const optionsSchema = require("../config/optionsSchema.json");

const { GROUPS } = require("../utils/constants");

const {

const nestedProperties = ["anyOf", "oneOf", "allOf"];

const resolveSchema = schema => {
	let current = schema;
	if (schema && typeof schema === "object" && "$ref" in schema) {
		const path = schema.$ref.split("/");
		for (const element of path) {
			if (element === "#") {
				current = optionsSchema;
			} else {
				current = current[element];
	return current;

const findPropertyInSchema = (schema, property, subProperty) => {
	if (!schema) return null;
	if (subProperty) {
		if (schema[property] && typeof schema[property] === "object" && subProperty in schema[property]) {
			return resolveSchema(schema[property][subProperty]);
	} else {
		if (property in schema) return resolveSchema(schema[property]);
	for (const name of nestedProperties) {
		if (schema[name]) {
			for (const item of schema[name]) {
				const resolvedItem = resolveSchema(item);
				const result = findPropertyInSchema(resolvedItem, property, subProperty);
				if (result) return result;
	return undefined;

const getSchemaInfo = (path, property, subProperty) => {
	const pathSegments = path.split(".");
	let current = optionsSchema;
	for (const segment of pathSegments) {
		if (segment === "*") {
			current = findPropertyInSchema(current, "additionalProperties") || findPropertyInSchema(current, "items");
		} else {
			current = findPropertyInSchema(current, "properties", segment);
		if (!current) return undefined;
	return findPropertyInSchema(current, property, subProperty);

module.exports = function(yargs) {
		.alias("help", "h")
		.alias("version", "v")
			config: {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Path to the config file",
				group: CONFIG_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "webpack.config.js or webpackfile.js",
				requiresArg: true
			"config-register": {
				type: "array",
				alias: "r",
				describe: "Preload one or more modules before loading the webpack configuration",
				group: CONFIG_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "module id or path",
				requiresArg: true
			"config-name": {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Name of the config to use",
				group: CONFIG_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			env: {
				describe: "Environment passed to the config, when it is a function",
				group: CONFIG_GROUP
			mode: {
				type: getSchemaInfo("mode", "type"),
				choices: getSchemaInfo("mode", "enum"),
				describe: getSchemaInfo("mode", "description"),
				group: CONFIG_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			context: {
				type: getSchemaInfo("context", "type"),
				describe: getSchemaInfo("context", "description"),
				group: BASIC_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "The current directory",
				requiresArg: true
			entry: {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("entry", "description"),
				group: BASIC_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"module-bind": {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Bind an extension to a loader",
				group: MODULE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"module-bind-post": {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Bind an extension to a post loader",
				group: MODULE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"module-bind-pre": {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Bind an extension to a pre loader",
				group: MODULE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			output: {
				alias: "o",
				describe: "The output path and file for compilation assets",
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"output-path": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.path", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "The current directory",
				requiresArg: true
			"output-filename": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.filename", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "[name].js",
				requiresArg: true
			"output-chunk-filename": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.chunkFilename", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "filename with [id] instead of [name] or [id] prefixed",
				requiresArg: true
			"output-source-map-filename": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.sourceMapFilename", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"output-public-path": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.publicPath", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"output-jsonp-function": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.jsonpFunction", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"output-pathinfo": {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.pathinfo", "description"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP
			"output-library": {
				type: "array",
				describe: "Expose the exports of the entry point as library",
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"output-library-target": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("output.libraryTarget", "description"),
				choices: getSchemaInfo("output.libraryTarget", "enum"),
				group: OUTPUT_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"records-input-path": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("recordsInputPath", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"records-output-path": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("recordsOutputPath", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"records-path": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("recordsPath", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			define: {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Define any free var in the bundle",
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			target: {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("target", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			cache: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("cache", "description"),
				default: null,
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				defaultDescription: "It's enabled by default when watching"
			watch: {
				type: "boolean",
				alias: "w",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("watch", "description"),
				group: BASIC_GROUP
			"watch-stdin": {
				type: "boolean",
				alias: "stdin",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("watchOptions.stdin", "description"),
			"watch-aggregate-timeout": {
				describe: getSchemaInfo("watchOptions.aggregateTimeout", "description"),
				type: getSchemaInfo("watchOptions.aggregateTimeout", "type"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"watch-poll": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("watchOptions.poll", "description"),
			hot: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "Enables Hot Module Replacement",
			debug: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "Switch loaders to debug mode",
				group: BASIC_GROUP
			devtool: {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("devtool", "description"),
				group: BASIC_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"resolve-alias": {
				type: "string",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("resolve.alias", "description"),
				group: RESOLVE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"resolve-extensions": {
				type: "array",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("resolve.alias", "description"),
				group: RESOLVE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"resolve-loader-alias": {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Setup a loader alias for resolving",
				group: RESOLVE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"optimize-max-chunks": {
				describe: "Try to keep the chunk count below a limit",
				group: OPTIMIZE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"optimize-min-chunk-size": {
				describe: getSchemaInfo("optimization.splitChunks.minSize", "description"),
				group: OPTIMIZE_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"optimize-minimize": {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("optimization.minimize", "description"),
			prefetch: {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Prefetch this request (Example: --prefetch ./file.js)",
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			provide: {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Provide these modules as free vars in all modules (Example: --provide jQuery=jquery)",
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			"labeled-modules": {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "Enables labeled modules",
			plugin: {
				type: "string",
				describe: "Load this plugin",
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				requiresArg: true
			bail: {
				type: getSchemaInfo("bail", "type"),
				describe: getSchemaInfo("bail", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				default: null
			profile: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: getSchemaInfo("profile", "description"),
				group: ADVANCED_GROUP,
				default: null
			d: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map --output-pathinfo",
				group: BASIC_GROUP
			p: {
				type: "boolean",
				// eslint-disable-next-line quotes
				describe: 'shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define process.env.NODE_ENV="production"',
				group: BASIC_GROUP
			silent: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "Prevent output from being displayed in stdout"
			json: {
				type: "boolean",
				alias: "j",
				describe: "Prints the result as JSON."
			progress: {
				type: "boolean",
				describe: "Print compilation progress in percentage",
				group: BASIC_GROUP
			color: {
				type: "boolean",
				alias: "colors",
				default: function supportsColor() {
					return require("supports-color").stdout;
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Force colors on the console"
			"no-color": {
				type: "boolean",
				alias: "no-colors",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Force no colors on the console"
			"sort-modules-by": {
				type: "string",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Sorts the modules list by property in module"
			"sort-chunks-by": {
				type: "string",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Sorts the chunks list by property in chunk"
			"sort-assets-by": {
				type: "string",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Sorts the assets list by property in asset"
			"hide-modules": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Hides info about modules"
			"display-exclude": {
				type: "string",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Exclude modules in the output"
			"display-modules": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display even excluded modules in the output"
			"display-max-modules": {
				type: "number",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Sets the maximum number of visible modules in output"
			"display-chunks": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display chunks in the output"
			"display-entrypoints": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display entry points in the output"
			"display-origins": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display origins of chunks in the output"
			"display-cached": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display also cached modules in the output"
			"display-cached-assets": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display also cached assets in the output"
			"display-reasons": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display reasons about module inclusion in the output"
			"display-depth": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display distance from entry point for each module"
			"display-used-exports": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display information about used exports in modules (Tree Shaking)"
			"display-provided-exports": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display information about exports provided from modules"
			"display-optimization-bailout": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display information about why optimization bailed out for modules"
			"display-error-details": {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display details about errors"
			display: {
				type: "string",
				choices: ["", "verbose", "detailed", "normal", "minimal", "errors-only", "none"],
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Select display preset"
			verbose: {
				type: "boolean",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Show more details"
			"info-verbosity": {
				type: "string",
				default: "info",
				choices: ["none", "info", "verbose"],
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Controls the output of lifecycle messaging e.g. Started watching files..."
			"build-delimiter": {
				type: "string",
				group: DISPLAY_GROUP,
				describe: "Display custom text after build output"