# # This file is part of the ballast gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun@cowtech.it>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Ballast::Configuration do describe ".default_root" do it "should return the Rails root" do stub_const("Rails", OpenStruct.new(root: "ROOT")) expect(Ballast::Configuration.default_root).to eq("ROOT") end it "should fallback to the current working directory" do expect(Ballast::Configuration.default_root).to eq(Dir.pwd) end end describe ".default_environment" do it "should return the Rails environment" do stub_const("Rails", OpenStruct.new(env: "RAILS-ENV")) expect(Ballast::Configuration.default_environment).to eq("RAILS-ENV") end it "should return the Rack environment" do old_env = ENV["RACK_ENV"] ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "RACK-ENV" expect(Ballast::Configuration.default_environment).to eq("RACK-ENV") ENV["RACK_ENV"] = old_env end it "should fallback to production" do old_env = ENV["RACK_ENV"] ENV["RACK_ENV"] = nil expect(Ballast::Configuration.default_environment).to eq("production") ENV["RACK_ENV"] = old_env end end describe "#initialize" do describe "when root and environment are defined" do before(:example) do expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("ROOT/config/section_a.yml").and_return({"ENV" => {a: {b: 1}}, "OTHER" => {aa: 3}}) expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("ROOT/config/section-b.yml").and_return({"ENV" => {c: {d: 2}}, "OTHER" => {cc: 4}}) expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("ROOT/config/section-c.yml").at_most(1).and_call_original end it "should load a list of sections" do Ballast::Configuration.new("section_a", "section-b", "section-c", root: "ROOT", environment: "ENV") end it "should only load specific environment and fallback for missing files" do subject = Ballast::Configuration.new("section_a", "section-b", "section-c", root: "ROOT", environment: "ENV") expect(subject["section_a"].keys).to eq(["a"]) expect(subject["section_b"].keys).to eq(["c"]) expect(subject["section_c"].keys).to eq([]) end end describe "when root and environment are NOT defined, it should autodetect root and environment" do around(:example) do |example| old_env = ENV["RACK_ENV"] ENV["RACK_ENV"] = nil example.call ENV["RACK_ENV"] = old_env end it "should enable dotted access" do expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("#{Dir.pwd}/config/section_a.yml").and_return({"production" => {a: {b: 1}}, "OTHER" => {aa: 3}}) expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("#{Dir.pwd}/config/section-b.yml").and_return({"production" => {c: {d: 2}}, "OTHER" => {cc: 4}}) subject = Ballast::Configuration.new("section_a", "section-b") expect(subject.section_a.a.b).to eq(1) expect(subject.section_b.c).to eq({"d" => 2}) expect { subject.section_a.e }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) expect { subject.e }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end end