require "isodoc" module IsoDoc module Ogc module BaseConvert def recommend_class(node) return "recommendtest" if node["type"] == "verification" return "recommendtest" if node["type"] == "abstracttest" return "recommendclass" if node["type"] == "class" return "recommendclass" if node["type"] == "conformanceclass" "recommend" end def recommend_table_attr(node) attr_code(id: node["id"], class: recommend_class(node), style: "border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;"\ "#{keep_style(node)}") end REQ_TBL_ATTR = { style: "vertical-align:top;", class: "recommend" }.freeze def recommendation_class(node) %w(verification abstracttest).include?(node["type"]) ? "RecommendationTestTitle" : "RecommendationTitle" end def recommendation_name(node, out, type) label, title, lbl = recommendation_labels(node) out.p **{ class: recommendation_class(node) } do |b| if inject_crossreference_reqt?(node, label) lbl = @xrefs.anchor(@xrefs.reqtlabels[label.text], :xref, false) b << (lbl.nil? ? l10n("#{type}:") : l10n("#{lbl}:")) else b << (lbl.nil? ? l10n("#{type}:") : l10n("#{type} #{lbl}:")) end recommendation_name1(title, node, label, b) end end def recommendation_name1(title, node, label, b) return unless title && !inject_crossreference_reqt?(node, label) b << " " title.children.each { |n| parse(n,b) } end def recommend_title(node, out) label ="./label")) or return do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR.merge(colspan: 2) do |td| td.p do |p| label.children.each { |n| parse(n, p) } end end end end # embedded reqts xref to top level reqts via label lookup def inject_crossreference_reqt?(node, label) !node.ancestors("requirement, recommendation, permission").empty? && @xrefs.reqtlabels[label&.text] end def recommendation_attributes1(node) out = [] oblig = node["obligation"] and out << ["Obligation", oblig] subj = node&.at(ns("./subject"))&.text and out << [rec_subj(node), subj] node.xpath(ns("./inherit")).each do |i| out << recommendation_attr_parse(i, "Dependency") end node.xpath(ns("./classification")).each do |c| line = recommendation_attr_keyvalue(c, "tag", "value") and out << line end out end def rec_subj(node) %w(class conformanceclass).include?(node["type"]) ? "Target Type" : "Subject" end def recommendation_attr_parse(node, label) text = noko do |xml| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, xml) } end.join [label, text] end def recommendation_attr_keyvalue(node, key, value) tag ="./#{key}")) or return nil value ="./#{value}")) or return nil [tag.text.capitalize, value.text] end def recommendation_attributes(node, out) recommendation_attributes1(node).each do |i| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| td << i[0] end **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| td << i[1] end end end end def reqt_component_attrs(node) attr_code(style: keep_style(node)) end def requirement_component_parse(node, out) return if node["exclude"] == "true" node.elements.size == 1 && == "dl" and return reqt_dl(node.first_element_child, out) do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR.merge(colspan: 2). merge(reqt_component_attrs(node)) do |td| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) } end end end def reqt_dl(node, out) node.xpath(ns("./dt")).each do |dt| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| dt.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) } end dd = dt&.next_element and == "dd" or next **REQ_TBL_ATTR do |td| dd.children.each { |n| parse(n, td) } end end end end def recommendation_header(node, out, label) out.thead do |h| do |tr| **REQ_TBL_ATTR.merge(colspan: 2) do |td| recommendation_name(node, td, label) end end end end def recommendation_parse1(node, out, label) out.table **recommend_table_attr(node) do |t| recommendation_header(node, out, label) t.tbody do |b| recommend_title(node, b) recommendation_attributes(node, b) node.children.each do |n| parse(n, t) unless reqt_metadata_node(n) end end end end def recommendation_parse(node, out) recommendation_parse0(node, out, "recommendation") end def recommendation_parse0(node, out, r) label = case node["type"] when "verification" then @labels["#{r}test"] when "class" then @labels["#{r}class"] when "abstracttest" then @labels["abstracttest"] when "conformanceclass" then @labels["conformanceclass"] else case r when "recommendation" then @recommendation_lbl when "requirement" then @requirement_lbl when "permission" then @permission_lbl end end recommendation_parse1(node, out, label) end def requirement_parse(node, out) recommendation_parse0(node, out, "requirement") end def permission_parse(node, out) recommendation_parse0(node, out, "permission") end end end end