@name: open:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"Creates an IO
object connected to the given stream,
file, or subprocess.
If path does not start with a pipe character
''), treat it as the name of a file to open using
the specified mode (defaulting to ``r
''). (See the table
of valid modes on page 331.) If a file is being created, its initial
permissions may be set using the integer third parameter.
If a block is specified, it will be invoked with the
object as a parameter, and the file will be
automatically closed when the block terminates. The call
returns the value of the block.
If path starts with a pipe character, a subprocess is
created, connected to the caller by a pair of pipes. The returned
object may be used to write to the standard input
and read from the standard output of this subprocess. If the command
following the ``|
'' is a single minus sign, Ruby forks,
and this subprocess is connected to the parent. In the subprocess,
the open
call returns nil
. If the command
is not ``-
'', the subprocess runs the command. If a
block is associated with an open("|-")
call, that block
will be run twice---once in the parent and once in the child. The
block parameter will be an IO
object in the parent and
in the child. The parent's IO
will be connected to the child's $stdin
. The subprocess will be terminated at the end
of the block.
open("testfile") do |f|
print f.gets
This is line one
Open a subprocess and read its output:
cmd = open("|date")
print cmd.gets
Wed Apr 9 08:56:31 CDT 2003
Open a subprocess running the same Ruby program:
f = open("|-", "w+")
if f == nil
puts "in Child"
puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
Got: in Child
Open a subprocess using a block to receive the I/O object:
open("|-") do |f|
if f == nil
puts "in Child"
puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
Got: in Child
@summary0: @all"$ Creates an IO
object connected to the given stream,
file, or subprocess.
If path does not start with a pipe character
''), treat it as the name of a file to open using
the specified mode (defaulting to ``r
''). (See the table
of valid modes on page 331.) If a file is being created, its initial
permissions may be set using the integer third parameter.
If a block is specified, it will be invoked with the
object as a parameter, and the file will be
automatically closed when the block terminates. The call
returns the value of the block.
If path starts with a pipe character, a subprocess is
created, connected to the caller by a pair of pipes. The returned
object may be used to write to the standard input
and read from the standard output of this subprocess. If the command
following the ``|
'' is a single minus sign, Ruby forks,
and this subprocess is connected to the parent. In the subprocess,
the open
call returns nil
. If the command
is not ``-
'', the subprocess runs the command. If a
block is associated with an open("|-")
call, that block
will be run twice---once in the parent and once in the child. The
block parameter will be an IO
object in the parent and
in the child. The parent's IO
will be connected to the child's $stdin
. The subprocess will be terminated at the end
of the block.
open("testfile") do |f|
print f.gets
This is line one
Open a subprocess and read its output:
cmd = open("|date")
print cmd.gets
Wed Apr 9 08:56:31 CDT 2003
Open a subprocess running the same Ruby program:
f = open("|-", "w+")
if f == nil
puts "in Child"
puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
Got: in Child
Open a subprocess using a block to receive the I/O object:
open("|-") do |f|
if f == nil
puts "in Child"
puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
Got: in Child
@overload open(path [, mode [, perm]] )
@return [IO, nil]
@overload open(path [, mode [, perm]] )
@yield [io]
@return [Object]:@ref_tags[ :
u;Kernel#open;;;IC; "
"@return [IO, nil];[ ;[o:YARD::Tags::Tag
@text" :@tag_name"return;0:@parameters[[:path[, mode [, perm]]0;0:@signature""open(path [, mode [, perm]] );"
u;Kernel#open;;;IC; "
"!@yield [io]
@return [Object];[ ;[o;
0;0;["io;" ;"
0;0;["Object;" ;"return;0;[[;0;0;""open(path [, mode [, perm]] );"
instance;[ :@docstring_extra0:@files[[" io.c0:@namespaceu;Kernel:
@path"Kernel#open;[ :@visibility:public:@source"/*
* call-seq:
* open(path [, mode [, perm]] ) => io or nil
* open(path [, mode [, perm]] ) {|io| block } => obj
* Creates an IO
object connected to the given stream,
* file, or subprocess.
* If path does not start with a pipe character
* (``|
''), treat it as the name of a file to open using
* the specified mode (defaulting to ``r
''). (See the table
* of valid modes on page 331.) If a file is being created, its initial
* permissions may be set using the integer third parameter.
* If a block is specified, it will be invoked with the
* File
object as a parameter, and the file will be
* automatically closed when the block terminates. The call
* returns the value of the block.
* If path starts with a pipe character, a subprocess is
* created, connected to the caller by a pair of pipes. The returned
* IO
object may be used to write to the standard input
* and read from the standard output of this subprocess. If the command
* following the ``|
'' is a single minus sign, Ruby forks,
* and this subprocess is connected to the parent. In the subprocess,
* the open
call returns nil
. If the command
* is not ``-
'', the subprocess runs the command. If a
* block is associated with an open("|-")
call, that block
* will be run twice---once in the parent and once in the child. The
* block parameter will be an IO
object in the parent and
* nil
in the child. The parent's IO
* will be connected to the child's $stdin
* $stdout
. The subprocess will be terminated at the end
* of the block.
* open("testfile") do |f|
* print f.gets
* end
* produces:
* This is line one
* Open a subprocess and read its output:
* cmd = open("|date")
* print cmd.gets
* cmd.close
* produces:
* Wed Apr 9 08:56:31 CDT 2003
* Open a subprocess running the same Ruby program:
* f = open("|-", "w+")
* if f == nil
* puts "in Child"
* exit
* else
* puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
* end
* produces:
* Got: in Child
* Open a subprocess using a block to receive the I/O object:
* open("|-") do |f|
* if f == nil
* puts "in Child"
* else
* puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
* end
* end
* produces:
* Got: in Child
static VALUE
rb_f_open(argc, argv)
int argc;
VALUE *argv;
if (argc >= 1) {
char *str = StringValuePtr(argv[0]);
if (str[0] == '|') {
VALUE tmp = rb_str_new(str+1, RSTRING(argv[0])->len-1);
OBJ_INFECT(tmp, argv[0]);
argv[0] = tmp;
return rb_io_s_popen(argc, argv, rb_cIO);
return rb_io_s_open(argc, argv, rb_cFile);