require 'test_helper' class Ccls::AddressingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase assert_should_create_default_object assert_should_protect(:study_subject_id, :study_subject) assert_should_not_require_attributes( :address_id, :current_address, :address_at_diagnosis, :is_valid, :why_invalid, :is_verified, :how_verified, :valid_from, :valid_to, :verified_on, :verified_by_uid ) # :data_source_id ) assert_should_initially_belong_to( :study_subject, :address ) assert_should_require_attribute_length( :why_invalid, :how_verified, :maximum => 250 ) assert_requires_complete_date( :valid_from, :valid_to ) test "explicit Factory addressing test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { addressing = Factory(:addressing) assert_not_nil addressing.address assert_not_nil addressing.study_subject assert_equal 1, addressing.is_valid # assert_equal 2, addressing.is_verified assert !addressing.is_verified # noticed that this is NOT int for YNDK, but boolean } } } end test "explicity Factory mailing_addressing test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { addressing = Factory(:mailing_addressing) assert_equal addressing.address.address_type, AddressType['mailing'] assert_equal addressing.current_address, YNDK[:no] } } } end test "explicity Factory current_mailing_addressing test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { addressing = Factory(:current_mailing_addressing) assert_equal addressing.address.address_type, AddressType['mailing'] assert_equal addressing.current_address, YNDK[:yes] } } } end test "explicity Factory residence_addressing test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { addressing = Factory(:residence_addressing) assert_equal addressing.address.address_type, AddressType['residence'] assert_equal addressing.current_address, YNDK[:no] } } } end test "explicity Factory current_residence_addressing test" do assert_difference('StudySubject.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_equal addressing.address.address_type, AddressType['residence'] assert_equal addressing.current_address, YNDK[:yes] } } } end test "current_address should default to 1" do addressing = assert_equal 1, addressing.current_address end # # addressing uses accepts_attributes_for :address # so the addressing can't require address_id on create # or this test fails. # # test "should require address on update" do # assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) do # addressing = create_addressing(:address_id => nil) # addressing.reload.update_attributes( # :created_at => Date.yesterday ) # assert addressing.errors.on(:address) # end # end test "should require data_source_other if data_source is other" do assert_difference( "Addressing.count", 0 ) { # assert_difference( "Address.count", 0 ) { # The factory will create the associations regardless # so an Address and StudySubject gets created regardless addressing = create_addressing( :data_source => DataSource['Other'] ) assert addressing.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:data_source_other,:blank) } # } end test "should NOT require data_source_other if data_source is not other" do assert_difference( "Address.count", 1 ) { assert_difference( "Addressing.count", 1 ) { addressing = create_addressing( :data_source => DataSource['raf']) assert !addressing.errors.on_attr_and_type?(:data_source_other,:blank) } } end test "should require a valid address with address_attributes" do assert_difference("Address.count", 0 ) { assert_difference("Addressing.count", 0 ) { addressing = create_addressing(:address_id => nil, :address_attributes => {} ) } } end [:yes,:nil].each do |yndk| test "should NOT require why_invalid if is_valid is #{yndk}" do assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) do addressing = create_addressing(:is_valid => YNDK[yndk]) end end end [:no,:dk].each do |yndk| test "should require why_invalid if is_valid is #{yndk}" do assert_difference("Addressing.count", 0 ) do addressing = create_addressing(:is_valid => YNDK[yndk]) assert addressing.errors.on(:why_invalid) end end end test "should NOT require how_verified if is_verified is false" do assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => false) end end test "should require how_verified if is_verified is true" do assert_difference("Addressing.count", 0 ) do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true) assert addressing.errors.on(:how_verified) end end test "should NOT set verified_on if is_verified NOT changed to true" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => false) assert_nil addressing.verified_on end test "should set verified_on if is_verified changed to true" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true, :how_verified => "not a clue") assert_not_nil addressing.verified_on end test "should set verified_on to NIL if is_verified changed to false" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true, :how_verified => "not a clue") assert_not_nil addressing.verified_on addressing.update_attributes(:is_verified => false) assert_nil addressing.verified_on end test "should NOT set verified_by_uid if is_verified NOT changed to true" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => false) assert_nil addressing.verified_by_uid end test "should set verified_by_uid to 0 if is_verified changed to true" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true, :how_verified => "not a clue") assert_not_nil addressing.verified_by_uid assert_equal addressing.verified_by_uid, '' end test "should set verified_by_uid to if is_verified " << "changed to true if current_user passed" do cu = admin_user addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true, :current_user => cu, :how_verified => "not a clue") assert_not_nil addressing.verified_by_uid assert_equal addressing.verified_by_uid, cu.uid end test "should set verified_by_uid to NIL if is_verified changed to false" do addressing = create_addressing(:is_verified => true, :how_verified => "not a clue") assert_not_nil addressing.verified_by_uid addressing.update_attributes(:is_verified => false) assert_nil addressing.verified_by_uid end test "should only return current addressings" do create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:yes]) create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:no]) create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:dk]) addressing = Addressing.current assert_equal 2, addressing.length addressing.each do |addressing| assert [1,999].include?(addressing.current_address) end end test "should only return historic addressings" do create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:yes]) create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:no]) create_addressing(:current_address => YNDK[:dk]) addressing = Addressing.historic assert_equal 1, addressing.length addressing.each do |addressing| assert ![1,999].include?(addressing.current_address) end end test "should make study_subject ineligible "<< "on create if state NOT 'CA' and address is ONLY residence" do study_subject = create_eligible_hx_study_subject assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',1) { assert_difference('Addressing.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { create_az_addressing(study_subject) } } } assert_study_subject_is_not_eligible(study_subject) hxe = study_subject.enrollments.find_by_project_id(Project['HomeExposures'].id) assert_equal hxe.ineligible_reason, IneligibleReason['newnonCA'] end test "should make study_subject ineligible "<< "on create if state NOT 'CA' and address is ANOTHER residence" do study_subject = create_eligible_hx_study_subject assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',1) { assert_difference('Address.count',2) { assert_difference("Addressing.count", 2 ) { create_ca_addressing(study_subject) create_az_addressing(study_subject) } } } assert_study_subject_is_not_eligible(study_subject) hxe = study_subject.enrollments.find_by_project_id(Project['HomeExposures'].id) assert_equal hxe.ineligible_reason, IneligibleReason['moved'] end test "should NOT make study_subject ineligible "<< "on create if OET is missing" do OperationalEventType['ineligible'].destroy study_subject = create_eligible_hx_study_subject assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) { create_ca_addressing(study_subject) assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved){ create_az_addressing(study_subject) } } } } assert_study_subject_is_eligible(study_subject) end test "should NOT make study_subject ineligible "<< "on create if state NOT 'CA' and address is NOT residence" do study_subject = create_eligible_hx_study_subject assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) { create_az_addressing(study_subject, :address => { :address_type => AddressType['mailing'] }) } } } assert_study_subject_is_eligible(study_subject) end test "should NOT make study_subject ineligible "<< "on create if state 'CA' and address is residence" do study_subject = create_eligible_hx_study_subject assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { assert_difference('Address.count',1) { assert_difference("Addressing.count", 1 ) { create_ca_addressing(study_subject) } } } assert_study_subject_is_eligible(study_subject) end %w( address_type address_type_id line_1 line_2 unit city state zip csz county ).each do |method_name| test "should respond to #{method_name}" do addressing = create_addressing assert addressing.respond_to?(method_name) end end # '1' and '0' are the default values for a checkbox. # I probably should add a condition to this event that # the address_type be 'Residence', but I've left that to the view. # addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) test "should NOT add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is '1'" << " if not residence address" do addressing = Factory(:current_mailing_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => '1') } end test "should NOT add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is '1'" << " if was not current address" do addressing = Factory(:residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => '1') } end test "should add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is '1'" do addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',1) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => '1') } end test "should not add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is '0'" do addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => '0') } end test "should add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is 'true'" do addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',1) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => 'true') } end test "should not add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is 'false'" do addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => 'false') } end test "should not add 'subject_moved' event to subject if subject_moved is nil" do addressing = Factory(:current_residence_addressing) assert_difference('OperationalEvent.count',0) { addressing.update_attributes( :current_address => '2', :subject_moved => nil) } end # current_address has a database default of 1 [ :current_address ].each do |field| # Making assumption that 12345 will NEVER be a valid value. test "should NOT allow 12345 for #{field}" do addressing = => 12345) addressing.valid? assert addressing.errors.on_attr_and_type?(field,:inclusion) end # test "should allow nil for #{field}" do # addressing = => nil) # assert_nil addressing.send(field) # addressing.valid? # assert !addressing.errors.on(field) # end test "should allow all valid YNDK values for #{field}" do addressing = YNDK.valid_values.each do |value| addressing.send("#{field}=", value) addressing.valid? assert !addressing.errors.on(field) end end end [ :is_valid, :address_at_diagnosis ].each do |field| # Making assumption that 12345 will NEVER be a valid value. test "should NOT allow 12345 for #{field}" do addressing = => 12345) addressing.valid? assert addressing.errors.on_attr_and_type?(field,:inclusion) end test "should allow nil for #{field}" do addressing = => nil) assert_nil addressing.send(field) addressing.valid? assert !addressing.errors.on(field) end test "should allow all valid YNDK values for #{field}" do addressing = YNDK.valid_values.each do |value| addressing.send("#{field}=", value) addressing.valid? assert !addressing.errors.on(field) end end end protected # def create_addressing(options={}) # addressing =,options) # # addressing # end def create_addressing_with_address(study_subject,options={}) create_addressing({ :study_subject => study_subject, # doesn't work in rcov for some reason # :address => nil, # block address_attributes :address_id => nil, # block address_attributes :address_attributes => Factory.attributes_for(:address,{ :address_type => AddressType['residence'] }.merge(options[:address]||{})) }.merge(options[:addressing]||{})) end def create_ca_addressing(study_subject,options={}) create_addressing_with_address(study_subject,{ :address => {:state => 'CA'}}.merge(options)) end def create_az_addressing(study_subject,options={}) create_addressing_with_address(study_subject,{ :address => {:state => 'AZ'}}.merge(options)) end end