module Neoid class Batch def default_options=(value) @default_options = value end def self.default_options @default_options ||= { batch_size: 200, individual_promises: true } end def self.current_batch Thread.current[:neoid_current_batch] end def self.current_batch=(batch) Thread.current[:neoid_current_batch] = batch end def self.reset_current_batch Thread.current[:neoid_current_batch] = nil end def initialize(options={}, &block) if options.respond_to?(:call) && !block block = options options = {} end options.reverse_merge!(self.class.default_options) @options = options @block = block end def <<(command) commands << command if commands.length >= @options[:batch_size] flush_batch end if @options[:individual_promises] promise = thens << promise promise end end def commands @commands ||= [] end def thens @thens ||= [] end def count @commands ? @commands.count : 0 end def results @results ||= [] end def run self.class.current_batch = self begin ensure self.class.reset_current_batch end "Neoid batch (#{commands.length} commands)" flush_batch end private def flush_batch return [] if commands.empty? current_results = nil # results = Neoid.db.batch(*commands).collect { |result| result['body'] } benchmark = Benchmark.measure { current_results = Neoid.db.batch(*commands).collect { |result| result['body'] } } "Neoid batch (#{commands.length} commands) - #{benchmark}" commands.clear process_results(current_results) { |t, result| t.perform(result) } thens.clear results.concat current_results end def process_results(results)! do |result| return result unless result.is_a?(Hash) && result['self'] && result['self'][%r[^https?://.*/(node|relationship)/\d+]] type = case $1 when 'node' then Neoid::Node when 'relationship' then Neoid::Relationship else return result end type.from_hash(result) end end end # returned from a full batch, after it has been executed, # so a `.then` can be chained after the batch do ... end # it proxies all methods to the result class BatchPromiseProxy def initialize(results) @results = results end def method_missing(method, *args) @results.send(method, *args) end def then yield(@results) end end # returned from adding (<<) an item to a batch in a batch block: # Neoid.batch { |batch| (batch << [:neography_command, param]).is_a?(SingleResultPromiseProxy) } # so a `.then` can be chained: # Neoid.batch { |batch| (batch << [:neography_command, param]).then { |result| puts result } } # the `then` is called once the batch is flushed with the result of the single job in the batch # it proxies all methods to the result, so in case it is returned (like in Neoid.execute_script_or_add_to_batch) # the result of the method will be proxied to the result from the batch. See Node#neo_save class SingleResultPromiseProxy def initialize(*args) end attr_accessor :result def result raise "Accessed result too soon" unless @result @result end def method_missing(method, *args) result.send(method, *args) end def then(&block) @then = block self end def perform(result) @result = result return unless @then end end end