require 'mongoid' require 'rails_admin/config/sections/list' require 'rails_admin/adapters/mongoid/abstract_object' module RailsAdmin module Adapters module Mongoid STRING_TYPE_COLUMN_NAMES = [:name, :title, :subject] DISABLED_COLUMN_TYPES = ['Range'] def new(params = {}) end def get(id) begin rescue BSON::InvalidObjectId, ::Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound nil end end def scoped model.scoped end def first(options = {},scope=nil) all(options, scope).first end def all(options = {},scope=nil) scope ||= self.scoped scope = scope.includes(options[:include]) if options[:include] scope = scope.limit(options[:limit]) if options[:limit] scope = scope.any_in(:_id => options[:bulk_ids]) if options[:bulk_ids] scope = scope.where(query_conditions(options[:query])) if options[:query] scope = scope.where(filter_conditions(options[:filters])) if options[:filters] if options[:page] && options[:per] scope = scope.send(Kaminari.config.page_method_name, options[:page]).per(options[:per]) end scope = sort_by(options, scope) if options[:sort] scope end def count(options = {},scope=nil) all(options.merge({:limit => false, :page => false}), scope).count end def destroy(objects) Array.wrap(objects).each &:destroy end def primary_key '_id' end def associations do |association| { :name =>, :pretty_name =>'_', ' ').capitalize, :type => association_type_lookup(association.macro), :model_proc => { association_model_proc_lookup(association) }, :primary_key_proc => { association_primary_key_lookup(association) }, :foreign_key => association_foreign_key_lookup(association), :foreign_type => association_foreign_type_lookup(association), :foreign_inverse_of => association_foreign_inverse_of_lookup(association), :as => association_as_lookup(association), :polymorphic => association_polymorphic_lookup(association), :inverse_of => association_inverse_of_lookup(association), :read_only => nil, :nested_form => association_nested_attributes_options_lookup(association) } end end def properties fields = model.fields.reject{|name, field| DISABLED_COLUMN_TYPES.include?(field.type.to_s) } do |name,field| ar_type = { "Array" => { :type => :serialized }, "BigDecimal" => { :type => :decimal }, "Boolean" => { :type => :boolean }, "BSON::ObjectId" => { :type => :bson_object_id, :serial? => (name == primary_key) }, "Date" => { :type => :date }, "DateTime" => { :type => :datetime }, "Float" => { :type => :float }, "Hash" => { :type => :serialized }, "Integer" => { :type => :integer }, "Object" => ( if associations.find{|a| a[:type] == :belongs_to && a[:foreign_key] == name.to_sym} { :type => :bson_object_id } else { :type => :string, :length => 255 } end ), "String" => ( if (length = length_validation_lookup(name)) && length < 256 { :type => :string, :length => length } elsif STRING_TYPE_COLUMN_NAMES.include?(name.to_sym) { :type => :string, :length => 255 } else { :type => :text } end ), "Symbol" => { :type => :string, :length => 255 }, "Time" => { :type => :datetime }, }[field.type.to_s] or raise "Need to map field #{field.type.to_s} for field name #{name} in #{model.inspect}" { :name =>, :length => nil, :pretty_name =>'_', ' ').strip.capitalize, :nullable? => true, :serial? => false, }.merge(ar_type) end end def table_name end def serialized_attributes # Mongoid Array and Hash type columns are mapped to RA serialized type # through type detection in self#properties. [] end def encoding 'UTF-8' end def embedded? @embedded ||= !!model.associations.values.find{|a| a.macro.to_sym == :embedded_in } end private def query_conditions(query, fields = statements = [] fields.each do |field| conditions_per_collection = {} field.searchable_columns.flatten.each do |column_infos| collection_name, column_name = column_infos[:column].split('.') statement = build_statement(column_name, column_infos[:type], query, field.search_operator) if statement conditions_per_collection[collection_name] ||= [] conditions_per_collection[collection_name] << statement end end statements.concat make_condition_for_current_collection(field, conditions_per_collection) end if statements.any? { '$or' => statements } else {} end end # filters example => {"string_field"=>{"0055"=>{"o"=>"like", "v"=>"test_value"}}, ...} # "0055" is the filter index, no use here. o is the operator, v the value def filter_conditions(filters, fields = statements = [] filters.each_pair do |field_name, filters_dump| filters_dump.each do |filter_index, filter_dump| conditions_per_collection = {} field = fields.find{|f| == field_name} next unless field field.searchable_columns.each do |column_infos| collection_name, column_name = column_infos[:column].split('.') statement = build_statement(column_name, column_infos[:type], filter_dump[:v], (filter_dump[:o] || 'default')) if statement conditions_per_collection[collection_name] ||= [] conditions_per_collection[collection_name] << statement end end if conditions_per_collection.any? field_statements = make_condition_for_current_collection(field, conditions_per_collection) if field_statements.length > 1 statements << { '$or' => field_statements } else statements << field_statements.first end end end end if statements.any? { '$and' => statements } else {} end end def build_statement(column, type, value, operator) # this operator/value has been discarded (but kept in the dom to override the one stored in the various links of the page) return if operator == '_discard' || value == '_discard' # filtering data with unary operator, not type dependent if operator == '_blank' || value == '_blank' return { column => {'$in' => [nil, '']} } elsif operator == '_present' || value == '_present' return { column => {'$nin' => [nil, '']} } elsif operator == '_null' || value == '_null' return { column => nil } elsif operator == '_not_null' || value == '_not_null' return { column => {'$ne' => nil} } elsif operator == '_empty' || value == '_empty' return { column => '' } elsif operator == '_not_empty' || value == '_not_empty' return { column => {'$ne' => ''} } end # now we go type specific case type when :boolean return { column => false } if ['false', 'f', '0'].include?(value) return { column => true } if ['true', 't', '1'].include?(value) when :integer return if value.blank? { column => value.to_i } if value.to_i.to_s == value when :string, :text return if value.blank? value = case operator when 'default', 'like' Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(value)) when 'starts_with' Regexp.compile("^#{Regexp.escape(value)}") when 'ends_with' Regexp.compile("#{Regexp.escape(value)}$") when 'is', '=' value.to_s else return end { column => value } when :date start_date, end_date = get_filtering_duration(operator, value) if start_date && end_date { column => { '$gte' => start_date, '$lte' => end_date } } elsif start_date { column => { '$gte' => start_date } } elsif end_date { column => { '$lte' => end_date } } end when :datetime, :timestamp start_date, end_date = get_filtering_duration(operator, value) if start_date && end_date { column => { '$gte' => start_date.to_time.beginning_of_day, '$lte' => end_date.to_time.end_of_day } } elsif start_date { column => { '$gte' => start_date.to_time.beginning_of_day } } elsif end_date { column => { '$lte' => end_date.to_time.end_of_day } } end when :enum return if value.blank? { column => { "$in" => Array.wrap(value) } } when :belongs_to_association, :bson_object_id object_id = (BSON::ObjectId(value) rescue nil) { column => object_id } if object_id end end def association_model_proc_lookup(association) if association.polymorphic? && [:referenced_in, :belongs_to].include?(association.macro) RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.polymorphic_parents(:mongoid, || [] else association.klass end end def association_foreign_type_lookup(association) if association.polymorphic? && [:referenced_in, :belongs_to].include?(association.macro) association.inverse_type.try(:to_sym) || :"#{}_type" end end def association_foreign_inverse_of_lookup(association) if association.polymorphic? && [:referenced_in, :belongs_to].include?(association.macro) && association.respond_to?(:inverse_of_field) association.inverse_of_field.try(:to_sym) end end def association_nested_attributes_options_lookup(association) nested = model.nested_attributes_options.try { |o| o[] } if !nested && [:embeds_one, :embeds_many].include?(association.macro.to_sym) raise <<-MSG.gsub(/^\s+/, '') Embbeded association without accepts_nested_attributes_for can't be handled by RailsAdmin, because embedded model doesn't have top-level access. Please add `accepts_nested_attributes_for :#{}' line to `#{model.to_s}' model. MSG end nested end def association_as_lookup(association) :to_sym end def association_polymorphic_lookup(association) !!association.polymorphic? && [:referenced_in, :belongs_to].include?(association.macro) end def association_primary_key_lookup(association) :_id # todo end def association_inverse_of_lookup(association) association.inverse_of.try :to_sym end def association_foreign_key_lookup(association) unless [:embeds_one, :embeds_many].include?(association.macro.to_sym) association.foreign_key.to_sym rescue nil end end def association_type_lookup(macro) case macro.to_sym when :belongs_to, :referenced_in, :embedded_in :belongs_to when :has_one, :references_one, :embeds_one :has_one when :has_many, :references_many, :embeds_many :has_many when :has_and_belongs_to_many, :references_and_referenced_in_many :has_and_belongs_to_many else raise "Unknown association type: #{macro.inspect}" end end def length_validation_lookup(name) shortest = do |validator| validator.attributes.include?(name.to_sym) && validator.kind == :length && validator.options[:maximum] end.min{|a, b| a.options[:maximum] <=> b.options[:maximum] } if shortest shortest.options[:maximum] else false end end def make_condition_for_current_collection(target_field, conditions_per_collection) result =[] conditions_per_collection.each do |collection_name, conditions| if collection_name == table_name # conditions referring current model column are passed directly result.concat conditions else # otherwise, collect ids of documents that satisfy search condition result.concat perform_search_on_associated_collection(, conditions) end end result end def perform_search_on_associated_collection(field_name, conditions) target_association = associations.find{|a| a[:name] == field_name } return [] unless target_association model = target_association[:model_proc].call case target_association[:type] when :belongs_to, :has_and_belongs_to_many [{ target_association[:foreign_key].to_s => { '$in' => model.where('$or' => conditions){|r| r.send(target_association[:primary_key_proc].call)} }}] when :has_many [{ target_association[:primary_key_proc].call.to_s => { '$in' => model.where('$or' => conditions){|r| r.send(target_association[:foreign_key])} }}] end end def sort_by(options, scope) return scope unless options[:sort] field_name, collection_name = options[:sort].to_s.split('.').reverse if collection_name && collection_name != table_name # sorting by associated model column is not supported, so just ignore return scope end if options[:sort_reverse] scope.asc field_name else scope.desc field_name end end end end end