require 'awesome_nested_set/columns' require 'awesome_nested_set/model' module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc: module Acts #:nodoc: module NestedSet #:nodoc: # This acts provides Nested Set functionality. Nested Set is a smart way to implement # an _ordered_ tree, with the added feature that you can select the children and all of their # descendants with a single query. The drawback is that insertion or move need some complex # sql queries. But everything is done here by this module! # # Nested sets are appropriate each time you want either an orderd tree (menus, # commercial categories) or an efficient way of querying big trees (threaded posts). # # == API # # Methods names are aligned with acts_as_tree as much as possible to make replacment from one # by another easier. # # item.children.create(:name => "child1") # # Configuration options are: # # * +:parent_column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: parent_id) # * +:primary_column+ - specifies the column name to use as the inverse of the parent column (default: id) # * +:left_column+ - column name for left boundry data, default "lft" # * +:right_column+ - column name for right boundry data, default "rgt" # * +:depth_column+ - column name for the depth data, default "depth" # * +:scope+ - restricts what is to be considered a list. Given a symbol, it'll attach "_id" # (if it hasn't been already) and use that as the foreign key restriction. You # can also pass an array to scope by multiple attributes. # Example: acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:notable_id, :notable_type] # * +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy, all the # child objects are destroyed alongside this object by calling their destroy # method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child objects are deleted # without calling their destroy method. # * +:counter_cache+ adds a counter cache for the number of children. # defaults to false. # Example: acts_as_nested_set :counter_cache => :children_count # * +:order_column+ on which column to do sorting, by default it is the left_column_name # Example: acts_as_nested_set :order_column => :position # # See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Model::ClassMethods for a list of class methods and # CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Model for a list of instance methods added # to acts_as_nested_set models def acts_as_nested_set(options = {}) acts_as_nested_set_parse_options! options include Model include Columns extend Columns acts_as_nested_set_relate_parent! acts_as_nested_set_relate_children! attr_accessor :skip_before_destroy acts_as_nested_set_prevent_assignment_to_reserved_columns! acts_as_nested_set_define_callbacks! end private def acts_as_nested_set_define_callbacks! # on creation, set automatically lft and rgt to the end of the tree before_create :set_default_left_and_right before_save :store_new_parent after_save :move_to_new_parent, :set_depth! before_destroy :destroy_descendants define_model_callbacks :move end def acts_as_nested_set_relate_children! has_many_children_options = { :class_name => self.base_class.to_s, :foreign_key => parent_column_name, :primary_key => primary_column_name, :inverse_of => (:parent unless acts_as_nested_set_options[:polymorphic]), } # Add callbacks, if they were supplied.. otherwise, we don't want them. [:before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, :after_remove].each do |ar_callback| has_many_children_options.update( ar_callback => acts_as_nested_set_options[ar_callback] ) if acts_as_nested_set_options[ar_callback] end has_many :children, -> { order(quoted_order_column_name) }, has_many_children_options end def acts_as_nested_set_relate_parent! belongs_to :parent, :class_name => self.base_class.to_s, :foreign_key => parent_column_name, :primary_key => primary_column_name, :counter_cache => acts_as_nested_set_options[:counter_cache], :inverse_of => (:children unless acts_as_nested_set_options[:polymorphic]), :polymorphic => acts_as_nested_set_options[:polymorphic], :touch => acts_as_nested_set_options[:touch] end def acts_as_nested_set_default_options { :parent_column => 'parent_id', :primary_column => 'id', :left_column => 'lft', :right_column => 'rgt', :depth_column => 'depth', :dependent => :delete_all, # or :destroy :polymorphic => false, :counter_cache => false, :touch => false }.freeze end def acts_as_nested_set_parse_options!(options) options = acts_as_nested_set_default_options.merge(options) if options[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) && options[:scope].to_s !~ /_id$/ options[:scope] = "#{options[:scope]}_id".intern end class_attribute :acts_as_nested_set_options self.acts_as_nested_set_options = options end def acts_as_nested_set_prevent_assignment_to_reserved_columns! # no assignment to structure fields [left_column_name, right_column_name, depth_column_name].each do |column| module_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{column}=(x) raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Unauthorized assignment to #{column}: it's an internal field handled by acts_as_nested_set code, use move_to_* methods instead." end end_eval end end end end end