = formatMultiLineArrayWithIndentation 2 sequence let formatMultiLineSequence sequence = formatMultiLineSequenceWithIndentation 2 sequence let formatMultiLineString strings = let length = Seq.length strings let formatLine i line = match i = length - 1 with | true -> line | false -> sprintf "%s +" line strings |> Seq.mapi formatLine |> Seq.toList