require File.join( File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'base') require 'webmock/rspec' include WebMock describe RestClient::Request do before do @request = => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload') @uri = mock("uri") @uri.stub!(:request_uri).and_return('/resource') @uri.stub!(:host).and_return('some') @uri.stub!(:port).and_return(80) @net = mock("net::http base") @http = mock("net::http connection") Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@net) @net.stub!(:start).and_yield(@http) @net.stub!(:use_ssl=) @net.stub!(:verify_mode=) RestClient.log = nil end it "accept */* mimetype, preferring xml" do @request.default_headers[:accept].should == '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml' end describe "compression" do it "decodes an uncompressed result body by passing it straight through" do RestClient::Request.decode(nil, 'xyz').should == 'xyz' end it "doesn't fail for nil bodies" do RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', nil).should be_nil end it "decodes a gzip body" do RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', "\037\213\b\b\006'\252H\000\003t\000\313T\317UH\257\312,HM\341\002\000G\242(\r\v\000\000\000").should == "i'm gziped\n" end it "ingores gzip for empty bodies" do RestClient::Request.decode('gzip', '').should be_empty end it "decodes a deflated body" do RestClient::Request.decode('deflate', "x\234+\316\317MUHIM\313I,IMQ(I\255(\001\000A\223\006\363").should == "some deflated text" end end it "processes a successful result" do res = mock("result") res.stub!(:code).and_return("200") res.stub!(:body).and_return('body') res.stub!(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil) @request.process_result(res).body.should == 'body' @request.process_result(res).to_s.should == 'body' end it "doesn't classify successful requests as failed" do 203.upto(207) do |code| res = mock("result") res.stub!(:code).and_return(code.to_s) res.stub!(:body).and_return("") res.stub!(:[]).with('content-encoding').and_return(nil) @request.process_result(res).should be_empty end end it "parses a url into a URI object" do URI.should_receive(:parse).with('') @request.parse_url('') end it "adds http:// to the front of resources specified in the syntax" do URI.should_receive(:parse).with('') @request.parse_url('') end describe "user - password" do it "extracts the username and password when parsing" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => 'joe', :password => 'pass1')) @request.parse_url_with_auth('') @request.user.should == 'joe' @request.password.should == 'pass1' end it "extracts with escaping the username and password when parsing" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1')) @request.parse_url_with_auth('') @request.user.should == 'joe ' @request.password.should == 'pass1' end it "doesn't overwrite user and password (which may have already been set by the Resource constructor) if there is no user/password in the url" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil)) @request = => 'get', :url => '', :user => 'beth', :password => 'pass2') @request.parse_url_with_auth('') @request.user.should == 'beth' @request.password.should == 'pass2' end end it "correctly formats cookies provided to the constructor" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil)) @request = => 'get', :url => '', :cookies => {:session_id => '1', :user_id => "someone" }) @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({'Foo' => 'bar'}) @request.make_headers({}).should == { 'Foo' => 'bar', 'Cookie' => 'session_id=1; user_id=someone'} end it "uses netrc credentials" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => nil, :password => nil, :host => '')) File.stub!(:stat).and_return(mock('stat', :mode => 0600)) IO.stub!(:readlines).and_return(["machine login a password b"]) @request.parse_url_with_auth('') @request.user.should == 'a' @request.password.should == 'b' end it "uses credentials in the url in preference to netrc" do URI.stub!(:parse).and_return(mock('uri', :user => 'joe%20', :password => 'pass1', :host => '')) File.stub!(:stat).and_return(mock('stat', :mode => 0600)) IO.stub!(:readlines).and_return(["machine login a password b"]) @request.parse_url_with_auth('') @request.user.should == 'joe ' @request.password.should == 'pass1' end it "determines the Net::HTTP class to instantiate by the method name" do @request.net_http_request_class(:put).should == Net::HTTP::Put end describe "user headers" do it "merges user headers with the default headers" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ :accept => '*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', :accept_encoding => 'gzip, deflate' }) headers = @request.make_headers("Accept" => "application/json", :accept_encoding => 'gzip') headers.should have_key "Accept-Encoding" headers["Accept-Encoding"].should == "gzip" headers.should have_key "Accept" headers["Accept"].should == "application/json" end it "prefers the user header when the same header exists in the defaults" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' }) headers = @request.make_headers('1' => '3') headers.should have_key('1') headers['1'].should == '3' end it "converts user headers to string before calling CGI::unescape which fails on non string values" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({ '1' => '2' }) headers = @request.make_headers('1' => 3) headers.should have_key('1') headers['1'].should == '3' end end describe "header symbols" do it "converts header symbols from :content_type to 'Content-Type'" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) headers = @request.make_headers(:content_type => 'abc') headers.should have_key('Content-Type') headers['Content-Type'].should == 'abc' end it "converts content-type from extension to real content-type" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) headers = @request.make_headers(:content_type => 'json') headers.should have_key('Content-Type') headers['Content-Type'].should == 'application/json' end it "converts accept from extension(s) to real content-type(s)" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) headers = @request.make_headers(:accept => 'json, mp3') headers.should have_key('Accept') headers['Accept'].should == 'application/json, audio/mpeg' @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) headers = @request.make_headers(:accept => :json) headers.should have_key('Accept') headers['Accept'].should == 'application/json' end it "only convert symbols in header" do @request.should_receive(:default_headers).and_return({}) headers = @request.make_headers({:foo_bar => 'value', "bar_bar" => 'value'}) headers['Foo-Bar'].should == 'value' headers['bar_bar'].should == 'value' end it "converts header values to strings" do @request.make_headers('A' => 1)['A'].should == '1' end end it "executes by constructing the Net::HTTP object, headers, and payload and calling transmit" do @request.should_receive(:parse_url_with_auth).with('http://some/resource').and_return(@uri) klass = mock("net:http class") @request.should_receive(:net_http_request_class).with(:put).and_return(klass) klass.should_receive(:new).and_return('result') @request.should_receive(:transmit).with(@uri, 'result', kind_of(RestClient::Payload::Base)) @request.execute end it "transmits the request with Net::HTTP" do @http.should_receive(:request).with('req', 'payload') @request.should_receive(:process_result) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end describe "payload" do it "sends nil payloads" do @http.should_receive(:request).with('req', nil) @request.should_receive(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end it "passes non-hash payloads straight through" do @request.process_payload("x").should == "x" end it "converts a hash payload to urlencoded data" do @request.process_payload(:a => 'b c+d').should == "a=b%20c%2Bd" end it "accepts nested hashes in payload" do payload = @request.process_payload(:user => { :name => 'joe', :location => { :country => 'USA', :state => 'CA' }}) payload.should include('user[name]=joe') payload.should include('user[location][country]=USA') payload.should include('user[location][state]=CA') end end it "set urlencoded content_type header on hash payloads" do @request.process_payload(:a => 1) @request.headers[:content_type].should == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end describe "credentials" do it "sets up the credentials prior to the request" do @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.stub!(:user).and_return('joe') @request.stub!(:password).and_return('mypass') @request.should_receive(:setup_credentials).with('req') @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end it "does not attempt to send any credentials if user is nil" do @request.stub!(:user).and_return(nil) req = mock("request") req.should_not_receive(:basic_auth) @request.setup_credentials(req) end it "setup credentials when there's a user" do @request.stub!(:user).and_return('joe') @request.stub!(:password).and_return('mypass') req = mock("request") req.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('joe', 'mypass') @request.setup_credentials(req) end end it "catches EOFError and shows the more informative ServerBrokeConnection" do @http.stub!(:request).and_raise(EOFError) lambda { @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) }.should raise_error(RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection) end it "class method execute wraps constructor" do req = mock("rest request") RestClient::Request.should_receive(:new).with(1 => 2).and_return(req) req.should_receive(:execute) RestClient::Request.execute(1 => 2) end describe "exception" do it "raises Unauthorized when the response is 401" do res = mock('response', :code => '401', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' ) lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::Unauthorized) end it "raises ResourceNotFound when the response is 404" do res = mock('response', :code => '404', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' ) lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::ResourceNotFound) end it "raises RequestFailed otherwise" do res = mock('response', :code => '500', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' ) lambda { @request.process_result(res) }.should raise_error(RestClient::InternalServerError) end end describe "block usage" do it "returns what asked to" do res = mock('response', :code => '401', :[] => ['content-encoding' => ''], :body => '' ) @request.process_result(res){|response, request| "foo"}.should == "foo" end end describe "proxy" do it "creates a proxy class if a proxy url is given" do RestClient.stub!(:proxy).and_return("") @request.net_http_class.should include(Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta) end it "creates a non-proxy class if a proxy url is not given" do @request.net_http_class.should_not include(Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta) end end describe "logging" do it "logs a get request" do log = RestClient.log = [] => :get, :url => 'http://url').log_request log[0].should == %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n} end it "logs a post request with a small payload" do log = RestClient.log = [] => :post, :url => 'http://url', :payload => 'foo').log_request log[0].should == %Q{ "http://url", "foo", "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"3"\n} end it "logs a post request with a large payload" do log = RestClient.log = [] => :post, :url => 'http://url', :payload => ('x' * 1000)).log_request log[0].should == %Q{ "http://url", 1000 byte(s) length, "Accept"=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"1000"\n} end it "logs input headers as a hash" do log = RestClient.log = [] => :get, :url => 'http://url', :headers => { :accept => 'text/plain' }).log_request log[0].should == %Q{RestClient.get "http://url", "Accept"=>"text/plain", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate"\n} end it "logs a response including the status code, content type, and result body size in bytes" do log = RestClient.log = [] res = mock('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd') res.stub!(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html') @request.log_response res log[0].should == "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n" end it "logs a response with a nil Content-type" do log = RestClient.log = [] res = mock('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd') res.stub!(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return(nil) @request.log_response res log[0].should == "# => 200 OK | 4 bytes\n" end it "logs a response with a nil body" do log = RestClient.log = [] res = mock('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => nil) res.stub!(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8') @request.log_response res log[0].should == "# => 200 OK | text/html 0 bytes\n" end end it "strips the charset from the response content type" do log = RestClient.log = [] res = mock('result', :code => '200', :class => Net::HTTPOK, :body => 'abcd') res.stub!(:[]).with('Content-type').and_return('text/html; charset=utf-8') @request.log_response res log[0].should == "# => 200 OK | text/html 4 bytes\n" end describe "timeout" do it "set read_timeout" do @request = => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :timeout => 123) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @net.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(123) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end it "set open_timeout" do @request = => :put, :url => 'http://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :open_timeout => 123) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @net.should_receive(:open_timeout=).with(123) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', nil) end end describe "ssl" do it "uses SSL when the URI refers to a https address" do @uri.stub!(:is_a?).with(URI::HTTPS).and_return(true) @net.should_receive(:use_ssl=).with(true) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should default to not verifying ssl certificates" do @request.verify_ssl.should == false end it "should set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if verify_ssl is false" do @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should not set net.verify_mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if verify_ssl is true" do @request = => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :verify_ssl => true) @net.should_not_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should set net.verify_mode to the passed value if verify_ssl is an OpenSSL constant" do mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER | OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :verify_ssl => mode ) @net.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(mode) @net.should_receive(:verify_callback=) @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should default to not having an ssl_client_cert" do @request.ssl_client_cert.should be(nil) end it "should set the ssl_client_cert if provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :ssl_client_cert => "whatsupdoc!" ) @net.should_receive(:cert=).with("whatsupdoc!") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should not set the ssl_client_cert if it is not provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload' ) @net.should_not_receive(:cert=).with("whatsupdoc!") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should default to not having an ssl_client_key" do @request.ssl_client_key.should be(nil) end it "should set the ssl_client_key if provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :ssl_client_key => "whatsupdoc!" ) @net.should_receive(:key=).with("whatsupdoc!") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should not set the ssl_client_key if it is not provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload' ) @net.should_not_receive(:key=).with("whatsupdoc!") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should default to not having an ssl_ca_file" do @request.ssl_ca_file.should be(nil) end it "should set the ssl_ca_file if provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload', :ssl_ca_file => "Certificate Authority File" ) @net.should_receive(:ca_file=).with("Certificate Authority File") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end it "should not set the ssl_ca_file if it is not provided" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload' ) @net.should_not_receive(:ca_file=).with("Certificate Authority File") @http.stub!(:request) @request.stub!(:process_result) @request.stub!(:response_log) @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') end end it "should still return a response object for 204 No Content responses" do @request = :method => :put, :url => 'https://some/resource', :payload => 'payload' ) net_http_res ="", "204", "No Content") net_http_res.stub!(:read_body).and_return(nil) @http.should_receive(:request).and_return(@request.fetch_body(net_http_res)) response = @request.transmit(@uri, 'req', 'payload') response.should_not be_nil response.code.should == 204 end end