# `sig`: Optional Type Assertions for Ruby methods. [![[version]](https://badge.fury.io/rb/sig.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/sig) [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/sig.png)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/sig) This gem adds the `sig` method that allows you to add signatures to Ruby methods. When you call the method, it will verify that the method's arguments/result fit to the previously defined behavior: ```ruby # On main object sig [:to_i, :to_i], Integer, def sum(a, b) a.to_i + b.to_i end sum(42, false) # Sig::ArgumentTypeError: # - Expected false to respond to :to_i # In modules class A sig [Numeric, Numeric], Numeric, def mul(a, b) a * b end end A.new.mul(4,"3") # Sig::ArgumentTypeError: # - Expected "3" to be a Numeric, but is a String # Explicitely define signature for singleton_class class B sig_self [:reverse], def self.rev(object) object.reverse end end B.rev 42 # Sig::ArgumentTypeError: # - Expected 42 to respond to :reverse ``` The first argument is an array that defines the behavior of the method arguments, and the second one the behavior of the method result. Don't forget the trailing comma, because the method definition needs to be the last argument to the `sig` method. ## Features & Design Goals * Provide an intuitive way to define signatures * Only do argument/result type checks, nothing else * Use Ruby's inheritance chain, don't redefine methods * Encourage duck typing * Should work with keyword arguments * Only target Ruby 2.1+ ### This is not static typing. Ruby is a dynamic language: Nevertheless, nothing is wrong with ensuring specific behaviour of method arguments when you need it. ### Is this better than rubype? The rubype gem achieves similar things like sig (and inspired the creation of sig). It offers a different syntax and differs in feature & implementation details, so in the end, it is a matter of taste, which gem you prefer. ## Setup Add to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'sig' ``` ## Usage See example at top for basic usage. ### Supported Behavior Types You can use the following behavior types in the signature definition: Type | Meaning ------- | ------- Symbol | Argument must respond to a method with this name Module | Argument must be of this module Array | Argument can be of any type found in the array true | Argument must be truthy false | Argument must be falsy nil | Wildcard for any argument ### Example Signatures ```ruby sig [:to_i], Numeric, # takes any object that responds to :to_i as argument, numeric result sig [Numeric], String, # one numeric argument, string result sig [Numeric, Numeric], String, # two numeric arguments, string result sig [:to_s, :to_s], # two arguments that support :to_s, don't care about result sig nil, String, # don't care about arguments, as long result is string sig {keyword: Integer} # keyword argument must be an intieger sig [:to_f, {keyword: String}], # mixing positional and keyword arguments is possible sig [[Numeric, NilClass]], Float # one argument that must nil or numeric, result must be float sig [Numeric, nil, Numeric], # first and third argument must be numeric, don't care about type of second ``` See source(https://github.com/janlelis/sig/blob/master/lib/sig.rb) or specs(https://github.com/janlelis/sig/blob/master/spec/sig_spec.rb) for more features. ## Benchmark (Take with a Grain of Salt) You can run `rake benchmark` to run [it](https://github.com/janlelis/sig/blob/v1.0.1/Rakefile#L33-L148) on your machine. There is still a lot room for performance improvements. Feel free to suggest some faster implementation to do the type checks (even if it is crazy and not clean, as long it does not add too much "magic", a.k.a does not make debugging harder). Note: Starting with 0.3.0, rubype uses a C extension, which makes it much faster. The benchmark is still run with rubype 0.2.5, because 0.3.x currently does not work on jruby & rbx. ### MRI ``` ruby version: 2.2.2 ruby engine: ruby ruby description: ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux] sig version: 1.0.1 rubype version: 0.2.5 contracts version: 0.9 Calculating ------------------------------------- pure 107.628k i/100ms sig 14.425k i/100ms rubype 12.715k i/100ms contracts 7.688k i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- pure 6.856M (± 0.9%) i/s - 34.333M sig 192.440k (± 1.5%) i/s - 966.475k rubype 164.811k (± 0.8%) i/s - 826.475k contracts 90.089k (± 0.7%) i/s - 453.592k Comparison: pure: 6855615.3 i/s sig: 192439.7 i/s - 35.62x slower rubype: 164810.5 i/s - 41.60x slower contracts: 90088.6 i/s - 76.10x slower ``` ### JRuby 9000 ``` ruby version: 2.2.2 ruby engine: jruby ruby description: jruby (2.2.2) 2015-05-04 6055b79 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.80-b11 on 1.7.0_80-b15 +indy +jit [linux-amd64] sig version: 1.0.1 rubype version: 0.2.5 contracts version: 0.9 Calculating ------------------------------------- pure 70.898k i/100ms sig 5.308k i/100ms rubype 3.152k i/100ms contracts 279.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- pure 8.848M (±13.7%) i/s - 42.539M sig 178.169k (±10.3%) i/s - 881.128k rubype 119.689k (±26.5%) i/s - 444.432k contracts 56.780k (±16.8%) i/s - 265.887k Comparison: pure: 8848039.4 i/s sig: 178168.8 i/s - 49.66x slower rubype: 119689.0 i/s - 73.93x slower contracts: 56780.4 i/s - 155.83x slower ``` ### RBX 2.5.3 ``` ruby version: 2.1.0 ruby engine: rbx ruby description: rubinius 2.5.3.c25 (2.1.0 fbb3f1e4 2015-05-02 3.4 JI) [x86_64-linux-gnu] sig version: 1.0.1 rubype version: 0.2.5 contracts version: 0.9 Calculating ------------------------------------- pure 114.964k i/100ms sig 9.654k i/100ms rubype 3.775k i/100ms contracts 3.964k i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- pure 23.585M (± 3.3%) i/s - 117.263M sig 134.304k (± 3.1%) i/s - 675.780k rubype 56.042k (± 1.7%) i/s - 283.125k contracts 69.820k (± 1.8%) i/s - 348.832k Comparison: pure: 23585373.7 i/s sig: 134303.7 i/s - 175.61x slower contracts: 69819.9 i/s - 337.80x slower rubype: 56042.1 i/s - 420.85x slower ``` ## Deactivate All Signature Checking ```ruby require 'sig/none' # instead of require 'sig' ``` ## Alternatives for Type Checking and More - https://github.com/gogotanaka/Rubype - https://github.com/egonSchiele/contracts.ruby - https://github.com/plum-umd/rtc ## MIT License Copyright (C) 2015 Jan Lelis . Released under the MIT license.