#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'thor' require 'fileutils' require 'net/https' require 'powder/version' module Powder class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions default_task :help map '-r' => 'restart' map '-a' => 'always_restart' map '-l' => 'list' map '-L' => 'link' map '-d' => 'default' map '-o' => 'open' map '-v' => 'version' map 'update' => 'install' POWDER_CONFIG = ".powder" POW_PATH = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.pow" POW_DAEMON_PLIST_PATH="#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/LaunchAgents/cx.pow.powd.plist" POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH = "/Library/LaunchDaemons/cx.pow.firewall.plist" desc "up", "Enable pow" def up if File.exists? POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH %x{sudo launchctl load #{POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH}} else say "Pow firewall configuration missing." end if File.exists? POW_DAEMON_PLIST_PATH %x{launchctl load #{POW_DAEMON_PLIST_PATH}} else say "Pow daemon configuration missing." end end desc "down", "Disable pow" def down if File.exists? POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH if not %x{sudo launchctl list | grep cx.pow.firewall}.empty? %x{sudo launchctl unload #{POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH}} end if ports = File.open(POW_FIREWALL_PLIST_PATH).read.match(/fwd .*?,([\d]+).*?dst-port ([\d]+)/) http_port, dst_port = ports[1..2] end end if File.exists? POW_DAEMON_PLIST_PATH %x{launchctl unload #{POW_DAEMON_PLIST_PATH}} end http_port ||= 20559 dst_port ||= 80 if rule = %x{sudo ipfw show | grep ",#{http_port} .* dst-port #{dst_port} in"}.split.first %x{sudo ipfw delete #{rule} && sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=0} end end desc "link", "Link a pow" method_option :force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :alias => '-f', :desc => "remove the old configuration, overwrite .powder" method_option :"no-config", :type => :boolean, :default => false, :alias => '-n', :desc => "do not write a .powder file" def link(name=nil) return unless is_powable? if File.symlink?(POW_PATH) current_path = %x{pwd}.chomp if name write_pow_config(name) else name = get_pow_name end symlink_path = "#{POW_PATH}/#{name}" FileUtils.rm_f(symlink_path) if options[:force] FileUtils.ln_s(current_path, symlink_path) unless File.exists?(symlink_path) say "Your application is now available at http://#{name}.#{domain}/" else say "Pow is not installed." end end desc "default", "Set this app as default" def default(name=nil) return unless is_powable? current_path = %x{pwd}.chomp name ||= get_pow_name symlink_path = "#{POW_PATH}/default" FileUtils.rm_f symlink_path if File.exists?(symlink_path) FileUtils.ln_sf(current_path, symlink_path) say "Your application(#{name}) is now default at http://localhost/" end desc "un_default", "remove current default app" def un_default(name=nil) name ||= get_pow_name symlink_path = "#{POW_PATH}/default" FileUtils.rm_f symlink_path if File.exists?(symlink_path) end desc "restart", "Restart current pow" def restart return unless is_powable? FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') %x{touch tmp/restart.txt} end desc "always_restart", "Always restart current pow" def always_restart return unless is_powable? FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') %x{touch tmp/always_restart.txt} end desc "no_restarts", "Reset this app's restart settings" def no_restarts return unless is_powable? FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('tmp/*restart.txt') end desc "list", "List current pows" def list pows = Dir[POW_PATH + "/*"].map do |link| realpath = File.readlink(link) app_is_current = (realpath == Dir.pwd) ? '*' : ' ' [app_is_current, File.basename(link), realpath.gsub(ENV['HOME'], '~')] end print_table(pows) end desc "open", "Open a pow in the browser" def open(name=nil) %x{open http://#{name || get_pow_name}.#{domain}} end desc "unlink", "Unlink a pow app" method_option :delete, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :alias => '-e', :desc => "delete .powder" def unlink(name=nil) return unless is_powable? FileUtils.rm_f POW_PATH + '/' + (name || get_pow_name) say "Successfully removed #{(name || get_pow_name)}" if options[:delete] FileUtils.rm_f POWDER_CONFIG say "Successfully removed #{POWDER_CONFIG}" end end desc "remove", "An alias to Unlink (depreciated)" alias :remove :unlink desc "cleanup", "Clean up invalid symbolic link" def cleanup Dir[POW_PATH + "/*"].map { |symlink| FileUtils.rm(symlink) unless File.exists? File.readlink(symlink) } end desc "install", "Installs pow" def install %x{curl get.pow.cx | sh} end desc "log", "Tails the Pow log" def log path_to_log_file = "#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/Logs/Pow/apps/#{current_dir_name}.log" if File.exist? path_to_log_file system "tail -f #{path_to_log_file}" else say "There is no Pow log file, have you set this application up yet?" end end desc "applog", "Tails in current app" def applog(env="development") system "tail -f log/#{env}.log" if is_powable? end desc "uninstall", "Uninstalls pow" def uninstall %x{curl get.pow.cx/uninstall.sh | sh} end desc "version", "Shows the version" def version say "powder #{Powder::VERSION}" end desc "host", "Updates hosts file to map pow domains to" def host hosts_file_path = "/etc/hosts" pow_domain_records = Dir[POW_PATH + "/*"].map { |a| "\t#{File.basename(a)}.#{domain}\t#powder" } hosts_file = File.read("/etc/hosts").split("\n").delete_if {|row| row =~ /.+(#powder)/} first_loopback_index = hosts_file.index {|i| i =~ /^(} hosts_file = hosts_file.insert(first_loopback_index + 1, pow_domain_records) File.open("#{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder", "w") do |file| file.puts hosts_file.join("\n") end %x{cp #{hosts_file_path} #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder.bak} %x{sudo mv #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder #{hosts_file_path}} %x{dscacheutil -flushcache} say "Domains added to hosts file, old host file is saved at #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder.bak" end desc "unhost", "Removes pow domains from hostfile" def unhost hosts_file_path = "/etc/hosts" hosts_file = File.read("/etc/hosts").split("\n").delete_if {|row| row =~ /.+(#powder)/} File.open("#{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder", "w") do |file| file.puts hosts_file.join("\n") end %x{cp #{hosts_file_path} #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder.bak} %x{sudo mv #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder #{hosts_file_path}} %x{dscacheutil -flushcache} say "Domains removed from hosts file, old host file is saved at #{ENV['HOME']}/hosts-powder.bak" end desc "config", "Shows current pow configuration" def config results = %x{curl --silent -H host:pow localhost/config.json}.gsub(':','=>') return say("Error: Cannot get Pow config. Pow may be down. Try 'powder up' first.") if results.empty? || !(results =~ /^\{/) json = eval results json.each do |k,v| case v when String, Numeric say "#{k.ljust(12,' ')} #{v}" when Array say "#{k.ljust(12,' ')} #{v.join ', '}\n" end end end desc "status", "Shows current pow status" def status results = %x{curl --silent -H host:pow localhost/status.json}.gsub(':','=>') return say("Error: Cannot get Pow status. Pow may be down. Try 'powder up' first.") if results.empty? || !(results =~ /^\{/) json = eval results json.each {|k,v| say "#{k.ljust(12, ' ')} #{v}"} end private def current_dir_name File.basename(%x{pwd}.chomp) end def configured_pow_name return nil unless File.exists?(POWDER_CONFIG) File.foreach(POWDER_CONFIG) do |line| next if line =~ /^($|#)/ return line.chomp end return nil end def current_dir_pow_name current_dir_name.tr('_', '-') end def get_pow_name configured_pow_name || current_dir_pow_name end def write_pow_config(name=nil) return if ! name || options[:"no-config"] powder_exists = File.exists?(POWDER_CONFIG) configured_name = get_pow_name unlink if powder_exists && configured_name != name if options[:force] || ! powder_exists File.open(POWDER_CONFIG, "w") do |f| f.puts(name) end say "Created powder config #{POWDER_CONFIG}" elsif !options[:force] && powder_exists && configured_name != name say "Cowardly refusing to overwrite #{POWDER_CONFIG}" exit 1 end end def is_powable? if File.exists?('config.ru') || File.exists?('public/index.html') true elsif legacy = (is_rails2_app? || is_radiant_app?) say "This appears to be a #{legacy} applicaton. You need a config.ru file." if yes? "Do you want to autogenerate a basic config.ru for #{legacy}?" uri = URI.parse("https://raw.github.com/gist/909308") http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri) create_file "config.ru", http.request(request).body return true else say "Did not create config.ru" return false end else say "This does not appear to be a rack app as there is no config.ru." say "Pow can also host static apps if there is an index.html in public/" return false end end def is_rails2_app? File.exists?('config/environment.rb') && !`grep RAILS_GEM_VERSION config/environment.rb`.empty? ? 'Rails 2' : nil end def is_radiant_app? File.exists?('config/environment.rb') && !`grep Radiant::Initializer config/environment.rb`.empty? ? 'Radiant' : nil end def domain if File.exists? File.expand_path('~/.powconfig') returned_domain = %x{source ~/.powconfig; echo $POW_DOMAINS}.gsub("\n", "").split(",").first returned_domain = %x{source ~/.powconfig; echo $POW_DOMAIN}.gsub("\n", "") if returned_domain.nil? || returned_domain.empty? returned_domain = 'dev' if returned_domain.nil? || returned_domain.empty? returned_domain else 'dev' end end end end Powder::CLI.start