# A simple class to manage menu options, usable by other classes to build their menus. # class MenuOption < ActiveRecord::Base KEYS = [ 'Deal Category', 'Email', 'Instant Messaging Handle', 'Phone Number', #'Task Category', #'Task Status', 'Website' ].freeze validates :value, :presence => true validates :key, :presence => true, :inclusion => { :in => KEYS, :allow_blank => true } acts_as_list :scope => 'menu_options.key = \"#{key}\"' scope :options_for, lambda {|key| where(:key => key) } ## # A direct SQL selection of values for a given key # # MenuOption.fetch('Email') #=> ['Personal','Work'] # # === Parameters # # [key (String)] The key for the assocated menu options. # def self.fetch_values(key) connection.send(:select_values, options_for(key).order(:position).project('value').to_sql, 'Menu Option Select') end def to_s value end end