// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals TemplateTests */ module("SC.TemplateCollectionView"); TemplateTests = {}; test("creating a collection view works", function() { var CollectionChildView = SC.TemplateView.extend({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{content.title}}') }); var DefinitionTermChildView = CollectionChildView.extend({ tagName: "dt" }); var CustomChildView = CollectionChildView.extend({ tagName: "p" }); var CollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend({ content: [{title: 'Hello'}] }); var defaultCollectionView = CollectionView.create(); var ulCollectionView = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "ul" }); var olCollectionView = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "ol" }); var dlCollectionView = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "dl" }); var dlCollectionView2 = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "dl", itemView: DefinitionTermChildView }); var dlCollectionView3 = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "dl", itemView: CustomChildView }); var dlCollectionView4 = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "dl", itemViewOptions: { tagName: "li"} }); var dlCollectionView5 = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "dl", itemViewOptions: { tagName: "li"}, itemView: CustomChildView }); var selectCollectionView = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "select" }); var customTagCollectionView = CollectionView.create({ tagName: "p", itemView: CustomChildView }); SC.run(function () { defaultCollectionView.createLayer(); ulCollectionView.createLayer(); olCollectionView.createLayer(); dlCollectionView.createLayer(); dlCollectionView2.createLayer(); dlCollectionView3.createLayer(); dlCollectionView4.createLayer(); dlCollectionView5.createLayer(); selectCollectionView.createLayer(); customTagCollectionView.createLayer(); }); ok(defaultCollectionView.$().is("ul"), "Unordered list collection view was rendered (Default)"); equals(defaultCollectionView.$('li').length, 1, "List item was rendered (Default)"); ok(ulCollectionView.$().is("ul"), "Unordered list collection view was rendered"); equals(ulCollectionView.$('li').length, 1, "List item was rendered"); ok(olCollectionView.$().is("ol"), "Ordered collection collection view was rendered"); equals(olCollectionView.$('li').length, 1, "List item was rendered"); ok(dlCollectionView.$().is("dl"), "Definition List collection view was rendered"); equals(dlCollectionView.$('dt').length, 1, "Definition term was rendered (Default)."); ok(dlCollectionView2.$().is("dl"), "Definition List collection view was rendered"); equals(dlCollectionView2.$('dt').length, 1, "Definition term was rendered (when specified in itemView)."); ok(dlCollectionView3.$().is("dl"), "Definition List collection view was rendered"); equals(dlCollectionView3.$('p').length, 1, "Paragraph was rendered (when specified in itemView)."); ok(dlCollectionView4.$().is("dl"), "Definition List collection view was rendered"); equals(dlCollectionView4.$('li').length, 1, "List item was rendered (when specified in itemViewOptions.tagName)."); ok(dlCollectionView4.$().is("dl"), "Definition List collection view was rendered"); equals(dlCollectionView4.$('li').length, 1, "List item was rendered (when specified in itemViewOptions.tagName and also specified in itemView)."); ok(selectCollectionView.$().is("select"), "Select collection view was rendered"); equals(selectCollectionView.$('option').length, 1, "Option view was rendered"); ok(customTagCollectionView.$().is("p"), "Paragraph collection view was rendered"); equals(customTagCollectionView.$('p').length, 1, "Custom child view was rendered"); }); test("not passing a block to the collection helper creates a collection", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], itemView: SC.TemplateView.design({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('') }) }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{collection "TemplateTests.CollectionTestView"}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('aside').length, 3, 'one aside element is created for each content item'); }); test("passing a block to the collection helper sets it as the template for example views", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.CollectionTestView"}} {{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('aside').length, 3, 'one aside element is created for each content item'); }); test("a block passed to a collection helper defaults to the content property of the context", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.CollectionTestView"}} {{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('li:has(aside:contains("foo")) + li:has(aside:contains("bar")) + li:has(aside:contains("baz"))').length, 1, 'one aside element is created for each content item'); }); test("a block passed to a collection helper defaults to the view", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.CollectionTestView"}} {{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('li:has(aside:contains("foo")) + li:has(aside:contains("bar")) + li:has(aside:contains("baz"))').length, 1, 'precond - one aside element is created for each content item'); SC.run(function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView.set('content', []); }); equals(view.$('aside').length, 0, "all list item views should be removed from DOM"); view.destroyLayer(); }); test("should include an id attribute if id is set in the options hash", function() { var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.CollectionTestView" id="baz"}}foo{{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('ul#baz').length, 1, "adds an id attribute"); }); test("should give its item views the class specified by itemClass", function() { TemplateTests.itemClassTestCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.itemClassTestCollectionView" itemClass="baz"}}foo{{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('ul li.baz').length, 3, "adds class attribute"); }); test("should give its item views the classBinding specified by itemClassBinding", function() { TemplateTests.itemClassBindingTestCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: [SC.Object.create({ isBaz: false }), SC.Object.create({ isBaz: true }), SC.Object.create({ isBaz: true })] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.itemClassBindingTestCollectionView" itemClassBinding="content.isBaz"}}foo{{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('ul li.is-baz').length, 2, "adds class on initial rendering"); SC.run(function() { TemplateTests.itemClassBindingTestCollectionView.setPath('content.0.isBaz', true); }); equals(view.$('ul li.is-baz').length, 3, "adds class when property changes"); SC.run(function() { TemplateTests.itemClassBindingTestCollectionView.setPath('content.0.isBaz', false); }); equals(view.$('ul li.is-baz').length, 2, "removes class when property changes"); }); test("should pass item* property when created with a block", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection TemplateTests.CollectionTestView itemFoo="bar"}}baz{{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); var childViews = view.getPath('childViews.firstObject.childViews'); childViews.forEach(function(childView, index) { equals(childView.get('foo'), 'bar', "Child view #%@ has correct value for property set in template".fmt(index)); }); }); test("should pass item* property when created without a block", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{collection TemplateTests.CollectionTestView itemFoo="bar"}}') }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); var childViews = view.getPath('childViews.firstObject.childViews'); childViews.forEach(function(childView, index) { equals(childView.get('foo'), 'bar', "Child view #%@ has correct value for property set in template".fmt(index)); }); }); test("should work inside a bound {{#if}}", function() { var testData = [SC.Object.create({ isBaz: false }), SC.Object.create({ isBaz: true }), SC.Object.create({ isBaz: true })]; TemplateTests.ifTestCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend({ content: testData }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#if shouldDisplay}}{{#collection "TemplateTests.ifTestCollectionView"}}{{content.isBaz}}{{/collection}}{{/if}}'), shouldDisplay: true }); SC.run(function () { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('ul li').length, 3, "renders collection when conditional is true"); SC.run(function() { view.set('shouldDisplay', NO); }); equals(view.$('ul li').length, 0, "removes collection when conditional changes to false"); SC.run(function() { view.set('shouldDisplay', YES); }); equals(view.$('ul li').length, 3, "collection renders when conditional changes to true"); }); test("should pass content as context when using {{#each}} helper", function() { var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#each releases}}Mac OS X {{version}}: {{name}} {{/each}}'), releases: [ { version: '10.7', name: 'Lion' }, { version: '10.6', name: 'Snow Leopard' }, { version: '10.5', name: 'Leopard' } ] }); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$().text(), "Mac OS X 10.7: Lion Mac OS X 10.6: Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.5: Leopard ", "prints each item in sequence"); }); test("should re-render when the content object changes", function() { TemplateTests.RerenderTest = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend({ content: [] }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection TemplateTests.RerenderTest}}{{content}}{{/collection}}') }); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); SC.run(function() { view.childViews[0].set('content', ['bing', 'bat', 'bang']); }); SC.run(function() { view.childViews[0].set('content', ['ramalamadingdong']); }); equals(view.$('li').length, 1, "rerenders with correct number of items"); equals(view.$('li:eq(0)').text(), "ramalamadingdong"); }); test("should allow changes to content object before layer is created", function() { var view = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: null }); view.set('content', []); view.set('content', [1, 2, 3]); view.set('content', [1, 2]); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); ok(view.$('li').length); }); test("should allow changing content property to be null", function() { var view = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: [1, 2, 3] }); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('li').length, 3, "precond - creates three elements"); SC.run(function() { view.set('content', null); }); equals(view.$('li').length, 0, "should not create any li elements"); }); test("collection view within a collection view with default content should render content once", function() { TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend(); TemplateTests.OuterItemView = SC.TemplateView.extend({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView" content=content.things}} {{content}} {{/collection}}') }); TemplateTests.OuterCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend({ content: [ SC.Object.create({things: ['1', '2', '3']}), SC.Object.create({things: ['4', '5']}), SC.Object.create({things: ['6']}) ], itemView: TemplateTests.OuterItemView }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{collection "TemplateTests.OuterCollectionView"}}') }); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); equals(view.$('ul ul:eq(0) li').length, 3, 'first nested collection view should have 3 list items'); equals(view.$('ul ul:eq(1) li').length, 2, 'second nested collection view should have 2 list items'); equals(view.$('ul ul:eq(2) li').length, 1, 'third nested collection view should have 1 list items'); }); test("collection view within a collection view should have the right childViews", function() { TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend(); TemplateTests.OuterItemView = SC.TemplateView.extend({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{#collection "TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView" content=content.things}} {{content}} {{/collection}}') }); TemplateTests.OuterCollectionView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.extend({ content: [ SC.Object.create({things: ['1', '2', '3']}), SC.Object.create({things: ['4', '5']}), SC.Object.create({things: ['6']}) ], itemView: TemplateTests.OuterItemView }); var view = SC.TemplateView.create({ template: SC.Handlebars.compile('{{collection "TemplateTests.OuterCollectionView"}}') }); SC.run(function() { view.createLayer(); }); var outer = view.childViews[0]; var firstInner = outer.childViews[0].childViews[0]; var secondInner = outer.childViews[1].childViews[0]; var thirdInner = outer.childViews[2].childViews[0]; ok(outer.kindOf(TemplateTests.OuterCollectionView), 'first child view should be instance of outer collection view'); ok(firstInner.kindOf(TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView), 'first child view of outer should be instance of inner'); ok(secondInner.kindOf(TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView), 'second child view of outer should be instance of inner'); ok(thirdInner.kindOf(TemplateTests.InnerCollectionView), 'third child view of outer should be instance of inner'); }); test("should render inverse template when its present and there is no content", function() { TemplateTests.CollectionTestView = SC.TemplateCollectionView.create({ content: [], inverseTemplate: SC.Handlebars.compile('