Feature: magic As a CSL cite processor hacker I want the test magic_HangingIndent to pass @bibliography @magic Scenario: Hanging Indent Given the following style: """ """ And the following input: """ [{"author":[{"family":"Smith","given":"John","static-ordering":false}],"id":"ITEM-1","issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]},"title":"Book A: being a book with a very long and verbose title with lots of words that takes up excessive space on the page and leaves the reader more confused about the content rather than less","type":"book"},{"author":[{"family":"Jones","given":"Robert","static-ordering":false}],"id":"ITEM-2","issued":{"date-parts":[["2001"]]},"title":"Book B: a work of great eloquence in which every word makes the reader eager for the next which is a good thing because it has a very long and ostensibly boring title","type":"book"}] """ When I render the entire bibliography Then the bibliography should be: """