require 'csv' require 'net/http' module Geocoder module MaxmindDatabase extend self def download(package, dir = "tmp") filepath = File.expand_path(File.join(dir, archive_filename(package))) open(filepath, 'wb') do |file| uri = URI.parse(archive_url(package)) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| http.request_get(uri.path) do |resp| # TODO: show progress resp.read_body do |segment| file.write(segment) end end end end end def insert(package, dir = "tmp") data_files(package).each do |filepath,table| print "Resetting table #{table}..." ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM #{table}") puts "done" insert_into_table(table, filepath) end end def archive_filename(package) p = archive_url_path(package) s = !(pos = p.rindex('/')).nil? && pos + 1 || 0 p[s..-1] end private # ------------------------------------------------------------- def table_columns(table_name) { maxmind_geolite_city_blocks: %w[start_ip_num end_ip_num loc_id], maxmind_geolite_city_location: %w[loc_id country region city postal_code latitude longitude metro_code area_code], maxmind_geolite_country: %w[start_ip end_ip start_ip_num end_ip_num country_code country] }[table_name.to_sym] end def insert_into_table(table, filepath) start_time = print "Loading data for table #{table}" rows = [] columns = table_columns(table) CSV.foreach(filepath, encoding: "ISO-8859-1") do |line| # Some files have header rows. # skip if starts with "Copyright" or "locId" or "startIpNum" next if line.first.match(/[A-z]/) rows << line.to_a if rows.size == 10000 insert_rows(table, columns, rows) rows = [] print "." end end insert_rows(table, columns, rows) if rows.size > 0 puts "done (#{ - start_time} seconds)" end def insert_rows(table, headers, rows) value_strings = do |row| "(" +{ |col| sql_escaped_value(col) }.join(',') + ")" end q = "INSERT INTO #{table} (#{headers.join(',')}) " + "VALUES #{value_strings.join(',')}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(q) end def sql_escaped_value(value) value.to_i.to_s == value ? value : ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(value) end def data_files(package, dir = "tmp") case package when :geolite_city_csv # use the last two in case multiple versions exist files = Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "GeoLiteCity_*/*.csv"))[-2..-1] Hash[*["maxmind_geolite_city_blocks", "maxmind_geolite_city_location"]).flatten] when :geolite_country_csv {File.join(dir, "GeoIPCountryWhois.csv") => "maxmind_geolite_country"} end end def archive_url(package) base_url + archive_url_path(package) end def archive_url_path(package) { geolite_country_csv: "", geolite_city_csv: "GeoLiteCity_CSV/", geolite_asn_csv: "asnum/" }[package] end def base_url "" end end end