require 'spec_helper' class FakeCalculator < Spree::Calculator def compute(_computable) 5 end end describe Spree::Order, type: :model do let(:store) { build_stubbed(:store) } let(:user) { stub_model(Spree::LegacyUser, email: "") } let(:order) { stub_model(Spree::Order, user: user, store: store) } before do allow(Spree::LegacyUser).to receive_messages(current: mock_model(Spree::LegacyUser, id: 123)) end context '#store' do it { respond_to(:store) } context 'when there is no store assigned' do subject { } context 'when there is no default store' do it "will not be valid" do expect(subject).not_to be_valid end end context "when there is a default store" do let!(:store) { create(:store) } it { be_valid } end end context 'when a store is assigned' do subject { create(:store)) } it { be_valid } end end describe "#cancel!" do context "with captured store credit" do let!(:store_credit_payment_method) { create(:store_credit_payment_method) } let(:order_total) { 500.00 } let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: order_total) } let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, user: store_credit.user, line_items_price: order_total) } before do order.add_store_credit_payments order.finalize! order.capture_payments! end subject { order.cancel! } it "cancels the order" do expect{ subject }.to change{ order.can_cancel? }.from(true).to(false) expect(order).to be_canceled end end end context "#canceled_by" do let(:admin_user) { create :admin_user } let(:order) { create :order } before do allow(order).to receive(:cancel!) end subject { order.canceled_by(admin_user) } it 'should cancel the order' do expect(order).to receive(:cancel!) subject end it 'should save canceler_id' do subject expect(order.reload.canceler_id).to eq( end it 'should save canceled_at' do subject expect(order.reload.canceled_at).to_not be_nil end it 'should have canceler' do subject expect(order.reload.canceler).to eq(admin_user) end end context "#create" do let!(:store) { create :store } let(:order) { Spree::Order.create } it "should assign an order number" do expect(order.number).not_to be_nil end it 'should create a randomized 22 character token' do expect(order.guest_token.size).to eq(22) end end context "creates shipments cost" do let(:shipment) { double } before { allow(order).to receive_messages shipments: [shipment] } it "update and persist totals" do expect(shipment).to receive :update_amounts expect(order.updater).to receive :update_shipment_total expect(order.updater).to receive :persist_totals order.set_shipments_cost end end context "insufficient_stock_lines" do let(:line_item) { mock_model Spree::LineItem, insufficient_stock?: true } before { allow(order).to receive_messages(line_items: [line_item]) } it "should return line_item that has insufficient stock on hand" do expect(order.insufficient_stock_lines.size).to eq(1) expect(order.insufficient_stock_lines.include?(line_item)).to be true end end describe '#ensure_line_item_variants_are_not_deleted' do subject { order.ensure_line_item_variants_are_not_deleted } let(:order) { create :order_with_line_items } context 'when variant is destroyed' do before do allow(order).to receive(:restart_checkout_flow) order.line_items.first.variant.destroy end it 'should restart checkout flow' do expect(order).to receive(:restart_checkout_flow).once subject end it 'should have error message' do subject expect(order.errors[:base]).to include(Spree.t(:deleted_variants_present)) end it 'should be false' do expect(subject).to be_falsey end end context 'when no variants are destroyed' do it 'should not restart checkout' do expect(order).to receive(:restart_checkout_flow).never subject end it 'should be true' do expect(subject).to be_truthy end end end context "empty!" do let!(:order) { create(:order) } before do create(:line_item, order: order) create(:shipment, order: order) create(:adjustment, adjustable: order, order: order) order.update! # Make sure we are asserting changes expect(order.line_items).not_to be_empty expect(order.shipments).not_to be_empty expect(order.adjustments).not_to be_empty expect(order.item_total).not_to eq 0 expect(order.item_count).not_to eq 0 expect(order.shipment_total).not_to eq 0 expect(order.adjustment_total).not_to eq 0 end it "clears out line items, adjustments and update totals" do order.empty! expect(order.line_items).to be_empty expect(order.shipments).to be_empty expect(order.adjustments).to be_empty expect(order.item_total).to eq 0 expect(order.item_count).to eq 0 expect(order.shipment_total).to eq 0 expect(order.adjustment_total).to eq 0 end end context "#display_outstanding_balance" do it "returns the value as a spree money" do allow(order).to receive(:outstanding_balance) { 10.55 } expect(order.display_outstanding_balance).to eq( end end context "#display_item_total" do it "returns the value as a spree money" do allow(order).to receive(:item_total) { 10.55 } expect(order.display_item_total).to eq( end end context "#display_adjustment_total" do it "returns the value as a spree money" do order.adjustment_total = 10.55 expect(order.display_adjustment_total).to eq( end end context "#display_total" do it "returns the value as a spree money" do = 10.55 expect(order.display_total).to eq( end end context "#currency" do context "when object currency is ABC" do before { order.currency = "ABC" } it "returns the currency from the object" do expect(order.currency).to eq("ABC") end end context "when object currency is nil" do before { order.currency = nil } it "returns the globally configured currency" do expect(order.currency).to eq("USD") end end end describe '#merge!' do let(:order1) { create(:order_with_line_items) } let(:order2) { create(:order_with_line_items) } it 'merges the orders' do order1.merge!(order2) expect(order1.line_items.count).to eq(2) expect(order2.destroyed?).to be_truthy end describe 'order_merger_class customization' do before do class TestOrderMerger def initialize(order) @order = order end def merge!(other_order, user = nil) [@order, other_order, user] end end Spree::Config.order_merger_class = TestOrderMerger end let(:user) { build(:user) } it 'uses the configured order merger' do expect(order1.merge!(order2, user)).to eq([order1, order2, user]) end end end context "add_update_hook" do before do Spree::Order.class_eval do register_update_hook :add_awesome_sauce end end after do Spree::Order.update_hooks = end it "calls hook during update" do order = create(:order) expect(order).to receive(:add_awesome_sauce) order.update! end it "calls hook during finalize" do order = create(:order) expect(order).to receive(:add_awesome_sauce) order.finalize! end end context "ensure shipments will be updated" do subject(:order) { create :order } before do Spree::Shipment.create!(order: order) end ['payment', 'confirm'].each do |order_state| context "when ther order is in the #{order_state} state" do before do order.state = order_state order.shipments.create! end it "destroys current shipments" do order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.shipments).to be_empty end it "puts order back in address state" do order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.state).to eql "cart" end it "resets shipment_total" do order.update_column(:shipment_total, 5) order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.shipment_total).to eq(0) end it "does nothing if any shipments are ready" do shipment = create(:shipment, order: subject, state: "ready") expect { subject.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { subject.reload.shipments } expect { shipment.reload }.not_to raise_error end it "does nothing if any shipments are shipped" do shipment = create(:shipment, order: subject, state: "shipped") expect { subject.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { subject.reload.shipments } expect { shipment.reload }.not_to raise_error end end end context 'when the order is in address state' do before do order.state = 'address' order.shipments.create! end it "destroys current shipments" do order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.shipments).to be_empty end it "resets shipment_total" do order.update_column(:shipment_total, 5) order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.shipment_total).to eq(0) end it "puts the order in the cart state" do order.ensure_updated_shipments expect(order.state).to eq "cart" end end context 'when the order is completed' do before do order.state = 'complete' order.completed_at = Time.current order.update_column(:shipment_total, 5) order.shipments.create! end it "does not destroy the current shipments" do expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.shipments } end it "does not reset the shipment total" do expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.shipment_total } end it "does not put the order back in the address state" do expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.state } end end context "except when order is completed, that's OrderInventory job" do it "doesn't touch anything" do allow(order).to receive_messages completed?: true order.update_column(:shipment_total, 5) order.shipments.create! expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.shipment_total } expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.shipments } expect { order.ensure_updated_shipments }.not_to change { order.state } end end end describe "#tax_address" do let(:order) { build(:order, ship_address: ship_address, bill_address: bill_address, store: store) } let(:store) { build(:store) } before { Spree::Config[:tax_using_ship_address] = tax_using_ship_address } subject { order.tax_address } context "when the order has no addresses" do let(:ship_address) { nil } let(:bill_address) { nil } context "when tax_using_ship_address is true" do let(:tax_using_ship_address) { true } it 'returns the stores default cart tax location' do expect(subject).to eq(store.default_cart_tax_location) end end context "when tax_using_ship_address is not true" do let(:tax_using_ship_address) { false } it 'returns the stores default cart tax location' do expect(subject).to eq(store.default_cart_tax_location) end end end context "when the order has addresses" do let(:ship_address) { build(:address) } let(:bill_address) { build(:address) } context "when tax_using_ship_address is true" do let(:tax_using_ship_address) { true } it 'returns ship_address' do expect(subject).to eq(order.ship_address) end end context "when tax_using_ship_address is not true" do let(:tax_using_ship_address) { false } it "returns bill_address" do expect(subject).to eq(order.bill_address) end end end end describe "#restart_checkout_flow" do context "when in cart state" do let(:order) { create(:order_with_totals, state: "cart") } it "remains in cart state" do expect { order.restart_checkout_flow }.not_to change { order.state } end end it "updates the state column to the first checkout_steps value" do order = create(:order_with_totals, state: "delivery") expect(order.checkout_steps).to eql ["address", "delivery", "confirm", "complete"] expect{ order.restart_checkout_flow }.to change{ order.state }.from("delivery").to("address") end context "without line items" do it "updates the state column to cart" do order = create(:order, state: "delivery") expect{ order.restart_checkout_flow }.to change{ order.state }.from("delivery").to("cart") end end end # Regression tests for context "#state_changed" do let(:order) { FactoryGirl.create(:order) } it "logs state changes" do order.update_column(:payment_state, 'balance_due') order.payment_state = 'paid' expect(order.state_changes).to be_empty order.state_changed('payment') state_change = order.state_changes.find_by(name: 'payment') expect(state_change.previous_state).to eq('balance_due') expect(state_change.next_state).to eq('paid') end it "does not do anything if state does not change" do order.update_column(:payment_state, 'balance_due') expect(order.state_changes).to be_empty order.state_changed('payment') expect(order.state_changes).to be_empty end end # Regression test for context "#available_payment_methods" do it "includes frontend payment methods" do payment_method = Spree::PaymentMethod.create!({ name: "Fake", active: true, display_on: "front_end" }) expect(order.available_payment_methods).to include(payment_method) end it "includes 'both' payment methods" do payment_method = Spree::PaymentMethod.create!({ name: "Fake", active: true, display_on: "both" }) expect(order.available_payment_methods).to include(payment_method) end it "does not include a payment method twice if display_on is blank" do payment_method = Spree::PaymentMethod.create!({ name: "Fake", active: true, display_on: "both" }) expect(order.available_payment_methods.count).to eq(1) expect(order.available_payment_methods).to include(payment_method) end context "with more than one payment method" do subject { order.available_payment_methods } let!(:first_method) { FactoryGirl.create(:payment_method, display_on: :both) } let!(:second_method) { FactoryGirl.create(:payment_method, display_on: :both) } before do second_method.move_to_top end it "respects the order of methods based on position" do expect(subject).to eql([second_method, first_method]) end end context 'when the order has a store' do let(:order) { create(:order) } let!(:store_with_payment_methods) do create(:store, payment_methods: [payment_method_with_store] ) end let!(:payment_method_with_store) { create(:payment_method) } let!(:store_without_payment_methods) { create(:store) } let!(:payment_method_without_store) { create(:payment_method) } context 'when the store has payment methods' do before { order.update_attributes!(store: store_with_payment_methods) } it 'returns only the matching payment methods for that store' do expect(order.available_payment_methods).to match_array( [payment_method_with_store] ) end end context 'when the store does not have payment methods' do before { order.update_attributes!(store: store_without_payment_methods) } it 'returns all matching payment methods regardless of store' do expect(order.available_payment_methods).to match_array( [payment_method_with_store, payment_method_without_store] ) end end end end context "#apply_free_shipping_promotions" do it "calls out to the FreeShipping promotion handler" do expect_any_instance_of(Spree::PromotionHandler::FreeShipping).to( receive(:activate) ).and_call_original expect(order.updater).to receive(:update).and_call_original order.apply_free_shipping_promotions end end context "#products" do before :each do @variant1 = mock_model(Spree::Variant, product: "product1") @variant2 = mock_model(Spree::Variant, product: "product2") @line_items = [mock_model(Spree::LineItem, product: "product1", variant: @variant1, variant_id:, quantity: 1), mock_model(Spree::LineItem, product: "product2", variant: @variant2, variant_id:, quantity: 2)] allow(order).to receive_messages(line_items: @line_items) end it "contains?" do expect(order.contains?(@variant1)).to be true end it "gets the quantity of a given variant" do expect(order.quantity_of(@variant1)).to eq(1) @variant3 = mock_model(Spree::Variant, product: "product3") expect(order.quantity_of(@variant3)).to eq(0) end it "can find a line item matching a given variant" do expect(order.find_line_item_by_variant(@variant1)).not_to be_nil expect(order.find_line_item_by_variant(mock_model(Spree::Variant))).to be_nil end context "match line item with options" do before do Spree::Order.register_line_item_comparison_hook(:foos_match) end after do # reset to avoid test pollution Spree::Order.line_item_comparison_hooks = end it "matches line item when options match" do allow(order).to receive(:foos_match).and_return(true) expect(order.line_item_options_match(@line_items.first, { foos: { bar: :zoo } })).to be true end it "does not match line item without options" do allow(order).to receive(:foos_match).and_return(false) expect(order.line_item_options_match(@line_items.first, {})).to be false end end end context "#generate_order_number" do context "when no configure" do let(:default_length) { Spree::Order::ORDER_NUMBER_LENGTH + Spree::Order::ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX.length } subject(:order_number) { order.generate_order_number } describe '#class' do subject { super().class } it { eq String } end describe '#length' do subject { super().length } it { eq default_length } end it { match /^#{Spree::Order::ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX}/ } end context "when length option is 5" do let(:option_length) { 5 + Spree::Order::ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX.length } it "should be option length for order number" do expect(order.generate_order_number(length: 5).length).to eq option_length end end context "when letters option is true" do it "generates order number include letter" do expect(order.generate_order_number(length: 100, letters: true)).to match /[A-Z]/ end end context "when prefix option is 'P'" do it "generates order number and it prefix is 'P'" do expect(order.generate_order_number(prefix: 'P')).to match /^P/ end end end context "#associate_user!" do let!(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "should associate a user with a persisted order" do order = FactoryGirl.create(:order_with_line_items, created_by: nil) order.user = nil = nil order.associate_user!(user) expect(order.user).to eq(user) expect( eq( expect(order.created_by).to eq(user) # verify that the changes we made were persisted order.reload expect(order.user).to eq(user) expect( eq( expect(order.created_by).to eq(user) end it "should not overwrite the created_by if it already is set" do creator = create(:user) order = FactoryGirl.create(:order_with_line_items, created_by: creator) order.user = nil = nil order.associate_user!(user) expect(order.user).to eq(user) expect( eq( expect(order.created_by).to eq(creator) # verify that the changes we made were persisted order.reload expect(order.user).to eq(user) expect( eq( expect(order.created_by).to eq(creator) end it "should associate a user with a non-persisted order" do order = expect do order.associate_user!(user) change { [order.user,] }.from([nil, nil]).to([user,]) end it "should not persist an invalid address" do address = order.user = nil = nil order.ship_address = address expect do order.associate_user!(user) end.not_to change { address.persisted? }.from(false) end end context "#can_ship?" do let(:order) { Spree::Order.create } it "should be true for order in the 'complete' state" do allow(order).to receive_messages(complete?: true) expect(order.can_ship?).to be true end it "should be true for order in the 'resumed' state" do allow(order).to receive_messages(resumed?: true) expect(order.can_ship?).to be true end it "should be true for an order in the 'awaiting return' state" do allow(order).to receive_messages(awaiting_return?: true) expect(order.can_ship?).to be true end it "should be true for an order in the 'returned' state" do allow(order).to receive_messages(returned?: true) expect(order.can_ship?).to be true end it "should be false if the order is neither in the 'complete' nor 'resumed' state" do allow(order).to receive_messages(resumed?: false, complete?: false) expect(order.can_ship?).to be false end end context "#completed?" do it "should indicate if order is completed" do order.completed_at = nil expect(order.completed?).to be false order.completed_at = Time.current expect(order.completed?).to be true end end context "#allow_checkout?" do it "should be true if there are line_items in the order" do allow(order).to receive_message_chain(:line_items, count: 1) expect(order.checkout_allowed?).to be true end it "should be false if there are no line_items in the order" do allow(order).to receive_message_chain(:line_items, count: 0) expect(order.checkout_allowed?).to be false end end context "#amount" do before do @order = create(:order, user: user) @order.line_items = [create(:line_item, price: 1.0, quantity: 2), create(:line_item, price: 1.0, quantity: 1)] end it "should return the correct lum sum of items" do expect(@order.amount).to eq(3.0) end end context "#backordered?" do it 'is backordered if one of the shipments is backordered' do allow(order).to receive_messages(shipments: [mock_model(Spree::Shipment, backordered?: false), mock_model(Spree::Shipment, backordered?: true)]) expect(order).to be_backordered end end context "#can_cancel?" do it "should be false for completed order in the canceled state" do order.state = 'canceled' order.shipment_state = 'ready' order.completed_at = Time.current expect(order.can_cancel?).to be false end it "should be true for completed order with no shipment" do order.state = 'complete' order.shipment_state = nil order.completed_at = Time.current expect(order.can_cancel?).to be true end end context "#tax_total" do it "adds included tax and additional tax" do allow(order).to receive_messages(additional_tax_total: 10, included_tax_total: 20) expect(order.tax_total).to eq 30 end end # Regression test for context "locking" do let(:order) { Spree::Order.create } # need a persisted in order to test locking it 'can lock' do order.with_lock {} end end describe "#pre_tax_item_amount" do it "sums all of the line items' pre tax amounts" do subject.line_items = [ 10, quantity: 2, included_tax_total: 15.0), 30, quantity: 1, included_tax_total: 16.0) ] # (2*10)-15 + 30-16 = 5 + 14 = 19 expect(subject.pre_tax_item_amount).to eq 19.0 end end context "#refund_total" do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } let!(:payment) { create(:payment_with_refund, order: order, amount: 5, refund_amount: 3) } let!(:payment2) { create(:payment_with_refund, order: order, amount: 5, refund_amount: 2.5) } it "sums the reimbursment refunds on the order" do expect(order.refund_total).to eq(5.5) end end describe '#quantity' do # Uses a persisted record, as the quantity is retrieved via a DB count let(:order) { create :order_with_line_items, line_items_count: 3 } it 'sums the quantity of all line items' do expect(order.quantity).to eq 3 end end describe '#has_non_reimbursement_related_refunds?' do subject do order.has_non_reimbursement_related_refunds? end context 'no refunds exist' do it { eq false } end context 'a non-reimbursement related refund exists' do let(:order) { refund.payment.order } let(:refund) { create(:refund, reimbursement_id: nil, amount: 5) } it { eq true } end context 'an old-style refund exists' do let(:order) { create(:order_ready_to_ship) } let(:payment) { order.payments.first.tap { |p| allow(p).to receive_messages(profiles_supported: false) } } let!(:refund_payment) { build(:payment, amount: -1, order: order, state: 'completed', source: payment).tap do |p| allow(p).to receive_messages(profiles_supported?: false)! end } it { eq true } end context 'a reimbursement related refund exists' do let(:order) { refund.payment.order } let(:refund) { create(:refund, reimbursement_id: 123, amount: 5, payment_amount: 14) } it { eq false } end end describe "#create_proposed_shipments" do subject(:order) { create(:order) } it "assigns the coordinator returned shipments to its shipments" do shipment = build(:shipment) allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Stock::Coordinator).to receive(:shipments).and_return([shipment]) subject.create_proposed_shipments expect(subject.shipments).to eq [shipment] end it "raises an error if any shipments are ready" do shipment = create(:shipment, order: subject, state: "ready") expect { expect { subject.create_proposed_shipments }.to raise_error(Spree::Order::CannotRebuildShipments) }.not_to change { subject.reload.shipments } expect { shipment.reload }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an error if any shipments are shipped" do shipment = create(:shipment, order: subject, state: "shipped") expect { expect { subject.create_proposed_shipments }.to raise_error(Spree::Order::CannotRebuildShipments) }.not_to change { subject.reload.shipments } expect { shipment.reload }.not_to raise_error end context "unreturned exchange" do let!(:first_shipment) do create(:shipment, order: subject, state: first_shipment_state, created_at: 5.days.ago) end let!(:second_shipment) do create(:shipment, order: subject, state: second_shipment_state, created_at: 5.days.ago) end context "all shipments are shipped" do let(:first_shipment_state) { "shipped" } let(:second_shipment_state) { "shipped" } it "returns the shipments" do subject.create_proposed_shipments expect(subject.shipments).to match_array [first_shipment, second_shipment] end end end end describe "#all_inventory_units_returned?" do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, line_items_count: 3) } subject { order.all_inventory_units_returned? } context "all inventory units are returned" do before { order.inventory_units.update_all(state: 'returned') } it "is true" do expect(subject).to eq true end end context "some inventory units are returned" do before do order.inventory_units.first.update_attribute(:state, 'returned') end it "is false" do expect(subject).to eq false end end context "no inventory units are returned" do it "is false" do expect(subject).to eq false end end end describe "#unreturned_exchange?" do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } subject { order.reload.unreturned_exchange? } context "the order does not have a shipment" do before { order.shipments.destroy_all } it { be false } end context "shipment created after order" do it { be false } end context "shipment created before order" do before do order.shipments.first.update_attributes!(created_at: order.created_at - end it { be true } end end describe '.unreturned_exchange' do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } subject { described_class.unreturned_exchange } it 'includes orders that have a shipment created prior to the order' do order.shipments.first.update_attributes!(created_at: order.created_at - expect(subject).to include order end it 'excludes orders that were created prior to their shipment' do expect(subject).not_to include order end it 'excludes orders with no shipment' do order.shipments.destroy_all expect(subject).not_to include order end end describe "#fully_discounted?" do let(:line_item) { 10, quantity: 1) } let(:shipment) { 10) } let(:payment) { 10) } around do |example| Spree::Deprecation.silence do end end before do allow(order).to receive(:line_items) { [line_item] } allow(order).to receive(:shipments) { [shipment] } allow(order).to receive(:payments) { [payment] } end context "the order had no inventory-related cost" do before do # discount the cost of the line items allow(order).to receive(:adjustment_total) { -5 } allow(line_item).to receive(:adjustment_total) { -5 } # but leave some shipment payment amount allow(shipment).to receive(:adjustment_total) { 0 } end it { expect(order.fully_discounted?).to eq true } end context "the order had inventory-related cost" do before do # partially discount the cost of the line item allow(order).to receive(:adjustment_total) { 0 } allow(line_item).to receive(:adjustment_total) { -5 } # and partially discount the cost of the shipment so the total # discount matches the item total for test completeness allow(shipment).to receive(:adjustment_total) { -5 } end it { expect(order.fully_discounted?).to eq false } end end context "store credit" do shared_examples "check total store credit from payments" do context "with valid payments" do let(:order) { payment.order } let!(:payment) { create(:store_credit_payment) } let!(:second_payment) { create(:store_credit_payment, order: order) } subject { order } it "returns the sum of the payment amounts" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to eq(payment.amount + second_payment.amount) end end context "without valid payments" do let(:order) { create(:order) } subject { order } it "returns 0" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to be_zero end end end describe "#add_store_credit_payments" do let(:order_total) { 500.00 } before { create(:store_credit_payment_method) } subject { order.add_store_credit_payments } context "there is no store credit" do let(:order) { create(:order, total: order_total) } context "there is a credit card payment" do let!(:cc_payment) { create(:payment, order: order, amount: order_total) } before do # callbacks recalculate total based on line items # this ensures the total is what we expect order.update_column(:total, order_total) subject order.reload end it "charges the outstanding balance to the credit card" do expect(order.errors.messages).to be_empty expect(order.payments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.payments.first.source).to be_a(Spree::CreditCard) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq order_total end end end context "there is enough store credit to pay for the entire order" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: order_total) } let(:order) { create(:order_with_totals, user: store_credit.user, line_items_price: order_total).tap(&:update!) } context "there are no other payments" do before do subject order.reload end it "creates a store credit payment for the full amount" do expect(order.errors.messages).to be_empty expect(order.payments.count).to eq 1 expect(order.payments.first).to be_store_credit expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq order_total end end context "there is a credit card payment" do it "invalidates the credit card payment" do cc_payment = create(:payment, order: order) expect { subject }.to change { cc_payment.reload.state }.to 'invalid' end end end context "the available store credit is not enough to pay for the entire order" do let(:order_total) { 500 } let(:store_credit_total) { order_total - 100 } let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: store_credit_total) } let(:order) { create(:order_with_totals, user: store_credit.user, line_items_price: order_total).tap(&:update!) } context "there are no other payments" do it "adds an error to the model" do expect(subject).to be false expect(order.errors.full_messages).to include(Spree.t("store_credit.errors.unable_to_fund")) end end context "there is a credit card payment" do let!(:cc_payment) { create(:payment, order: order, state: "checkout") } before do subject end it "charges the outstanding balance to the credit card" do expect(order.errors.messages).to be_empty expect(order.payments.count).to eq 2 expect(order.payments.first.source).to be_a(Spree::CreditCard) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq 100 end # see associated comment in order_decorator#add_store_credit_payments context "the store credit is already in the pending state" do before do order.payments.store_credits.last.authorize! order.add_store_credit_payments end it "charges the outstanding balance to the credit card" do expect(order.errors.messages).to be_empty expect(order.payments.count).to eq 2 expect(order.payments.first.source).to be_a(Spree::CreditCard) expect(order.payments.first.amount).to eq 100 end end end end context "there are multiple store credits" do context "they have different credit type priorities" do let(:amount_difference) { 100 } let!(:primary_store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: (order_total - amount_difference)) } let!(:secondary_store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: order_total, user: primary_store_credit.user, credit_type: create(:secondary_credit_type)) } let(:order) { create(:order_with_totals, user: primary_store_credit.user, line_items_price: order_total).tap(&:update!) } before do subject order.reload end it "uses the primary store credit type over the secondary" do primary_payment = order.payments.detect{ |x| x.source == primary_store_credit } secondary_payment = order.payments.detect{ |x| x.source == secondary_store_credit } expect(order.payments.size).to eq 2 expect(primary_payment.source).to eq primary_store_credit expect(secondary_payment.source).to eq secondary_store_credit expect(primary_payment.amount).to eq(order_total - amount_difference) expect(secondary_payment.amount).to eq(amount_difference) end end end end describe "#covered_by_store_credit" do context "order doesn't have an associated user" do subject { create(:order, user: nil) } it "returns false" do expect(subject.covered_by_store_credit).to be false end end context "order has an associated user" do let(:user) { create(:user) } subject { create(:order, user: user) } context "user has enough store credit to pay for the order" do before do allow(user).to receive_messages(total_available_store_credit: 10.0) allow(subject).to receive_messages(total: 5.0) end it "returns true" do expect(subject.covered_by_store_credit).to be true end end context "user does not have enough store credit to pay for the order" do before do allow(user).to receive_messages(total_available_store_credit: 0.0) allow(subject).to receive_messages(total: 5.0) end it "returns false" do expect(subject.covered_by_store_credit).to be false end end end end describe "#total_available_store_credit" do context "order does not have an associated user" do subject { create(:order, user: nil) } it "returns 0" do expect(subject.total_available_store_credit).to be_zero end end context "order has an associated user" do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:available_store_credit) { 25.0 } subject { create(:order, user: user) } before do allow(user).to receive_messages(total_available_store_credit: available_store_credit) end it "returns the user's available store credit" do expect(subject.total_available_store_credit).to eq available_store_credit end end end describe "#order_total_after_store_credit" do let(:order_total) { 100.0 } subject { create(:order, total: order_total) } before do allow(subject).to receive_messages(total_applicable_store_credit: applicable_store_credit) end context "order's user has store credits" do let(:applicable_store_credit) { 10.0 } it "deducts the applicable store credit" do expect(subject.order_total_after_store_credit).to eq(order_total - applicable_store_credit) end end context "order's user does not have any store credits" do let(:applicable_store_credit) { 0.0 } it "returns the order total" do expect(subject.order_total_after_store_credit).to eq order_total end end end describe "#total_applicable_store_credit" do context "order is in the confirm state" do before { order.update_attributes(state: 'confirm') } include_examples "check total store credit from payments" end context "order is completed" do before { order.update_attributes(state: 'complete') } include_examples "check total store credit from payments" end context "order is in any state other than confirm or complete" do context "the associated user has store credits" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit) } let(:order) { create(:order, user: store_credit.user) } subject { order } context "the store credit is more than the order total" do let(:order_total) { store_credit.amount - 1 } before { order.update_attributes(total: order_total) } it "returns the order total" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to eq order_total end end context "the store credit is less than the order total" do let(:order_total) { store_credit.amount * 10 } before { order.update_attributes(total: order_total) } it "returns the store credit amount" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to eq store_credit.amount end end end context "the associated user does not have store credits" do let(:order) { create(:order) } subject { order } it "returns 0" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to be_zero end end context "the order does not have an associated user" do subject { create(:order, user: nil) } it "returns 0" do expect(subject.total_applicable_store_credit).to be_zero end end end end describe "#display_total_applicable_store_credit" do let(:total_applicable_store_credit) { 10.00 } subject { create(:order) } before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(total_applicable_store_credit: total_applicable_store_credit) } it "returns a money instance" do expect(subject.display_total_applicable_store_credit).to be_a(Spree::Money) end it "returns a negative amount" do expect( eq(total_applicable_store_credit * -100.0) end end describe "#display_order_total_after_store_credit" do let(:order_total_after_store_credit) { 10.00 } subject { create(:order) } before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(order_total_after_store_credit: order_total_after_store_credit) } it "returns a money instance" do expect(subject.display_order_total_after_store_credit).to be_a(Spree::Money) end it "returns the order_total_after_store_credit amount" do expect( eq(order_total_after_store_credit * 100.0) end end describe "#display_total_available_store_credit" do let(:total_available_store_credit) { 10.00 } subject { create(:order) } before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(total_available_store_credit: total_available_store_credit) } it "returns a money instance" do expect(subject.display_total_available_store_credit).to be_a(Spree::Money) end it "returns the total_available_store_credit amount" do expect( eq(total_available_store_credit * 100.0) end end describe "#display_store_credit_remaining_after_capture" do let(:total_available_store_credit) { 10.00 } let(:total_applicable_store_credit) { 5.00 } subject { create(:order) } before do allow(subject).to receive_messages(total_available_store_credit: total_available_store_credit, total_applicable_store_credit: total_applicable_store_credit) end it "returns a money instance" do expect(subject.display_store_credit_remaining_after_capture).to be_a(Spree::Money) end it "returns all of the user's available store credit minus what's applied to the order amount" do amount_remaining = total_available_store_credit - total_applicable_store_credit expect( eq(amount_remaining * 100.0) end end context 'when not capturing at order completion' do let!(:store_credit_payment_method) do create( :store_credit_payment_method, auto_capture: false, # not capturing at completion time ) end describe '#after_cancel' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:store_credit) do create(:store_credit, amount: 100, user: user) end let(:order) do create( :order_with_line_items, user: user, line_items_count: 1, # order will be $20 total: line_items_price: 10, shipment_cost: 10 ) end before do order.contents.advance order.complete! end it 'releases the pending store credit authorization' do expect { order.cancel! }.to change { store_credit.reload.amount_authorized }.from(20).to(0) expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq 100 end end end end end