# Titan Graph Database Adapter for Pacer [Pacer](https://github.com/pangloss/pacer) is a [JRuby](http://jruby.org) graph traversal framework built on the [Tinkerpop](http://www.tinkerpop.com) stack. This is an alpha-version pacer adapter with basic support for a [Titan](http://thinkaurelius.github.io/titan) graph in Pacer. ## Installation As always: ```gem 'pacer-titan'```. ## Backends This gem includes Titan 0.5.4 with the Cassandra backend and ElasticSearch. ## Usage Opening a Titan graph in Pacer: ```ruby require 'pacer' require 'pacer-titan' g = Pacer.titan 'path/to/titan_config.properties' ``` The graph settings are specified in an Apache Configuration .properties file. ## Titan-specific routes You can use Titan's [indexing predicates](https://github.com/thinkaurelius/titan/wiki/Indexing-Backend-Overview#querying-an-index) in pacer routes. ```ruby g.query{ has('text', Text::CONTAINS, 'lorem') }.out(:author) ``` Be sure to ```import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Text``` for the above example. You can also use Titan's indexQuery() method to send queries in Lucene syntax to [external indices](https://github.com/thinkaurelius/titan/wiki/Direct-Index-Query): ```ruby g.index_query(:text, '(lorem ipsum*)', index_name: 'search').out(:author) ``` The index_query route can take an array of indices as the first parameter, you can also pass an options hash as the third parameter to specify the index name if it is something other than 'search' as used in most of the Titan configuration examples. ## License Based on Derrick Wiebe's pacer-dex and pacer-neo4j gems, as well as code by Steven McCraw and others on the pacer-users list. This gem is released under the liberal MIT license.