class LogicalModel module Associations module HasManyKeys def self.included(base) base.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def has_many(key) @has_many_keys ||= [] @has_many_keys << key has_many_keys = @has_many_keys end def has_many_keys=(keys) @has_many_keys = keys attr_accessor *keys keys.each do |association| # return empty array or @association variable for each association define_method association do if instance_variable_get("@#{association}").blank? instance_variable_set("@#{association}", []) end instance_variable_get("@#{association}") end # this method loads the contact attributes recieved by logical model from the service define_method "#{association}=" do |params| collection = [] params.each do |attr_params| if attr_params["_type"].present? attr_class = attr_params.delete("_type").to_s.constantize else attr_class = association.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize end collection << end instance_variable_set("@#{association}", collection) end define_method "new_#{association.to_s.singularize}" do |attr_params| if attr_params["_type"].present? clazz = attr_params.delete(:_type).constantize else clazz = association.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize end return unless clazz temp_object ={"#{self.json_root}_id" =>})) eval(association.to_s) << temp_object temp_object end # this method loads the contact attributes from the html form (using nested resources conventions) define_method "#{association}_attributes=" do |key_attributes| array = [] key_attributes.each do |attr_params| attr_params.to_hash.symbolize_keys! if attr_params["_type"].present? attr_class = attr_params.delete("_type").to_s.constantize else attr_class = association.to_s.singularize.camelize.constantize end array << end instance_variable_set("@#{association}", array) end end end def has_many_keys @has_many_keys end end end end end