o:$YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject:@visibility: public:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"ūCalls allocate to create a new object of class's class, then invokes that object's initialize method, passing it args. This is the method that ends up getting called whenever an object is constructed using .new. :@line_rangeo: Range: exclT:endi`: beginiW:@ref_tags[:@unresolved_reference0: @summary0:@hash_flagF: @all"*Calls allocate to create a new object of class's class, then invokes that object's initialize method, passing it args. This is the method that ends up getting called whenever an object is constructed using .new. @overload new(args, ...) @return [Object]: @objectu:YARD::StubProxyClass#new: @tags[o:YARD::Tags::OverloadTag ;IC; " ;[;0;0;F;u;Class#new;"@return [Object];[o:YARD::Tags::Tag : @name0;0: @types[" Object: @text":@tag_name" return:@parameters[[" args0["...0;:new;u;Class#new;0;0:@signature"new(args, ...);" overload;[: @files[[" object.cic:@source_type0;;:@namespaceu; Class:@current_file_has_commentsT: @scope: instance: @path"Class#new:@docstrings{;" VALUE:@module_functionF;[: @source"=VALUE rb_class_new_instance(argc, argv, klass) int argc;