** layered blending & misc math
** Blending modes, RGB/HSL/Contrast/Desaturate
** The shaders below are base on the shaders created by:
** Romain Dura | Romz
** Blog: http://blog.mouaif.org
** Post: http://blog.mouaif.org/?p=94

** Desaturation

float4 Desaturate(float3 color, float Desaturation)
	float3 grayXfer = float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11);
	float grayf = dot(grayXfer, color);
	float3 gray = float3(grayf, grayf, grayf);
	return float4(lerp(color, gray, Desaturation), 1.0);

** Hue, saturation, luminance

float3 RGBToHSL(float3 color)
	float3 hsl; // init to 0 to avoid warnings ? (and reverse if + remove first part)
	float fmin = min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);    //Min. value of RGB
	float fmax = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b);    //Max. value of RGB
	float delta = fmax - fmin;             //Delta RGB value

	hsl.z = (fmax + fmin) / 2.0; // Luminance

	if (delta == 0.0)		//This is a gray, no chroma...
		hsl.x = 0.0;	// Hue
		hsl.y = 0.0;	// Saturation
	else                                    //Chromatic data...
		if (hsl.z < 0.5)
			hsl.y = delta / (fmax + fmin); // Saturation
			hsl.y = delta / (2.0 - fmax - fmin); // Saturation
		float deltaR = (((fmax - color.r) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
		float deltaG = (((fmax - color.g) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
		float deltaB = (((fmax - color.b) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;

		if (color.r == fmax )
			hsl.x = deltaB - deltaG; // Hue
		else if (color.g == fmax)
			hsl.x = (1.0 / 3.0) + deltaR - deltaB; // Hue
		else if (color.b == fmax)
			hsl.x = (2.0 / 3.0) + deltaG - deltaR; // Hue

		if (hsl.x < 0.0)
			hsl.x += 1.0; // Hue
		else if (hsl.x > 1.0)
			hsl.x -= 1.0; // Hue

	return hsl;

float HueToRGB(float f1, float f2, float hue)
	if (hue < 0.0)
		hue += 1.0;
	else if (hue > 1.0)
		hue -= 1.0;
	float res;
	if ((6.0 * hue) < 1.0)
		res = f1 + (f2 - f1) * 6.0 * hue;
	else if ((2.0 * hue) < 1.0)
		res = f2;
	else if ((3.0 * hue) < 2.0)
		res = f1 + (f2 - f1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - hue) * 6.0;
		res = f1;
	return res;

float3 HSLToRGB(float3 hsl)
	float3 rgb;
	if (hsl.y == 0.0)
		rgb = float3(hsl.z, hsl.z, hsl.z); // Luminance
		float f2;
		if (hsl.z < 0.5)
			f2 = hsl.z * (1.0 + hsl.y);
			f2 = (hsl.z + hsl.y) - (hsl.y * hsl.z);
		float f1 = 2.0 * hsl.z - f2;
		rgb.r = HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x + (1.0/3.0));
		rgb.g = HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x);
		rgb.b= HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x - (1.0/3.0));
	return rgb;

** Contrast, saturation, brightness
** Code of this function is from TGM's shader pack
** http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21057

// For all settings: 1.0 = 100% 0.5=50% 1.5 = 150%
float3 ContrastSaturationBrightness(float3 color, float brt, float sat, float con)
	// Increase or decrease these values to adjust r, g and b color channels separately
	const float AvgLumR = 0.5;
	const float AvgLumG = 0.5;
	const float AvgLumB = 0.5;
	const float3 LumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
	float3 AvgLumin = float3(AvgLumR, AvgLumG, AvgLumB);
	float3 brtColor = color * brt;
	float intensityf = dot(brtColor, LumCoeff);
	float3 intensity = float3(intensityf, intensityf, intensityf);
	float3 satColor = lerp(intensity, brtColor, sat);
	float3 conColor = lerp(AvgLumin, satColor, con);
	return conColor;

** Float blending modes
** Adapted from here: http://www.nathanm.com/photoshop-blending-math/
** But I modified the HardMix (wrong condition), Overlay, SoftLight, ColorDodge, ColorBurn, VividLight, PinLight (inverted layers) ones to have correct results

#define BlendLinearDodgef 			BlendAddf
#define BlendLinearBurnf 			BlendSubtractf
#define BlendAddf(base, blend) 		min(base + blend, 1.0)
#define BlendSubtractf(base, blend) 	max(base + blend - 1.0, 0.0)
#define BlendLightenf(base, blend) 		max(blend, base)
#define BlendDarkenf(base, blend) 		min(blend, base)
#define BlendLinearLightf(base, blend) 	(blend < 0.5 ? BlendLinearBurnf(base, (2.0 * blend)) : BlendLinearDodgef(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5))))
#define BlendScreenf(base, blend) 		(1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend)))
#define BlendOverlayf(base, blend) 	(base < 0.5 ? (2.0 * base * blend) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend)))
#define BlendSoftLightf(base, blend) 	((blend < 0.5) ? (2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend)) : (sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend)))
#define BlendColorDodgef(base, blend) 	((blend == 1.0) ? blend : min(base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0))
#define BlendColorBurnf(base, blend) 	((blend == 0.0) ? blend : max((1.0 - ((1.0 - base) / blend)), 0.0))
#define BlendVividLightf(base, blend) 	((blend < 0.5) ? BlendColorBurnf(base, (2.0 * blend)) : BlendColorDodgef(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5))))
#define BlendPinLightf(base, blend) 	((blend < 0.5) ? BlendDarkenf(base, (2.0 * blend)) : BlendLightenf(base, (2.0 *(blend - 0.5))))
#define BlendHardMixf(base, blend) 	((BlendVividLightf(base, blend) < 0.5) ? 0.0 : 1.0)
#define BlendReflectf(base, blend) 		((blend == 1.0) ? blend : min(base * base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0))

** Vector3 blending modes

// Component wise blending
#define Blend1(base, blend, funcf) 		funcf(base, blend)
#define Blend3(base, blend, funcf) 		float3(funcf(base.r, blend.r), funcf(base.g, blend.g), funcf(base.b, blend.b))
#define Blend4(base, blend, funcf) 		float4(funcf(base.r, blend.r), funcf(base.g, blend.g), funcf(base.b, blend.b), funcf(base.a, blend.a))

#define BlendNormal(base, blend) 		(base)
#define BlendLighten				BlendLightenf
#define BlendDarken				BlendDarkenf
#define BlendMultiply(base, blend) 		(base * blend)
#define BlendAverage(base, blend) 		((base + blend) / 2.0)
#define BlendAdd(base, blend) 		min(base + blend, 1.0)
#define BlendSubtract(base, blend) 	max(base + blend - 1.0, 0.0)
#define BlendDifference(base, blend) 	abs(base - blend)
#define BlendNegation(base, blend) 	(1.0 - abs(1.0 - base - blend))
#define BlendExclusion(base, blend) 	(base + blend - 2.0 * base * blend)

#define BlendScreen1(base, blend) 		Blend1(base, blend, BlendScreenf)
#define BlendOverlay1(base, blend) 		Blend1(base, blend, BlendOverlayf)
#define BlendSoftLight1(base, blend) 	Blend1(base, blend, BlendSoftLightf)
#define BlendHardLight1(base, blend) 	BlendOverlay1(blend, base)
#define BlendColorDodge1(base, blend) 	Blend1(base, blend, BlendColorDodgef)
#define BlendColorBurn1(base, blend) 	Blend1(base, blend, BlendColorBurnf)
// Linear Light is another contrast-increasing mode
// If the blend color is darker than midgray, Linear Light darkens the image by decreasing the brightness. If the blend color is lighter than midgray, the result is a brighter image due to increased brightness.
#define BlendLinearLight1(base, blend) 	Blend1(base, blend, BlendLinearLightf)
#define BlendVividLight1(base, blend) 	Blend1(base, blend, BlendVividLightf)
#define BlendPinLight1(base, blend) 		Blend1(base, blend, BlendPinLightf)
#define BlendHardMix1(base, blend) 		Blend1(base, blend, BlendHardMixf)
#define BlendReflect1(base, blend) 		Blend1(base, blend, BlendReflectf)
#define BlendGlow1(base, blend) 		BlendReflect1(blend, base)

#define BlendScreen3(base, blend) 		Blend3(base, blend, BlendScreenf)
#define BlendOverlay3(base, blend) 		Blend3(base, blend, BlendOverlayf)
#define BlendSoftLight3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendSoftLightf)
#define BlendHardLight3(base, blend) 	BlendOverlay3(blend, base)
#define BlendColorDodge3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendColorDodgef)
#define BlendColorBurn3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendColorBurnf)
// Linear Light is another contrast-increasing mode
// If the blend color is darker than midgray, Linear Light darkens the image by decreasing the brightness. If the blend color is lighter than midgray, the result is a brighter image due to increased brightness.
#define BlendLinearLight3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendLinearLightf)
#define BlendVividLight3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendVividLightf)
#define BlendPinLight3(base, blend) 	Blend3(base, blend, BlendPinLightf)
#define BlendHardMix3(base, blend) 		Blend3(base, blend, BlendHardMixf)
#define BlendReflect3(base, blend) 		Blend3(base, blend, BlendReflectf)
#define BlendGlow3(base, blend) 		BlendReflect3(blend, base)

#define BlendScreen4(base, blend) 		Blend4(base, blend, BlendScreenf)
#define BlendOverlay4(base, blend) 		Blend4(base, blend, BlendOverlayf)
#define BlendSoftLight4(base, blend) 	Blend4(base, blend, BlendSoftLightf)
#define BlendHardLight4(base, blend) 	BlendOverlay4(blend, base)
#define BlendColorDodge4(base, blend) 	Blend4(base, blend, BlendColorDodgef)
#define BlendColorBurn4(base, blend) 	Blend4(base, blend, BlendColorBurnf)
// Linear Light is another contrast-increasing mode
// If the blend color is darker than midgray, Linear Light darkens the image by decreasing the brightness. If the blend color is lighter than midgray, the result is a brighter image due to increased brightness.
#define BlendLinearLight4(base, blend) 	Blend4(base, blend, BlendLinearLightf)
#define BlendVividLight4(base, blend) 	Blend4(base, blend, BlendVividLightf)
#define BlendPinLight4(base, blend) 		Blend4(base, blend, BlendPinLightf)
#define BlendHardMix4(base, blend) 		Blend4(base, blend, BlendHardMixf)
#define BlendReflect4(base, blend) 		Blend4(base, blend, BlendReflectf)
#define BlendGlow4(base, blend) 		BlendReflect4(blend, base)

#define BlendLinearDodge			BlendAdd
#define BlendLinearBurn			BlendSubtract

#define BlendPhoenix(base, blend) 		(min(base, blend) - max(base, blend) + 1.0)

#define BlendOpacity(base, blend, F, O) 	(F(base, blend) * O + blend * (1.0 - O))

// Hue Blend mode creates the result color by combining the luminance and saturation of the base color with the hue of the blend color.
float BlendHue1(float base, float blend)
	return base;
float3 BlendHue3(float3 base, float3 blend)
	float3 baseHSL = RGBToHSL(base);
	return HSLToRGB(float3(RGBToHSL(blend).r, baseHSL.g, baseHSL.b));
float4 BlendHue4(float4 base, float4 blend)
	float3 hue = BlendHue3(base.xyz, blend.xyz);
	return float4(hue.x, hue.y, hue.z, BlendHue1(base.w, blend.w));

// Saturation Blend mode creates the result color by combining the luminance and hue of the base color with the saturation of the blend color.
float BlendSaturation1(float base, float blend)
	return base;
float3 BlendSaturation3(float3 base, float3 blend)
	float3 baseHSL = RGBToHSL(base);
	return HSLToRGB(float3(baseHSL.r, RGBToHSL(blend).g, baseHSL.b));
float4 BlendSaturation4(float4 base, float4 blend)
	float3 hue = BlendSaturation3(base.xyz, blend.xyz);
	return float4(hue.x, hue.y, hue.z, BlendSaturation1(base.w, blend.w));

// Color Mode keeps the brightness of the base color and applies both the hue and saturation of the blend color.
float BlendColor1(float base, float blend)
	return base;
float3 BlendColor3(float3 base, float3 blend)
	float3 blendHSL = RGBToHSL(blend);
	return HSLToRGB(float3(blendHSL.r, blendHSL.g, RGBToHSL(base).b));
float4 BlendColor4(float4 base, float4 blend)
	float3 hue = BlendColor3(base.xyz, blend.xyz);
	return float4(hue.x, hue.y, hue.z, BlendColor1(base.w, blend.w));

// Luminosity Blend mode creates the result color by combining the hue and saturation of the base color with the luminance of the blend color.
float BlendLuminosity1(float base, float blend)
	return base;
float3 BlendLuminosity3(float3 base, float3 blend)
	float3 baseHSL = RGBToHSL(base);
	return HSLToRGB(float3(baseHSL.r, baseHSL.g, RGBToHSL(blend).b));
float4 BlendLuminosity4(float4 base, float4 blend)
	float3 hue = BlendLuminosity3(base.xyz, blend.xyz);
	return float4(hue.x, hue.y, hue.z, BlendLuminosity1(base.w, blend.w));

// Interface for RTShader

void SGX_blend_normal(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendNormal(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_normal(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendNormal(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_normal(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendNormal(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_lighten(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLighten(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_lighten(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLighten(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_lighten(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendLighten(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_darken(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendDarken(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_darken(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendDarken(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_darken(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendDarken(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_multiply(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendMultiply(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_multiply(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendMultiply(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_multiply(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendMultiply(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_average(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendAverage(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_average(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendAverage(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_average(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendAverage(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_add(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendAdd(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_add(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendAdd(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_add(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendAdd(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_subtract(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendSubtract(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_subtract(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendSubtract(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_subtract(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendSubtract(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_difference(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendDifference(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_difference(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendDifference(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_difference(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendDifference(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_negation(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendNegation(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_negation(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendNegation(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_negation(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendNegation(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_exclusion(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendExclusion(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_exclusion(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendExclusion(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_exclusion(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendExclusion(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_screen(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendScreenf);
void SGX_blend_screen(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendScreenf);
void SGX_blend_screen(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendScreenf);

void SGX_blend_overlay(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);
void SGX_blend_overlay(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);
void SGX_blend_overlay(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);

void SGX_blend_softLight(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendSoftLightf);
void SGX_blend_softLight(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendSoftLightf);
void SGX_blend_softLight(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendSoftLightf);

void SGX_blend_hardLight(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);
void SGX_blend_hardLight(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);
void SGX_blend_hardLight(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendOverlayf);

void SGX_blend_colorDodge(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorDodgef);
void SGX_blend_colorDodge(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorDodgef);
void SGX_blend_colorDodge(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorDodgef);

void SGX_blend_colorBurn(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorBurnf);
void SGX_blend_colorBurn(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorBurnf);
void SGX_blend_colorBurn(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendColorBurnf);

void SGX_blend_linearDodge(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearDodge(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_linearDodge(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearDodge(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_linearDodge(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearDodge(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_linearBurn(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearBurn(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_linearBurn(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearBurn(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_linearBurn(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendLinearBurn(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_linearLight(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendLinearLightf);
void SGX_blend_linearLight(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendLinearLightf);
void SGX_blend_linearLight(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendLinearLightf);

void SGX_blend_vividLight(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendVividLightf);
void SGX_blend_vividLight(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendVividLightf);
void SGX_blend_vividLight(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendVividLightf);

void SGX_blend_pinLight(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendPinLightf);
void SGX_blend_pinLight(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendPinLightf);
void SGX_blend_pinLight(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendPinLightf);

void SGX_blend_hardMix(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendHardMixf);
void SGX_blend_hardMix(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendHardMixf);
void SGX_blend_hardMix(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendHardMixf);

void SGX_blend_reflect(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);
void SGX_blend_reflect(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);
void SGX_blend_reflect(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);

void SGX_blend_glow(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = Blend4(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);
void SGX_blend_glow(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = Blend3(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);
void SGX_blend_glow(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = Blend1(basePixel, blendPixel, BlendReflectf);

void SGX_blend_phoenix(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendPhoenix(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_phoenix(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendPhoenix(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_phoenix(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendPhoenix(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_saturation(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendSaturation4(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_saturation(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendSaturation3(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_saturation(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendSaturation1(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_color(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendColor4(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_color(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendColor3(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_color(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendColor1(basePixel, blendPixel);

void SGX_blend_luminosity(float4 basePixel, float4 blendPixel, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLuminosity4(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_luminosity(float3 basePixel, float3 blendPixel, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = BlendLuminosity3(basePixel, blendPixel);
void SGX_blend_luminosity(float basePixel, float blendPixel, out float oColor)
	oColor = BlendLuminosity1(basePixel, blendPixel);

/// Source modification functions

void SGX_src_mod_modulate(float4 iColor, float4 controlVal, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = iColor * controlVal;
void SGX_src_mod_modulate(float3 iColor, float3 controlVal, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = iColor * controlVal;
void SGX_src_mod_modulate(float iColor, float controlVal, out float oColor)
	oColor = iColor * controlVal;

void SGX_src_mod_inv_modulate(float4 iColor, float4 controlVal, out float4 oColor)
	oColor = lerp(iColor, 1, controlVal);
void SGX_src_mod_inv_modulate(float3 iColor, float3 controlVal, out float3 oColor)
	oColor = lerp(iColor, 1, controlVal);
void SGX_src_mod_inv_modulate(float iColor, float controlVal, out float oColor)
	oColor = lerp(iColor, 1, controlVal);