# frozen_string_literal: true require 'time' require 'net/http' require 'resolv' module Aws # An auto-refreshing credential provider that loads credentials from # instances running in containers. # # ecs_credentials = Aws::ECSCredentials.new(retries: 3) # ec2 = Aws::EC2::Client.new(credentials: ecs_credentials) class ECSCredentials include CredentialProvider include RefreshingCredentials # @api private class Non200Response < RuntimeError; end # Raised when the token file cannot be read. class TokenFileReadError < RuntimeError; end # Raised when the token file is invalid. class InvalidTokenError < RuntimeError; end # These are the errors we trap when attempting to talk to the # instance metadata service. Any of these imply the service # is not present, no responding or some other non-recoverable # error. # @api private NETWORK_ERRORS = [ Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTDOWN, Errno::ENETUNREACH, SocketError, Timeout::Error, Non200Response ].freeze # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Integer] :retries (5) Number of times to retry # when retrieving credentials. # @option options [String] :ip_address ('') This value is # ignored if `endpoint` is set and `credential_path` is not set. # @option options [Integer] :port (80) This value is ignored if `endpoint` # is set and `credential_path` is not set. # @option options [String] :credential_path By default, the value of the # AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variable. # @option options [String] :endpoint The container credential endpoint. # By default, this is the value of the AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI # environment variable. This value is ignored if `credential_path` or # ENV['AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI'] is set. # @option options [Float] :http_open_timeout (5) # @option options [Float] :http_read_timeout (5) # @option options [Numeric, Proc] :delay By default, failures are retried # with exponential back-off, i.e. `sleep(1.2 ** num_failures)`. You can # pass a number of seconds to sleep between failed attempts, or # a Proc that accepts the number of failures. # @option options [IO] :http_debug_output (nil) HTTP wire # traces are sent to this object. You can specify something # like $stdout. # @option options [Callable] before_refresh Proc called before # credentials are refreshed. `before_refresh` is called # with an instance of this object when # AWS credentials are required and need to be refreshed. def initialize(options = {}) credential_path = options[:credential_path] || ENV['AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI'] endpoint = options[:endpoint] || ENV['AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI'] initialize_uri(options, credential_path, endpoint) @retries = options[:retries] || 5 @http_open_timeout = options[:http_open_timeout] || 5 @http_read_timeout = options[:http_read_timeout] || 5 @http_debug_output = options[:http_debug_output] @backoff = backoff(options[:backoff]) @async_refresh = false super end # @return [Integer] The number of times to retry failed attempts to # fetch credentials from the instance metadata service. Defaults to 0. attr_reader :retries private def initialize_uri(options, credential_path, endpoint) if credential_path initialize_relative_uri(options, credential_path) # Use FULL_URI/endpoint only if RELATIVE_URI/path is not set elsif endpoint initialize_full_uri(endpoint) else raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot instantiate an ECS Credential Provider '\ 'without a credential path or endpoint.' end end def initialize_relative_uri(options, path) @host = options[:ip_address] || '' @port = options[:port] || 80 @scheme = 'http' @credential_path = path end def initialize_full_uri(endpoint) uri = URI.parse(endpoint) validate_full_uri_scheme!(uri) validate_full_uri!(uri) @host = uri.hostname @port = uri.port @scheme = uri.scheme @credential_path = uri.request_uri end def validate_full_uri_scheme!(full_uri) return if full_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP) || full_uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) raise ArgumentError, "'#{full_uri}' must be a valid HTTP or HTTPS URI" end # Validate that the full URI is using a loopback address if scheme is http. def validate_full_uri!(full_uri) return unless full_uri.scheme == 'http' begin return if valid_ip_address?(IPAddr.new(full_uri.host)) rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError addresses = Resolv.getaddresses(full_uri.host) return if addresses.all? { |addr| valid_ip_address?(IPAddr.new(addr)) } end raise ArgumentError, 'AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI must use a local loopback '\ 'or an ECS or EKS link-local address when using the http scheme.' end def valid_ip_address?(ip_address) ip_loopback?(ip_address) || ecs_or_eks_ip?(ip_address) end # loopback? method is available in Ruby 2.5+ # Replicate the logic here. # loopback (IPv4, IPv6 ::1/128) def ip_loopback?(ip_address) case ip_address.family when Socket::AF_INET ip_address & 0xff000000 == 0x7f000000 when Socket::AF_INET6 ip_address == 1 else false end end # Verify that the IP address is a link-local address from ECS or EKS. # ECS container host (IPv4 ``) # EKS container host (IPv4 ``, IPv6 `fd00:ec2::23`) def ecs_or_eks_ip?(ip_address) case ip_address.family when Socket::AF_INET [0xa9feaa02, 0xa9feaa17].include?(ip_address) when Socket::AF_INET6 ip_address == 0xfd00_0ec2_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0023 else false end end def backoff(backoff) case backoff when Proc then backoff when Numeric then ->(_) { sleep(backoff) } else ->(num_failures) { Kernel.sleep(1.2**num_failures) } end end def refresh # Retry loading credentials up to 3 times is the instance metadata # service is responding but is returning invalid JSON documents # in response to the GET profile credentials call. retry_errors([Aws::Json::ParseError, StandardError], max_retries: 3) do c = Aws::Json.load(get_credentials.to_s) @credentials = Credentials.new( c['AccessKeyId'], c['SecretAccessKey'], c['Token'] ) @expiration = c['Expiration'] ? Time.iso8601(c['Expiration']) : nil end rescue Aws::Json::ParseError raise Aws::Errors::MetadataParserError end def get_credentials # Retry loading credentials a configurable number of times if # the instance metadata service is not responding. retry_errors(NETWORK_ERRORS, max_retries: @retries) do open_connection do |conn| http_get(conn, @credential_path) end end rescue TokenFileReadError, InvalidTokenError raise rescue StandardError '{}' end def fetch_authorization_token if (path = ENV['AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE']) fetch_authorization_token_file(path) elsif (token = ENV['AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN']) token end end def fetch_authorization_token_file(path) File.read(path).strip rescue Errno::ENOENT raise TokenFileReadError, 'AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE is set '\ "but the file doesn't exist: #{path}" end def validate_authorization_token!(token) return unless token.include?("\r\n") raise InvalidTokenError, 'Invalid Authorization token: token contains '\ 'a newline and carriage return character.' end def open_connection http = Net::HTTP.new(@host, @port, nil) http.open_timeout = @http_open_timeout http.read_timeout = @http_read_timeout http.set_debug_output(@http_debug_output) if @http_debug_output http.use_ssl = @scheme == 'https' http.start yield(http).tap { http.finish } end def http_get(connection, path) request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(path) set_authorization_token(request) response = connection.request(request) raise Non200Response unless response.code.to_i == 200 response.body end def set_authorization_token(request) if (authorization_token = fetch_authorization_token) validate_authorization_token!(authorization_token) request['Authorization'] = authorization_token end end def retry_errors(error_classes, options = {}) max_retries = options[:max_retries] retries = 0 begin yield rescue TokenFileReadError, InvalidTokenError raise rescue *error_classes => _e raise unless retries < max_retries @backoff.call(retries) retries += 1 retry end end end end