require 'test_plugin_helper' class HostDiscoveredTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include FactImporterIsolation allow_transactions_for_any_importer setup do @facts = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] set_default_settings end test "should be able to create Host::Discovered objects" do host = Host.create :name => "mydiscoveredhost", :type => "Host::Discovered" assert host.is_a?(Host::Discovered) end test "should import facts from yaml as Host::Discovered" do assert discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert Host::Discovered.find_by_name('mace41f13cc3658') end test 'fact value association is set accordingly' do discovered_host = FactoryBot.create(:discovered_host, :with_facts, :fact_count => 1) fact_value = discovered_host.fact_values.first assert_equal, end test "should setup subnet" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') subnet = FactoryBot.create(:subnet_ipv4, :name => 'Subnet99', :network => '', :organizations => [organization_one], :locations => [location_one]) Subnet.expects(:subnet_for).with('').returns(subnet) host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal subnet, host.primary_interface.subnet end test "should setup subnet with org and loc set via settings" do org = FactoryBot.create(:organization, :name => "subnet_org") loc = FactoryBot.create(:location, :name => "subnet_loc") Setting['discovery_organization'] = Setting['discovery_location'] = raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') subnet = FactoryBot.create(:subnet_ipv4, :name => 'Subnet99', :network => '', :organizations => [org], :locations => [loc]) Subnet.expects(:subnet_for).with('').returns(subnet) host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal subnet, host.primary_interface.subnet end test "should setup subnet with org and loc set via facts" do org = FactoryBot.create(:organization, :name => "subnet_org_via_fact") loc = FactoryBot.create(:location, :name => "subnet_loc_via_fact") raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') @facts['foreman_organization'] = @facts['foreman_location'] = subnet = FactoryBot.create(:subnet_ipv4, :name => 'Subnet99', :network => '', :organizations => [org], :locations => [loc]) Subnet.expects(:subnet_for).with('').returns(subnet) host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal subnet, host.primary_interface.subnet end test "should set nested org and loc" do org_parent = FactoryBot.create(:organization, :name => "org") org = FactoryBot.create(:organization, :name => "suborg", :parent_id => loc_parent = FactoryBot.create(:location, :name => "loc") loc = FactoryBot.create(:location, :name => "subloc", :parent_id => Setting['discovery_organization'] = Setting['discovery_location'] = raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') subnet = FactoryBot.create(:subnet_ipv4, :name => 'Subnet99', :network => '', :organizations => [org], :locations => [loc]) Subnet.expects(:subnet_for).with('').returns(subnet) host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal org, host.organization assert_equal loc, host.location end test "should raise when fact_name setting isn't present" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_fact] = 'macaddress_foo' exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do discover_host_from_facts(@facts) end assert_match(/Expected discovery_fact '\w+' is missing/, exception.message) end test "should be able to refresh facts" do host = Host.create :name => "mydiscoveredhost", :ip => "", :type => "Host::Discovered" raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') ::ForemanDiscovery::NodeAPI::Inventory.any_instance.stubs(:facter).returns(@facts) assert host.refresh_facts end test "should create discovered host with hostname if a fact was supplied" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_hostname] = 'somefact' facts = @facts.merge({"somefact" => "somename"}) host = discover_host_from_facts(facts) assert_equal 'macsomename', refute_equal 'e4:1f:13:cc:36:5a', host.mac end test "should lock host into discovery via PXE configuration" do Host::Discovered.delete('mace41f13cc3658') Setting[:discovery_lock] = "true" raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') subnet = FactoryBot.create(:subnet, :tftp, :network => '', :cidr => '24', :mask => '', :organizations => [organization_one], :locations => [location_one] ) Subnet.expects(:subnet_for).with('').returns(subnet) ProxyAPI::TFTP.any_instance.expects(:set).with(anything, 'e4:1f:13:cc:36:58', anything).returns(true).times(3) TemplateKind::PXE.each do |kind| ProvisioningTemplate.where(:name => "#{kind.downcase}_discovery").first_or_create( :template_kind_id => template_kinds(kind.downcase.to_sym), :snippet => true, :template => "test" ) end assert discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert Host::Discovered.find_by_name('mace41f13cc3658') refute Host::Managed.find_by_name('mace41f13cc3658') end test "should create discovered host with fact_name as a name if it is a valid mac" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_fact] = 'somefact' Setting[:discovery_hostname] = 'somefact' facts = @facts.merge({"somefact" => "E4:1F:13:CC:36:5A"}) host = discover_host_from_facts(facts) assert_equal 'mace41f13cc365a', assert_equal 'e4:1f:13:cc:36:5a', host.mac end test "should create discovered host with default name if fact_name isn't a valid mac" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_fact] = 'lsbdistcodename' exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do discover_host_from_facts(@facts) end assert_match(/Unable to detect primary interface using MAC/, exception.message) end test "should not create discovered host when managed host exists" do FactoryBot.create(:host, :mac => 'E4:1F:13:CC:36:58') raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do discover_host_from_facts(@facts) end assert_match(/Host already exists as managed/, exception.message) end test "should create discovered host with prefix" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_prefix] = 'test' host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal 'teste41f13cc3658', end test "should create discovered host without prefix" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_prefix] = '' host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal 'e41f13cc3658', end test "should refresh existing discovered" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') interface = mock() interface.stubs(:host).returns(Host.create(:name => "xyz", :type => "Host::Discovered")) ::Nic::Managed.stubs(:where).with(:mac => @facts['discovery_bootif'].downcase, :primary => true).returns([interface]) host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) assert_equal 'xyz', end test "should raise when hostname fact cannot be found" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_hostname] = 'macaddress_foo' exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do discover_host_from_facts(@facts) end assert_match(/Invalid facts: hash does not contain a valid value for any of the facts in the discovery_hostname setting:/, exception.message) end test "should raise when hostname cannot be computed due to normlization and no prefix" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') @facts['invalidhostnamefact'] = '...' Setting[:discovery_hostname] = 'invalidhostnamefact' Setting[:discovery_prefix] = '' exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do discover_host_from_facts(@facts) end assert_match(/Invalid hostname: Could not normalize the hostname/, exception.message) end test 'discovered host can be searched in multiple taxonomies' do org1 = FactoryBot.create(:organization) org2 = FactoryBot.create(:organization) org3 = FactoryBot.create(:organization) user_subset = FactoryBot.create(:user, :organizations => [org1, org2]) user_all = FactoryBot.create(:user, :organizations => [org1, org2, org3]) host1 = FactoryBot.create(:host, :type => "Host::Discovered", :organization => org1) host2 = FactoryBot.create(:host, :type => "Host::Discovered", :organization => org2) host3 = FactoryBot.create(:host, :type => "Host::Discovered", :organization => org3) hosts = nil assert_nil Organization.current as_user(user_subset) do hosts = Host::Discovered.all end assert_includes hosts, host1 assert_includes hosts, host2 refute_includes hosts, host3 as_user(user_all) do hosts = Host::Discovered.all end assert_includes hosts, host1 assert_includes hosts, host2 assert_includes hosts, host3 end test "provisioning a discovered host without saving it doesn't create a token" do Setting[:token_duration] = 30 #enable tokens so that we only test the CR raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json') Setting[:discovery_prefix] = '123' host = discover_host_from_facts(@facts) h = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) refute_valid h assert Token.where(:host_id => end test "all non-discovery facts are deleted after managed conversion" do Setting[:discovery_clean_facts] = true raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] raw.merge!({ 'delete_me' => "content", 'discovery_keep_me' => "content", }) host = discover_host_from_facts(raw) managed = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) managed.clear_facts assert_nil managed.facts_hash['delete_me'] assert_equal "content", managed.facts_hash['discovery_keep_me'] end test "primary interface is preserved after managed conversion" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] raw.merge!({ 'keep_me' => "content", 'discovery_keep_me' => "content", }) host = discover_host_from_facts(raw) managed = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) refute_nil managed.primary_interface assert_equal "e4:1f:13:cc:36:58", managed.primary_interface.mac end test "provision interface is preserved after managed conversion" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] raw.merge!({ 'keep_me' => "content", 'discovery_keep_me' => "content", }) host = discover_host_from_facts(raw) managed = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) refute_nil managed.provision_interface assert_equal "e4:1f:13:cc:36:58", managed.provision_interface.mac end test "provision interface host association is preserved after managed conversion" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] raw.merge!({ 'keep_me' => "content", 'discovery_keep_me' => "content", }) host = discover_host_from_facts(raw) managed = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) refute_nil managed.provision_interface assert_equal host, end test "all facts are preserved after managed conversion" do raw = parse_json_fixture('/facts.json')['facts'] raw.merge!({ 'keep_me' => "content", 'discovery_keep_me' => "content", }) host = discover_host_from_facts(raw) managed = ::ForemanDiscovery::HostConverter.to_managed(host) managed.clear_facts assert_equal "content", managed.facts_hash['keep_me'] assert_equal "content", managed.facts_hash['discovery_keep_me'] end test "normalization of MAC into a discovered host hostname" do assert_equal Host::Discovered.normalize_string_for_hostname("90:B1:1C:54:D5:82"),"90b11c54d582" end test "normalization of a string containing multiple non-alphabetical characters" do assert_equal Host::Discovered.normalize_string_for_hostname(".-_Test::Host.name_-."),"testhostname" end test "normalization of a valid hostname" do assert_equal Host::Discovered.normalize_string_for_hostname("testhostname"),"testhostname" end test "empty string after hostname normalization should raise an error" do exception = assert_raises(::Foreman::Exception) do Host::Discovered.normalize_string_for_hostname(".-_") end assert_match(/Invalid hostname: Could not normalize the hostname/, exception.message) end test "chooshing the first valid fact from array of fact names" do facts = {"custom_hostname" => "testhostname","notmyfact" => "notusedfactvalue"} discovery_hostname_fact_array = ['macaddress','custom_hostname','someotherfact'] assert_equal Host::Discovered.return_first_valid_fact(discovery_hostname_fact_array,facts),"testhostname" end def parse_json_fixture(relative_path) return JSON.parse( + relative_path))) end end