# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*-
# This file is part of HexaPDF.
# HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
# Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Thomas Leitner
# HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
# following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
# HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with HexaPDF. If not, see .
# The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code
# versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required
# under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
# In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
# License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that
# is created or manipulated using HexaPDF.
# If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need,
# commercial licenses are available at .
require 'hexapdf/error'
require 'hexapdf/content/graphics_state'
module HexaPDF
module Layout
# A Style is a container for properties that describe the appearance of text or graphics.
# Each property except #font has a default value, so only the desired properties need to be
# changed.
# Each property has three associated methods:
# property_name:: Getter method.
# property_name(*args) and property_name=:: Setter method.
# property_name?:: Tester method to see if a value has been set or if the default value has
# already been used.
class Style
# Defines how the distance between the baselines of two adjacent text lines is determined:
# :single::
# :proportional with value 1.
# :double::
# :proportional with value 2.
# :proportional::
# The y_min of the first line and the y_max of the second line are multiplied with the
# specified value, and the sum is used as baseline distance.
# :fixed::
# The distance between the baselines is set to the specified value.
# :leading::
# The distance between the baselines is set to the sum of the y_min of the first line, the
# y_max of the second line and the specified value.
class LineSpacing
# The type of line spacing - see LineSpacing
attr_reader :type
# The value (needed for some types) - see LineSpacing
attr_reader :value
# Creates a new LineSpacing object for the given type which can be any valid line spacing
# type or a LineSpacing object.
def initialize(type:, value: 1)
case type
when :single
@type = :proportional
@value = 1
when :double
@type = :proportional
@value = 2
when :fixed, :proportional, :leading
unless value.kind_of?(Numeric)
raise ArgumentError, "Need a valid number for #{type} line spacing"
@type = type
@value = value
when LineSpacing
@type = type.type
@value = type.value
when Integer, Float
@type = :proportional
@value = type
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid type #{type} for line spacing"
# Returns the distance between the baselines of the two given Line objects.
def baseline_distance(line1, line2)
case type
when :proportional then (line1.y_min.abs + line2.y_max) * value
when :fixed then value
when :leading then line1.y_min.abs + line2.y_max + value
# Returns the gap between the two given Line objects, i.e. the distance between the y_min of
# the first line and the y_max of the second line.
def gap(line1, line2)
case type
when :proportional then (line1.y_min.abs + line2.y_max) * (value - 1)
when :fixed then value - line1.y_min.abs - line2.y_max
when :leading then value
# A Quad holds four values and allows them to be accessed by the names top, right, bottom and
# left. Quads are normally used for holding values pertaining to boxes, like margins, paddings
# or borders.
class Quad
# The value for top.
attr_accessor :top
# The value for bottom.
attr_accessor :bottom
# The value for left.
attr_accessor :left
# The value for right.
attr_accessor :right
# Creates a new Quad object. See #set for more information.
def initialize(obj)
# :call-seq:
# quad.set(value)
# quad.set(array)
# quad.set(quad)
# Sets all values of the quad.
# * If a single value is provided that is neither a Quad nor an array, it is handled as if
# an array with one value was given.
# * If a Quad is provided, its values are used.
# * If an array is provided, it depends on the number of elemens in it:
# * One value: All attributes are set to the same value.
# * Two values: Top and bottom are set to the first value, left and right to the second
# value.
# * Three values: Top is set to the first, left and right to the second, and bottom to the
# third value.
# * Four or more values: Top is set to the first, right to the second, bottom to the third
# and left to the fourth value.
def set(obj)
case obj
when Quad
@top = obj.top
@bottom = obj.bottom
@left = obj.left
@right = obj.right
when Array
@top = obj[0]
@bottom = obj[2] || obj[0]
@left = obj[3] || obj[1] || obj[0]
@right = obj[1] || obj[0]
@top = @bottom = @left = @right = obj
# Returns +true+ if the quad effectively contains only one value.
def simple?
@top == @bottom && @top == @left && @top == @right
# Represents the border of a rectangular area.
class Border
# The widths of each edge. See Quad.
attr_reader :width
# The colors of each edge. See Quad.
attr_reader :color
# The styles of each edge. See Quad.
attr_reader :style
# Specifies whether the border should be drawn inside the provided rectangle (+false+,
# default) or on it (+true+).
attr_accessor :draw_on_bounds
# Creates a new border style. All arguments can be set to any value that a Quad can process.
def initialize(width: 0, color: 0, style: :solid, draw_on_bounds: false)
@width = Quad.new(width)
@color = Quad.new(color)
@style = Quad.new(style)
@draw_on_bounds = draw_on_bounds
# Duplicates a Border object's properties.
def initialize_copy(other)
@width = @width.dup
@color = @color.dup
@style = @style.dup
# Returns +true+ if there is no border.
def none?
width.simple? && width.top == 0
# Draws the border onto the canvas.
# Depending on #draw_on_bounds the border is drawn inside the rectangle (x, y, w, h) or on
# it.
def draw(canvas, x, y, w, h)
return if none?
if draw_on_bounds
x -= width.left / 2.0
y -= width.bottom / 2.0
w += (width.left + width.right) / 2.0
h += (width.top + width.bottom) / 2.0
canvas.save_graphics_state do
if width.simple? && color.simple? && style.simple?
draw_simple_border(canvas, x, y, w, h)
draw_complex_border(canvas, x, y, w, h)
# Draws the border assuming that only one width, style and color are used.
def draw_simple_border(canvas, x, y, w, h)
offset = width.top / 2.0
canvas.rectangle(x, y, w, h).clip_path.end_path
if style.top == :solid
rectangle(x + offset, y + offset, w - 2 * offset, h - 2 * offset).stroke
canvas.line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:top, w)).
line(x, y + h - offset, x + w, y + h - offset).
line(x + w, y + offset, x, y + offset).stroke
canvas.line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:right, h)).
line(x + w - offset, y + h, x + w - offset, y).
line(x + offset, y, x + offset, y + h).stroke
# Draws a complex border, i.e. one where every edge is potentially differently styled.
def draw_complex_border(canvas, x, y, w, h)
left = x
bottom = y
right = left + w
top = bottom + h
inner_left = left + width.left
inner_bottom = bottom + width.bottom
inner_right = right - width.right
inner_top = top - width.top
if width.top > 0
canvas.save_graphics_state do
canvas.polyline(left, top, right, top, inner_right, inner_top,
inner_left, inner_top).
line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:top, w)).
line(left, top - width.top / 2.0, right, top - width.top / 2.0).stroke
if width.right > 0
canvas.save_graphics_state do
canvas.polyline(right, top, right, bottom, inner_right, inner_bottom,
inner_right, inner_top).
line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:right, h)).
line(right - width.right / 2.0, top, right - width.right / 2.0, bottom).stroke
if width.bottom > 0
canvas.save_graphics_state do
canvas.polyline(right, bottom, left, bottom, inner_left, inner_bottom,
inner_right, inner_bottom).
line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:bottom, w)).
line(right, bottom + width.bottom / 2.0, left, bottom + width.bottom / 2.0).stroke
if width.left > 0
canvas.save_graphics_state do
canvas.polyline(left, bottom, left, top, inner_left, inner_top,
inner_left, inner_bottom).
line_dash_pattern(line_dash_pattern(:left, h)).
line(left + width.left / 2.0, bottom, left + width.left / 2.0, top).stroke
# Returns the line cap style for the given edge name.
def line_cap_style(edge)
case style.send(edge)
when :solid then :butt
when :dashed then :projecting_square
when :dashed_round, :dotted then :round
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid border style specified: #{style.send(edge)}"
# Returns the line dash pattern for the given edge name. The argument +length+ needs to
# contain the length of the edge.
def line_dash_pattern(edge, length)
case style.send(edge)
when :solid
when :dashed, :dashed_round
# Due to the used line cap styles, a dash of length w appears with a length of 2w. The
# gap between dashes is nominally 3w but adjusted so that full dashes start and end in
# the corners.
w = width.send(edge)
count = [(length.to_f / (w * 3)).floor, 1].max
gap = [(length - w * (count + 2)).to_f, 0].max / count
HexaPDF::Content::LineDashPattern.new([w, gap], w * 0.5 + gap)
when :dotted
# Adjust the gap so that full dots appear in the corners.
w = width.send(edge)
gap = [(length - w).to_f / (length.to_f / (w * 2)).ceil, 1].max
HexaPDF::Content::LineDashPattern.new([0, gap], [gap - w * 0.5, 0].max)
# Represents layers that can be drawn under or over a box.
# There are two ways to specify layers via #add:
# * Directly by providing a callable object.
# * By reference to a callable object or class in the 'style.layers_map' configuration option.
# The reference name is looked up in the configuration option using
# HexaPDF::Configuration#constantize. If the resulting object is a callable object, it is
# used; otherwise it is assumed that it is a class and an object is instantiated, passing in
# any options given on #add.
# The object resolved in this way needs to respond to #call(canvas, box) where +canvas+ is the
# HexaPDF::Content::Canvas object on which it should be drawn and +box+ is a box-like object
# (e.g. Box or TextFragment). The coordinate system is translated so that the origin is at the
# bottom left corner of the box during the drawing operations.
class Layers
# Creates a new Layers object popuplated with the given +layers+.
def initialize(layers = nil)
@layers = []
layers&.each {|name, options| add(name, **(options || {})) }
# Duplicates the array holding the layers.
def initialize_copy(other)
@layers = @layers.dup
# :call-seq:
# layers.add {|canvas, box| block}
# layers.add(name, **options)
# Adds a new layer object.
# The layer object can either be specified as a block or by reference to a configured layer
# object in 'style.layers_map'. In this case +name+ is used as the reference and the options
# are passed to layer object if it needs initialization.
def add(name = nil, **options, &block)
if block_given? || name.kind_of?(Proc)
@layers << (block || name)
elsif name
@layers << [name, options]
raise ArgumentError, "Layer object name or block missing"
# Draws all layer objects onto the canvas at the position [x, y] for the given box.
def draw(canvas, x, y, box)
return if none?
canvas.translate(x, y) do
each(canvas.context.document.config) do |layer|
canvas.save_graphics_state { layer.call(canvas, box) }
# Yields all layer objects. Objects that have been specified via a reference are first
# resolved using the provided configuration object.
def each(config) #:yield: layer
@layers.each do |obj, options|
obj = config.constantize('style.layers_map', obj) unless obj.respond_to?(:call)
obj = obj.new(**options) unless obj.respond_to?(:call)
# Returns +true+ if there are no layers defined.
def none?
# The LinkLayer class provides support for linking to in-document or remote destinations for
# Style objects using link annotations. Typical use cases would be linking to a (named)
# destination on a different page or executing a URI action.
# See: PDF2.0 s12.5.6.5, Layers, HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Link
class LinkLayer
# Creates a new LinkLayer object.
# The following arguments are allowed (note that only *one* of +dest+, +uri+, +file+ or
# +action+ may be specified):
# +dest+::
# The destination array or a name of a named destination for in-document links. If neither
# +dest+, +uri+, +file+ nor +action+ is specified, it is assumed that the box has a custom
# property named 'link' which is used for the destination.
# +uri+::
# The URI to link to.
# +file+::
# The file that should be opened or, if it refers to an application, the application that
# should be launched. Can either be a string or a Filespec object. Also see:
# HexaPDF::Type::FileSpecification.
# +action+::
# The PDF action that should be executed.
# +border+::
# If set to +true+, a standard border is used. Also accepts an array that adheres to the
# rules for annotation borders.
# +border_color+::
# Defines the border color. Can be an array with 0 (transparent), 1 (grayscale), 3 (RGB)
# or 4 (CMYK) values.
# Examples:
# LinkLayer.new(dest: [page, :XYZ, nil, nil, nil], border: true)
# LinkLayer.new(uri: "https://my.example.com/path", border: [5 5 2])
# LinkLayer.new # use 'link' custom box property for dest
def initialize(dest: nil, uri: nil, file: nil, action: nil, border: false, border_color: nil)
if dest && (uri || file || action) || uri && (file || action) || file && action
raise ArgumentError, "Only one of dest, uri, file or action is allowed"
@dest = dest
@action = if uri
{S: :URI, URI: uri}
elsif file
{S: :Launch, F: file, NewWindow: true}
elsif action
@border = case border
when false then [0, 0, 0]
when true then nil
when Array then border
else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value for border: #{border}"
@border_color = border_color
# Creates the needed link annotation if possible, i.e. if the context of the canvas is a
# page.
def call(canvas, box)
return unless canvas.context.type == :Page
@dest = box.properties['link'] unless @dest || @action
page = canvas.context
matrix = canvas.graphics_state.ctm
quad_points = [*matrix.evaluate(0, 0), *matrix.evaluate(box.width, 0),
*matrix.evaluate(box.width, box.height), *matrix.evaluate(0, box.height)]
x_minmax = quad_points.values_at(0, 2, 4, 6).minmax
y_minmax = quad_points.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7).minmax
border_color = case @border_color
when [], nil
annot = {
Subtype: :Link,
Rect: [x_minmax[0], y_minmax[0], x_minmax[1], y_minmax[1]],
QuadPoints: quad_points,
Dest: @dest,
A: @action,
Border: @border,
C: border_color,
(page[:Annots] ||= []) << page.document.add(annot)
UNSET = ::Object.new # :nodoc:
# :call-seq:
# Style.create(style) -> style
# Style.create(properties_hash) -> style
# Creates a Style object based on the +style+ argument and returns it:
# * If +style+ is already a Style object, it is just returned.
# * If +style+ is a hash, a new Style object with the style properties specified by the hash
# * is created.
# * If +style+ is +nil+, a new Style object with only default values is created.
def self.create(style)
case style
when self then style
when Hash then new(**style)
when nil then new
else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument class #{style.class}"
# Creates a new Style object.
# The +properties+ hash may be used to set the initial values of properties by using keys
# equivalent to the property names.
# Example:
# Style.new(font_size: 15, text_align: :center, text_valign: center)
def initialize(**properties)
@scaled_item_widths = {}.compare_by_identity
# Duplicates the complex properties that can be modified, as well as the cache.
def initialize_copy(other)
@scaled_item_widths = {}.compare_by_identity
@font_features = @font_features.dup if defined?(@font_features)
@padding = @padding.dup if defined?(@padding)
@margin = @margin.dup if defined?(@margin)
@border = @border.dup if defined?(@border)
@overlays = @overlays.dup if defined?(@overlays)
@underlays = @underlays.dup if defined?(@underlays)
# :call-seq:
# style.update(**properties) -> style
# Updates the style's properties using the key-value pairs specified by the +properties+ hash.
def update(**properties)
properties.each {|key, value| send(key, value) }
# :method: font
# :call-seq:
# font(name = nil)
# The font to be used, must be set to a valid font wrapper object before it can be used.
# HexaPDF::Composer handles this property specially in that it resolves a set string or array
# to a font wrapper object before doing else with the style object.
# This is the only style property without a default value!
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#font
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Helvetica", font: composer.document.fonts.add("Helvetica"))
# composer.text("Courier", font: "Courier") # works only with composer
# helvetica_bold = composer.document.fonts.add("Helvetica", variant: :bold)
# composer.text("Helvetica Bold", font: helvetica_bold)
# composer.text("Courier Bold", font: ["Courier", variant: :bold]) # only composer
# :method: font_size
# :call-seq:
# font_size(size = nil)
# The font size, defaults to 10.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#font_size
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Default size")
# composer.text("Larger size", font_size: 20)
# :method: line_height
# :call-seq:
# line_height(size = nil)
# The font size used for line height calculations, default is +nil+ meaing it defaults to
# #font_size.
# This value should never be smaller than the font size since this would lead to overlapping
# text.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Line 1")
# composer.text("Larger line height", line_height: 30)
# composer.text("Line 3")
# :method: character_spacing
# :call-seq:
# character_spacing(amount = nil)
# The character spacing, defaults to 0 (i.e. no additional character spacing).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#character_spacing
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("More spacing between characters", character_spacing: 1)
# :method: word_spacing
# :call-seq:
# word_spacing(amount = nil)
# The word spacing, defaults to 0 (i.e. no additional word spacing).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#word_spacing
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("More word spacing", word_spacing: 20)
# :method: horizontal_scaling
# :call-seq:
# horizontal_scaling(percent = nil)
# The horizontal scaling, defaults to 100 (in percent, i.e. normal scaling).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#horizontal_scaling
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Horizontal scaling", horizontal_scaling: 150)
# :method: text_rise
# :call-seq:
# text_rise(amount = nil)
# The text rise, i.e. the vertical offset from the baseline, defaults to 0.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#text_rise
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.formatted_text(["Normal", {text: "Up in the air", text_rise: 5}])
# :method: font_features
# :call-seq:
# font_features(features = nil)
# The font features (e.g. kerning, ligatures, ...) that should be applied by the shaping
# engine, defaults to {} (i.e. no font features are applied).
# Each feature to be applied is indicated by a key with a truthy value.
# See: HexaPDF::Layout::TextShaper#shape_text for available features.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.style(:base, font: ["Times", custom_encoding: true], font_size: 30)
# composer.text("Test flight")
# composer.text("Test flight", font_features: {kern: true, liga: true})
# :method: text_rendering_mode
# :call-seq:
# text_rendering_mode(mode = nil)
# The text rendering mode, i.e. whether text should be filled, stroked, clipped, invisible or
# a combination thereof, defaults to :fill. The returned value is always a normalized text
# rendering mode value.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#text_rendering_mode
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Test flight", font_size: 40, text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: subscript
# :call-seq:
# subscript(enable = false)
# Render the text as subscript, i.e. lower and in a smaller font size; defaults to false.
# If superscript is set, it will be deactivated.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {text: "subscript text", subscript: true}])
# :method: superscript
# :call-seq:
# superscript(enable = false)
# Render the text as superscript, i.e. higher and in a smaller font size; defaults to false.
# If subscript is set, it will be deactivated.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.formatted_text(["Some ", {text: "superscript text", superscript: true}])
# :method: underline
# :call-seq:
# underline(enable = false)
# Renders a line underneath the text; defaults to false.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Underlined text", underline: true)
# :method: strikeout
# :call-seq:
# strikeout(enable = false)
# Renders a line through the text; defaults to false.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Strikeout text", strikeout: true)
# :method: fill_color
# :call-seq:
# fill_color(color = nil)
# The color used for filling (e.g. text), defaults to black.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#fill_color
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("This is some red text", fill_color: "red")
# :method: fill_alpha
# :call-seq:
# fill_alpha(alpha = nil)
# The alpha value applied to filling operations (e.g. text), defaults to 1 (i.e. 100%
# opaque).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#opacity
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("This is some semi-transparent text", fill_alpha: 0.5)
# :method: stroke_color
# :call-seq:
# stroke_color(color = nil)
# The color used for stroking (e.g. text outlines), defaults to black.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#stroke_color
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_color: "red",
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_alpha
# :call-seq:
# stroke_alpha(alpha = nil)
# The alpha value applied to stroking operations (e.g. text outlines), defaults to 1 (i.e.
# 100% opaque).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#opacity
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_alpha: 0.5,
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_width
# :call-seq:
# stroke_width(width = nil)
# The line width used for stroking operations (e.g. text outlines), defaults to 1.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#line_width
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_width: 2,
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_cap_style
# :call-seq:
# stroke_cap_style(style = nil)
# The line cap style used for stroking operations (e.g. text outlines), defaults to :butt. The
# returned values is always a normalized line cap style value.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#line_cap_style
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_cap_style: :round,
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_join_style
# :call-seq:
# stroke_join_style(style = nil)
# The line join style used for stroking operations (e.g. text outlines), defaults to :miter.
# The returned values is always a normalized line joine style value.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#line_join_style
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_join_style: :bevel,
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_miter_limit
# :call-seq:
# stroke_miter_limit(limit = nil)
# The miter limit used for stroking operations (e.g. text outlines) when #stroke_join_style is
# :miter, defaults to 10.0.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#miter_limit
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_join_style: :bevel,
# stroke_miter_limit: 1, text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: stroke_dash_pattern
# :call-seq:
# stroke_dash_pattern(pattern = nil)
# The line dash pattern used for stroking operations (e.g. text outlines), defaults to a solid
# line.
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#line_dash_pattern
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Stroked text", font_size: 40, stroke_dash_pattern: [4, 2],
# text_rendering_mode: :stroke)
# :method: text_align
# :call-seq:
# text_align(direction = nil)
# The horizontal alignment of text, defaults to :left.
# Possible values:
# :left:: Left-align the text, i.e. the right side is rugged.
# :center:: Center the text horizontally.
# :right:: Right-align the text, i.e. the left side is rugged.
# :justify:: Justify the text, except for those lines that end in a hard line break.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. " * 2
# composer.style(:base, border: {width: 1})
# composer.text(text, text_align: :left)
# composer.text(text, text_align: :center)
# composer.text(text, text_align: :right)
# composer.text(text, text_align: :justify)
# :method: text_valign
# :call-seq:
# text_valign(direction = nil)
# The vertical alignment of items (normally text) inside a text box, defaults to :top.
# For :center and :bottom alignment the box will fill the whole available height. If this is
# not wanted, an explicit height will need to be set for the box.
# This property is ignored when using position :flow for a text box.
# Possible values:
# :top:: Vertically align the items to the top of the box.
# :center:: Vertically align the items in the center of the box.
# :bottom:: Vertically align the items to the bottom of the box.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.style(:base, border: {width: 1})
# composer.text("Top aligned", height: 20, text_valign: :top)
# composer.text("Center aligned", height: 20, text_valign: :center)
# composer.text("Bottom aligned", text_valign: :bottom)
# :method: text_indent
# :call-seq:
# text_indent(amount = nil)
# The indentation to be used for the first line of a sequence of text lines, defaults to 0.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("This is some longer text that wraps around in two lines.",
# text_indent: 10)
# :method: line_spacing
# :call-seq:
# line_spacing(type = nil, value = nil)
# line_spacing(type:, value: 1)
# The type of line spacing to be used for text lines, defaults to type :single.
# This method can set the line spacing in two ways:
# * Using two positional arguments +type+ and +value+.
# * Or a hash with the keys +type+ and +value+.
# Note that the last line has no additional spacing after it by default. Set #last_line_gap
# for adding such a spacing.
# See LineSpacing for supported types of line spacing.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("This is some longer text that wraps around in two lines.",
# line_spacing: 1.5)
# composer.text("This is some longer text that wraps around in two lines.",
# line_spacing: :double)
# composer.text("This is some longer text that wraps around in two lines.",
# line_spacing: {type: :proportional, value: 1.2})
# :method: last_line_gap
# :call-seq:
# last_line_gap(enable = false)
# Add an appropriately sized gap after the last line of text if enabled, defaults to false.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("This is some longer text that wraps around in two lines.",
# line_spacing: 1.5, last_line_gap: true)
# composer.text("There is spacing above this line due to last_line_gap.")
# :method: fill_horizontal
# :call-seq:
# fill_horizontal(factor = nil)
# If set to a positive number, it specifies that the content of the text item should be
# repeated and appropriate spacing applied so that the remaining space of the line is
# completely filled.
# If there are multiple text items with this property set for a single line, the remaining
# space is split between those items using the set +factors+. For example, if item A has a
# factor of 1 and item B a factor of 2, the remaining space will be split so that item
# B will receive twice the space of A.
# Notes:
# * This property _must not_ be applied to inline boxes, it only works for text items.
# * If the filling should be done with spaces, the non-breaking space character \u{00a0} has
# to be used.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.formatted_text(["Left", {text: "\u{00a0}", fill_horizontal: 1},
# "Right"])
# composer.formatted_text(["Typical table of contents entry",
# {text: ".", fill_horizontal: 1}, "34"])
# composer.formatted_text(["Factor 1", {text: "\u{00a0}", fill_horizontal: 1},
# "Factor 3", {text: "\u{00a0}", fill_horizontal: 3}, "End"])
# overlays = [proc {|c, b| c.line(0, b.height / 2.0, b.width, b.height / 2.0).stroke}]
# composer.formatted_text([{text: "\u{00a0}", fill_horizontal: 1, overlays: overlays},
# 'Centered',
# {text: "\u{00a0}", fill_horizontal: 1, overlays: overlays}])
# :method: background_color
# :call-seq:
# background_color(color = nil)
# The color used for backgrounds, defaults to +nil+ (i.e. no background).
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", background_color: "lightgrey")
# :method: background_alpha
# :call-seq:
# background_alpha(alpha = nil)
# The alpha value applied to the background when it is colored, defaults to 1 (i.e. 100%
# opaque).
# See: HexaPDF::Content::Canvas#opacity
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", background_color: "red", background_alpha: 0.5)
# :method: padding
# :call-seq:
# padding(value = nil)
# The padding between the border and the contents, defaults to 0 for all four sides.
# See Style::Quad#set for information on how to set the values.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", padding: 10, border: {width: 1})
# :method: margin
# :call-seq:
# margin(value = nil)
# The margin around a box, defaults to 0 for all four sides.
# See Style::Quad#set for information on how to set the values.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", margin: [5, 10], position: :float,
# border: {width: 1})
# composer.text("Text starts after floating box and continues below it, " \
# "respecting the margin.", position: :flow)
# :method: border
# :call-seq:
# border(value = nil)
# The border around the contents, defaults to no border for all four sides.
# The value has to be a hash containing any of the keys :width, :color and :style. The width,
# color and style of the border can be set independently for each side (see Style::Quad#set).
# See Border for more details.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", border: {
# width: [6, 3],
# color: ["green", "blue", "orange"],
# style: [:solid, :dashed]
# })
# :method: overlays
# :call-seq:
# overlays(layers = nil)
# A Style::Layers object containing all the layers that should be drawn over the box; defaults
# to no layers being drawn.
# The +layers+ argument needs to be an array of layer objects. To define a layer either use a
# callable object taking the canvas and the box as arguments; or use a pre-defined layer using
# an array of the form [:layer_name, **options]. See Style::Layers for details.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", overlays: [
# lambda do |canvas, box|
# canvas.stroke_color("red").opacity(stroke_alpha: 0.5).
# line_width(5).line(0, 0, box.width, box.height).stroke
# end,
# [:link, uri: "https://hexapdf.gettalong.org"]
# ])
# :method: underlays
# :call-seq:
# underlays(layers = nil)
# A Style::Layers object containing all the layers that should be drawn under the box;
# defaults to no layers being drawn.
# The +layers+ argument needs to be an array of layer objects. To define a layer either use a
# callable object taking the canvas and the box as arguments; or use a pre-defined layer using
# an array of the form [:layer_name, **options]. See Style::Layers for details.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Some text here", underlays: [
# lambda do |canvas, box|
# canvas.stroke_color("red").opacity(stroke_alpha: 0.5).
# line_width(5).line(0, 0, box.width, box.height).stroke
# end,
# [:link, uri: "https://hexapdf.gettalong.org"]
# ])
# :method: position
# :call-seq:
# position(value = nil)
# Specifies how a box should be positioned in a frame. Defaults to :default.
# The properties #align and #valign provide alignment information while #mask_mode defines how
# the to-be-removed region should be constructed.
# Possible values:
# :default::
# Position the box at the current position. The exact horizontal and vertical position
# inside the current region is given via the #align and #valign style properties.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.box(:base, width: 40, height: 20,
# style: {align: :right, border: {width: 1}})
# composer.box(:base, width: 40, height: 20,
# style: {align: :center, valign: :center, border: {width: 1}})
# :float::
# This is the same as :default except that the used value for #mask_mode when it is set to
# :default is :box instead of :fill_frame_horizontal.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.box(:base, width: 40, height: 20,
# style: {position: :float, border: {width: 1}})
# composer.box(:base, width: 40, height: 20,
# style: {position: :float, border: {color: "hp-blue", width: 1}})
# :flow::
# Flows the content of the box inside the frame around objects.
# A box needs to indicate whether it supports this value by implementing the
# #supports_position_flow? method and returning +true+ if it does or +false+ if it
# doesn't. If a box doesn't support this value, it is positioned as if the value :default
# was set.
# Note that the properties #align and #valign are not used with this value!
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.box(:base, width: 40, height: 20,
# style: {position: :float, border: {width: 1}})
# composer.lorem_ipsum(position: :flow)
# [x, y]::
# Position the box with the bottom left corner at the given absolute position relative to
# the bottom left corner of the frame.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Absolute', position: [50, 50], border: {width: 1})
# draw_current_frame_shape("red")
# :method: align
# :call-seq:
# align(value = nil)
# Specifies the horizontal alignment of a box inside the current region. Defaults to :left.
# Possible values:
# :left:: Align the box to the left side of the current region.
# :center:: Horizontally center the box in the current region.
# :right:: Align the box to the right side of the current region.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Left", border: {width: 1})
# draw_current_frame_shape("hp-blue")
# composer.text("Center", align: :center, border: {width: 1})
# draw_current_frame_shape("hp-orange")
# composer.text("Right", align: :right, border: {width: 1})
# draw_current_frame_shape("hp-teal")
# :method: valign
# :call-seq:
# valign(value = nil)
# Specifies the vertical alignment of a box inside the current region. Defaults to :top.
# Possible values:
# :top:: Align the box to the top side of the current region.
# :center:: Vertically center the box in the current region.
# :bottom:: Align the box to the bottom side of the current region.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text("Top", mask_mode: :fill_vertical, border: {width: 1})
# composer.text("Center", valign: :center, mask_mode: :fill_vertical, border: {width: 1})
# composer.text("Bottom", valign: :bottom, border: {width: 1})
# :method: mask_mode
# :call-seq:
# mask_mode(value = nil)
# Specifies how the mask defining the to-be-removed region should be constructed. Defaults to
# :default.
# Possible values:
# :default::
# The actually used value depends on the value of #position:
# * For :default the used value is :fill_frame_horizontal.
# * For :float the used value is :box.
# * For :flow the used value is :fill_frame_horizontal.
# * For :absolute the used value is :box.
# :none::
# The mask covers nothing (useful for layering boxes over each other).
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Text on bottom', mask_mode: :none)
# composer.text('Text on top', fill_color: 'hp-blue')
# :box::
# The mask covers the box including the margin around the box.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Box only mask', mask_mode: :box)
# draw_current_frame_shape('hp-blue')
# composer.text('Text to the right')
# :fill_horizontal::
# The mask covers the box including the margin around the box and the space to the left
# and right in the current region.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Standard, whole horizontal space')
# draw_current_frame_shape('hp-blue')
# composer.text('Text underneath')
# :fill_frame_horizontal::
# The mask covers the box including the margin around the box and the space to the left
# and right in the frame.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.frame.remove_area(Geom2D::Rectangle(100, 50, 10, 50))
# composer.text('Mask covers frame horizontally', mask_mode: :fill_frame_horizontal)
# draw_current_frame_shape('hp-blue')
# composer.text('Text underneath')
# :fill_vertical::
# The mask covers the box including the margin around the box and the space to the top
# and bottom in the current region.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Mask covers vertical space', mask_mode: :fill_vertical)
# draw_current_frame_shape('hp-blue')
# composer.text('Text to the right')
# :fill::
# The mask covers the current region completely.
# Examples:
# #>pdf-composer100
# composer.text('Mask covers everything', mask_mode: :fill)
# composer.text('On the next page')
[:font, "raise HexaPDF::Error, 'No font set'"],
[:font_size, 10],
[:line_height, nil],
[:character_spacing, 0],
[:word_spacing, 0],
[:horizontal_scaling, 100],
[:text_rise, 0],
[:font_features, {}],
[:text_rendering_mode, "Content::TextRenderingMode::FILL",
{setter: "Content::TextRenderingMode.normalize(value)"}],
[:subscript, false,
{setter: "value; superscript(false) if superscript",
valid_values: [true, false]}],
[:superscript, false,
{setter: "value; subscript(false) if subscript",
valid_values: [true, false]}],
[:underline, false, {valid_values: [true, false]}],
[:strikeout, false, {valid_values: [true, false]}],
[:fill_color, "default_color"],
[:fill_alpha, 1],
[:stroke_color, "default_color"],
[:stroke_alpha, 1],
[:stroke_width, 1],
[:stroke_cap_style, "Content::LineCapStyle::BUTT_CAP",
{setter: "Content::LineCapStyle.normalize(value)"}],
[:stroke_join_style, "Content::LineJoinStyle::MITER_JOIN",
{setter: "Content::LineJoinStyle.normalize(value)"}],
[:stroke_miter_limit, 10.0],
[:stroke_dash_pattern, "Content::LineDashPattern.new",
{setter: "Content::LineDashPattern.normalize(value, phase)", extra_args: ", phase = 0"}],
[:text_align, :left, {valid_values: [:left, :center, :right, :justify]}],
[:text_valign, :top, {valid_values: [:top, :center, :bottom]}],
[:text_indent, 0],
[:line_spacing, "LineSpacing.new(type: :single)",
{setter: "LineSpacing.new(**(value.kind_of?(Symbol) || value.kind_of?(Numeric) ? " \
"{type: value, value: extra_arg} : value))",
extra_args: ", extra_arg = nil"}],
[:last_line_gap, false, {valid_values: [true, false]}],
[:fill_horizontal, nil],
[:background_color, nil],
[:background_alpha, 1],
[:padding, "Quad.new(0)", {setter: "Quad.new(value)"}],
[:margin, "Quad.new(0)", {setter: "Quad.new(value)"}],
[:border, "Border.new", {setter: "Border.new(**value)"}],
[:overlays, "Layers.new", {setter: "Layers.new(value)"}],
[:underlays, "Layers.new", {setter: "Layers.new(value)"}],
[:position, :default],
[:align, :left, {valid_values: [:left, :center, :right]}],
[:valign, :top, {valid_values: [:top, :center, :bottom]}],
[:mask_mode, :default, {valid_values: [:default, :none, :box, :fill_horizontal,
:fill_frame_horizontal, :fill_vertical, :fill]}],
].each do |name, default, options = {}|
default = default.inspect unless default.kind_of?(String)
setter = options.delete(:setter) || "value"
extra_args = options.delete(:extra_args) || ""
valid_values = options.delete(:valid_values)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid keywords: #{options.keys.join(', ')}" unless options.empty?
valid_values_const = "#{name}_valid_values".upcase
const_set(valid_values_const, valid_values)
module_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
def #{name}(value = UNSET#{extra_args})
if value == UNSET
@#{name} ||= #{default}
elsif #{valid_values_const} && !#{valid_values_const}.include?(value)
raise ArgumentError, "\#{value.inspect} is not a valid #{name} value " \\
"(\#{#{valid_values_const}.map(&:inspect).join(', ')})"
@#{name} = #{setter}
def #{name}?
alias_method("#{name}=", name)
# :method: text_segmentation_algorithm
# :call-seq:
# text_segmentation_algorithm(algorithm = nil) {|items| block }
# The algorithm to use for text segmentation purposes, defaults to
# TextLayouter::SimpleTextSegmentation.
# When setting the algorithm, either an object that responds to #call(items) or a block can be
# used.
# :method: text_line_wrapping_algorithm
# :call-seq:
# text_line_wrapping_algorithm(algorithm = nil) {|items, width_block| block }
# The line wrapping algorithm that should be used, defaults to
# TextLayouter::SimpleLineWrapping.
# When setting the algorithm, either an object that responds to #call or a block can be used.
# See TextLayouter::SimpleLineWrapping#call for the needed method signature.
[:text_segmentation_algorithm, 'TextLayouter::SimpleTextSegmentation'],
[:text_line_wrapping_algorithm, 'TextLayouter::SimpleLineWrapping'],
].each do |name, default|
default = default.inspect unless default.kind_of?(String)
module_eval(<<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
def #{name}(value = UNSET, &block)
if value == UNSET && !block
@#{name} ||= #{default}
@#{name} = (value != UNSET ? value : block)
def #{name}?
alias_method("#{name}=", name)
# The calculated text rise, taking superscript and subscript into account.
def calculated_text_rise
if superscript
text_rise + font_size * 0.33
elsif subscript
text_rise - font_size * 0.20
# The calculated font size, taking superscript and subscript into account.
def calculated_font_size
(superscript || subscript ? 0.583 : 1) * font_size
# Returns the correct offset from the baseline for the underline.
def calculated_underline_position
calculated_text_rise +
font.wrapped_font.underline_position * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * calculated_font_size -
calculated_underline_thickness / 2.0
# Returns the correct thickness for the underline.
def calculated_underline_thickness
font.wrapped_font.underline_thickness * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * calculated_font_size
# Returns the correct offset from the baseline for the strikeout line.
def calculated_strikeout_position
calculated_text_rise +
font.wrapped_font.strikeout_position * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * calculated_font_size -
calculated_strikeout_thickness / 2.0
# Returns the correct thickness for the strikeout line.
def calculated_strikeout_thickness
font.wrapped_font.strikeout_thickness * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * calculated_font_size
# The font size scaled appropriately.
def scaled_font_size
@scaled_font_size ||= calculated_font_size * font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor *
# The character spacing scaled appropriately.
def scaled_character_spacing
@scaled_character_spacing ||= character_spacing * scaled_horizontal_scaling
# The word spacing scaled appropriately.
def scaled_word_spacing
@scaled_word_spacing ||= word_spacing * scaled_horizontal_scaling
# The horizontal scaling scaled appropriately.
def scaled_horizontal_scaling
@scaled_horizontal_scaling ||= horizontal_scaling / 100.0
# The ascender of the font scaled appropriately.
def scaled_font_ascender
@scaled_font_ascender ||= font.wrapped_font.ascender * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * font_size
# The descender of the font scaled appropriately.
def scaled_font_descender
@scaled_font_descender ||= font.wrapped_font.descender * font.scaling_factor *
font.pdf_object.glyph_scaling_factor * font_size
# The minimum y-coordinate, calculated using the scaled descender of the font and the line
# height or font size.
def scaled_y_min
@scaled_y_min ||= scaled_font_descender * (line_height || font_size) / font_size.to_f +
# The maximum y-coordinate, calculated using the scaled ascender of the font and the line
# height or font size.
def scaled_y_max
@scaled_y_max ||= scaled_font_ascender * (line_height || font_size) / font_size.to_f +
# Returns the width of the item scaled appropriately (by taking font size, characters spacing,
# word spacing and horizontal scaling into account).
# The item may be a (singleton) glyph object or an integer/float, i.e. items that can appear
# inside a TextFragment.
def scaled_item_width(item)
@scaled_item_widths[item] ||=
if item.kind_of?(Numeric)
-item * scaled_font_size
item.width * scaled_font_size + scaled_character_spacing +
(item.apply_word_spacing? ? scaled_word_spacing : 0)
# Clears all cached values.
# This method needs to be called if the following style properties are changed and values were
# already cached: font, font_size, character_spacing, word_spacing, horizontal_scaling,
# ascender, descender.
def clear_cache
@scaled_font_size = @scaled_character_spacing = @scaled_word_spacing = nil
@scaled_horizontal_scaling = @scaled_font_ascender = @scaled_font_descender = nil
@scaled_y_min = @scaled_y_max = nil
# Returns the default color for an empty PDF page, i.e. black.
def default_color
GlobalConfiguration.constantize('color_space.map', :DeviceGray).new.default_color