# encoding: utf-8 require 'rubygems' require 'yaml' require 'zlib' require 'thread' require 'fileutils' require 'locale' require 'ncursesw' require 'rmail' require 'uri' begin require 'fastthread' rescue LoadError end class Object ## this is for debugging purposes because i keep calling #id on the ## wrong object and i want it to throw an exception def id raise "wrong id called on #{self.inspect}" end end class Module def yaml_properties *props props = props.map { |p| p.to_s } path = name.gsub(/::/, "/") yaml_tag "!#{Redwood::YAML_DOMAIN},#{Redwood::YAML_DATE}/#{path}" define_method :init_with do |coder| initialize(*coder.map.values_at(*props)) end define_method :encode_with do |coder| coder.map = props.inject({}) do |hash, key| hash[key] = instance_variable_get("@#{key}") hash end end # Legacy Psych.load_tags["!#{Redwood::LEGACY_YAML_DOMAIN},#{Redwood::YAML_DATE}/#{path}"] = self end end module Redwood BASE_DIR = ENV["SUP_BASE"] || File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".sup") CONFIG_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "config.yaml") COLOR_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "colors.yaml") SOURCE_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "sources.yaml") LABEL_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "labels.txt") CONTACT_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "contacts.txt") DRAFT_DIR = File.join(BASE_DIR, "drafts") SENT_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "sent.mbox") LOCK_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "lock") SUICIDE_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "please-kill-yourself") HOOK_DIR = File.join(BASE_DIR, "hooks") SEARCH_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "searches.txt") LOG_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "log") SYNC_OK_FN = File.join(BASE_DIR, "sync-back-ok") YAML_DOMAIN = "supmua.org" LEGACY_YAML_DOMAIN = "masanjin.net" YAML_DATE = "2006-10-01" MAILDIR_SYNC_CHECK_SKIPPED = 'SKIPPED' URI_ENCODE_CHARS = "!*'();:@&=+$,?#[] " # see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding ## record exceptions thrown in threads nicely @exceptions = [] @exception_mutex = Mutex.new attr_reader :exceptions def record_exception e, name @exception_mutex.synchronize do @exceptions ||= [] @exceptions << [e, name] end end def reporting_thread name if $opts[:no_threads] yield else ::Thread.new do begin yield rescue Exception => e record_exception e, name end end end end module_function :reporting_thread, :record_exception, :exceptions ## one-stop shop for yamliciousness def save_yaml_obj o, fn, safe=false, backup=false o = if o.is_a?(Array) o.map { |x| (x.respond_to?(:before_marshal) && x.before_marshal) || x } elsif o.respond_to? :before_marshal o.before_marshal else o end mode = if File.exist? fn File.stat(fn).mode else 0600 end if backup backup_fn = fn + '.bak' if File.exist?(fn) && File.size(fn) > 0 File.open(backup_fn, "w", mode) do |f| File.open(fn, "r") { |old_f| FileUtils.copy_stream old_f, f } f.fsync end end File.open(fn, "w") do |f| f.puts o.to_yaml f.fsync end elsif safe safe_fn = "#{File.dirname fn}/safe_#{File.basename fn}" File.open(safe_fn, "w", mode) do |f| f.puts o.to_yaml f.fsync end FileUtils.mv safe_fn, fn else File.open(fn, "w", mode) do |f| f.puts o.to_yaml f.fsync end end end def load_yaml_obj fn, compress=false o = if File.exist? fn if compress Zlib::GzipReader.open(fn) { |f| YAML::load f } else YAML::load_file fn end end if o.is_a?(Array) o.each { |x| x.after_unmarshal! if x.respond_to?(:after_unmarshal!) } else o.after_unmarshal! if o.respond_to?(:after_unmarshal!) end o end def managers %w(HookManager SentManager ContactManager LabelManager AccountManager DraftManager UpdateManager PollManager CryptoManager UndoManager SourceManager SearchManager IdleManager).map { |x| Redwood.const_get x.to_sym } end def start bypass_sync_check = false managers.each { |x| fail "#{x} already instantiated" if x.instantiated? } FileUtils.mkdir_p Redwood::BASE_DIR $config = load_config Redwood::CONFIG_FN @log_io = File.open(Redwood::LOG_FN, 'a') Redwood::Logger.add_sink @log_io Redwood::HookManager.init Redwood::HOOK_DIR Redwood::SentManager.init $config[:sent_source] || 'sup://sent' Redwood::ContactManager.init Redwood::CONTACT_FN Redwood::LabelManager.init Redwood::LABEL_FN Redwood::AccountManager.init $config[:accounts] Redwood::DraftManager.init Redwood::DRAFT_DIR Redwood::SearchManager.init Redwood::SEARCH_FN managers.each { |x| x.init unless x.instantiated? } return if bypass_sync_check if $config[:sync_back_to_maildir] if not File.exist? Redwood::SYNC_OK_FN Redwood.warn_syncback < ENV["EDITOR"] || "/usr/bin/vim -f -c 'setlocal spell spelllang=en_us' -c 'set filetype=mail'", :thread_by_subject => false, :edit_signature => false, :ask_for_from => false, :ask_for_to => true, :ask_for_cc => true, :ask_for_bcc => false, :ask_for_subject => true, :account_selector => true, :confirm_no_attachments => true, :confirm_top_posting => true, :jump_to_open_message => true, :discard_snippets_from_encrypted_messages => false, :load_more_threads_when_scrolling => true, :default_attachment_save_dir => "", :sent_source => "sup://sent", :archive_sent => true, :poll_interval => 300, :wrap_width => 0, :slip_rows => 0, :col_jump => 2, :stem_language => "english", :sync_back_to_maildir => false, :continuous_scroll => false, :always_edit_async => false, } if File.exist? filename config = Redwood::load_yaml_obj filename abort "#{filename} is not a valid configuration file (it's a #{config.class}, not a hash)" unless config.is_a?(Hash) default_config.merge config else require 'etc' require 'socket' name = Etc.getpwnam(ENV["USER"]).gecos.split(/,/).first.force_encoding($encoding).fix_encoding! rescue nil name ||= ENV["USER"] email = ENV["USER"] + "@" + begin Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname).first rescue SocketError Socket.gethostname end config = { :accounts => { :default => { :name => name.dup.fix_encoding!, :email => email.dup.fix_encoding!, :alternates => [], :sendmail => "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -ti", :signature => File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".signature"), :gpgkey => "" } }, } config.merge! default_config begin Redwood::save_yaml_obj config, filename, false, true rescue StandardError => e $stderr.puts "warning: #{e.message}" end config end end module_function :save_yaml_obj, :load_yaml_obj, :start, :finish, :report_broken_sources, :load_config, :managers, :check_syncback_settings end require 'sup/version' require "sup/util" require "sup/hook" require "sup/time" ## everything we need to get logging working require "sup/logger/singleton" ## determine encoding and character set $encoding = Locale.current.charset $encoding = "UTF-8" if $encoding == "utf8" $encoding = "UTF-8" if $encoding == "UTF8" if $encoding debug "using character set encoding #{$encoding.inspect}" else warn "can't find character set by using locale, defaulting to utf-8" $encoding = "UTF-8" end # test encoding teststr = "test" teststr.encode('UTF-8') begin teststr.encode($encoding) rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError warn "locale encoding is invalid, defaulting to utf-8" $encoding = "UTF-8" end require "sup/buffer" require "sup/keymap" require "sup/mode" require "sup/modes/scroll_mode" require "sup/modes/text_mode" require "sup/modes/log_mode" require "sup/update" require "sup/message_chunks" require "sup/message" require "sup/source" require "sup/mbox" require "sup/maildir" require "sup/person" require "sup/account" require "sup/thread" require "sup/interactive_lock" require "sup/index" require "sup/textfield" require "sup/colormap" require "sup/label" require "sup/contact" require "sup/tagger" require "sup/draft" require "sup/poll" require "sup/crypto" require "sup/undo" require "sup/horizontal_selector" require "sup/modes/line_cursor_mode" require "sup/modes/help_mode" require "sup/modes/edit_message_mode" require "sup/modes/edit_message_async_mode" require "sup/modes/compose_mode" require "sup/modes/resume_mode" require "sup/modes/forward_mode" require "sup/modes/reply_mode" require "sup/modes/label_list_mode" require "sup/modes/contact_list_mode" require "sup/modes/thread_view_mode" require "sup/modes/thread_index_mode" require "sup/modes/label_search_results_mode" require "sup/modes/search_results_mode" require "sup/modes/person_search_results_mode" require "sup/modes/inbox_mode" require "sup/modes/buffer_list_mode" require "sup/modes/poll_mode" require "sup/modes/file_browser_mode" require "sup/modes/completion_mode" require "sup/modes/console_mode" require "sup/sent" require "sup/search" require "sup/modes/search_list_mode" require "sup/idle" $:.each do |base| d = File.join base, "sup/share/modes/" Redwood::Mode.load_all_modes d if File.directory? d end