module Phase module Deploy class Build include ::Phase::Util::Shell attr_reader :build_dir, :clean_build, :version_tag def initialize(version_tag, options = {}) @clean_build = options.fetch(:clean_build, true) @version_tag = version_tag if clean_build @build_dir = options.fetch(:build_dir, "build") ) else @build_dir =".") end end def execute! prepare_environment build_assets commit_new_version! build_image push end private def build_assets precompile_assets sync_assets end def build_image prepare_clean_build if clean_build shell("docker build -t #{docker_repo}:#{version_tag} #{build_dir}") do |status| fail "Couldn't build Docker image" end end def commit_new_version! ::Phase::Deploy::Version.update(version_tag) shell("git add -f public/assets/*manifest* #{::Phase.config.deploy.version_lockfile}", allow_failure: true) shell("git commit -m 'Built v#{version_tag}'", allow_failure: true) end def prepare_environment raise_on_dirty_index! shell("docker ps > /dev/null 2>&1") do |status| fail <<-EOS.strip_heredoc Docker isn't responding. Is boot2docker running? Try: boot2docker start && $(boot2docker shellinit) EOS end pull_latest_build end def clone_local_git_repo current_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip shell("git clone --reference $(pwd) --branch #{current_branch} -- file://$(pwd) #{build_dir}") do |status| fail "Couldn't clone local copy of git repository" end end def docker_repo ::Phase.config.deploy.docker_repository end def last_committed_mtime_for_file(file_path) rev_hash = `git rev-list HEAD "#{file_path}" | head -n 1`.chomp time_str = `git show --pretty=format:%ai --abbrev-commit #{rev_hash} | head -n 1`.chomp ::DateTime.parse(time_str).to_time end # FIXME: This approach isn't ideal because it compiles assets in the *working* git # directory rather than building in a clean, committed environment. This could lead # to errors in the compiled assets. def precompile_assets shell("RAILS_GROUPS=assets RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile") do |status| fail "Couldn't precompile assets" end end def prepare_clean_build remove_stale_build_dir! clone_local_git_repo set_file_modification_timestamps end # This needs to run *before* the version gets updated so we know which version # number to pull from the registry. def pull_latest_build shell("docker pull #{docker_repo}:#{::Phase::Deploy::Version.current}", allow_failure: true) end def push shell("docker push #{docker_repo}:#{version_tag}") do |status| fail "Couldn't push #{docker_repo}:#{version_tag}" end end def raise_on_dirty_index! shell('git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD') do |status| fail "Other changes are already staged. Commit or stash them first" end end def remove_stale_build_dir! ::FileUtils.rm_rf(build_dir) end def set_file_modification_timestamps log("Preparing docker cache...") # Threadsafe queue for multiple threads to pull from queue = do # Sets consistent mtime on directories because docker cares about that too shell("find . -type d | xargs touch -t 7805200000") files = `git ls-files`.split files.each { |f| queue.push(f) } bar ="Setting mtimes", files.count) threads = do |idx| do begin while path = queue.pop(true) ::FileUtils.touch(path, mtime: last_committed_mtime_for_file(path)) end rescue ThreadError end end end threads.each(&:join) bar.finish end end def sync_assets bucket = ::Phase.config.deploy.asset_bucket return log("Set `deploy.asset_bucket` in Phasefile to enable asset syncing") if bucket.blank? shell("RAILS_GROUPS=assets FOG_DIRECTORY=#{bucket} rake assets:sync") do |status| fail "Couldn't sync assets to The Clouds" end end end end end