require 'sequel/no_core_ext' # to avoid sequel ~> 3.0 coliding with ActiveRecord require 'multi_json' module Dynflow module PersistenceAdapters Sequel.extension :migration class Sequel < Abstract include Algebrick::TypeCheck attr_reader :db def pagination? true end def filtering_by META_DATA.fetch :execution_plan end def ordering_by META_DATA.fetch :execution_plan end META_DATA = { execution_plan: %w(state result started_at ended_at real_time execution_time), action: [], step: %w(state started_at ended_at real_time execution_time action_id progress_done progress_weight) } def initialize(db_path) @db = initialize_db db_path migrate_db end def find_execution_plans(options = {}) data_set = filter(order(paginate(table(:execution_plan), options), options), options) do |record|[:data])) end end def load_execution_plan(execution_plan_id) load :execution_plan, uuid: execution_plan_id end def save_execution_plan(execution_plan_id, value) save :execution_plan, { uuid: execution_plan_id }, value end def load_step(execution_plan_id, step_id) load :step, execution_plan_uuid: execution_plan_id, id: step_id end def save_step(execution_plan_id, step_id, value) save :step, { execution_plan_uuid: execution_plan_id, id: step_id }, value end def load_action(execution_plan_id, action_id) load :action, execution_plan_uuid: execution_plan_id, id: action_id end def save_action(execution_plan_id, action_id, value) save :action, { execution_plan_uuid: execution_plan_id, id: action_id }, value end def to_hash { execution_plans: table(:execution_plan).all, steps: table(:step).all, actions: table(:action).all } end private TABLES = { execution_plan: :dynflow_execution_plans, action: :dynflow_actions, step: :dynflow_steps } def table(which) db[TABLES.fetch(which)] end def initialize_db(db_path) ::Sequel.connect db_path end def self.migrations_path File.expand_path('../sequel_migrations', __FILE__) end def migrate_db, self.class.migrations_path, table: 'dynflow_schema_info') end def save(what, condition, value) table = table(what) existing_record = table.first condition if value value = value.with_indifferent_access record = existing_record || condition record[:data] = MultiJson.dump Type!(value, Hash) meta_data = META_DATA.fetch(what).inject({}) { |h, k| h.update k.to_sym => value.fetch(k) } record.merge! meta_data record.each { |k, v| record[k] = v.to_s if v.is_a? Symbol } if existing_record table.where(condition).update(record) else table.insert record end else existing_record and table.where(condition).delete end value end def load(what, condition) table = table(what) if (record = table.first(condition.symbolize_keys)) MultiJson.load(record[:data]) else raise KeyError, "searching: #{what} by: #{condition.inspect}" end end def paginate(data_set, options) page = Integer(options[:page] || 0) per_page = Integer(options[:per_page] || 20) if page data_set.limit per_page, per_page * page else data_set end end def order(data_set, options) order_by = (options[:order_by] || :started_at).to_s unless META_DATA.fetch(:execution_plan).include? order_by raise ArgumentError, "unknown column #{order_by.inspect}" end order_by = order_by.to_sym data_set.order_by options[:desc] ? ::Sequel.desc(order_by) : order_by end def filter(data_set, options) filters = Type! options[:filters], NilClass, Hash return data_set if filters.nil? unless (unknown = filters.keys - META_DATA.fetch(:execution_plan)).empty? raise ArgumentError, "unkown columns: #{unknown.inspect}" end data_set.where filters.symbolize_keys end end end end