require 'multi_json' # # Singleton that is responsible for caching, loading and merging # SimpleCov::Results into a single result for coverage analysis based # upon multiple test suites. # module SimpleCov::ResultMerger class << self # The path to the resultset.yml cache file def resultset_path File.join(SimpleCov.coverage_path, '.resultset.json') end # Loads the cached resultset from YAML and returns it as a Hash def resultset if stored_data MultiJson.decode(stored_data) else {} end end # Returns the contents of the resultset cache as a string or if the file is missing or empty nil def stored_data if File.exist?(resultset_path) and stored_data = and stored_data.length >= 2 stored_data else nil end end # Gets the resultset hash and re-creates all included instances # of SimpleCov::Result from that. # All results that are above the SimpleCov.merge_timeout will be # dropped. Returns an array of SimpleCov::Result items. def results results = [] resultset.each do |command_name, data| result = SimpleCov::Result.from_hash(command_name => data) # Only add result if the timeout is above the configured threshold if ( - result.created_at) < SimpleCov.merge_timeout results << result end end results end # # Gets all SimpleCov::Results from cache, merges them and produces a new # SimpleCov::Result with merged coverage data and the command_name # for the result consisting of a join on all source result's names # def merged_result merged = {} results.each do |result| merged = result.original_result.merge_resultset(merged) end result = # Specify the command name result.command_name =", ") result end # Saves the given SimpleCov::Result in the resultset cache def store_result(result) new_set = resultset command_name, data = result.to_hash.first new_set[command_name] = data, "w+") do |f| if defined? ::JSON f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(new_set) else f.puts MultiJson.encode(new_set) end end true end end end