require 'capistrano' require 'capistrano/version' module CapistranoKyan class CapistranoIntegration TASKS = [ 'deploy:seed', 'deploy:add_env', 'kyan:vhost:setup', 'kyan:vhost:show', 'nginx:start', 'nginx:stop', 'nginx:restart', 'nginx:reload', 'foreman:export', 'foreman:start', 'foreman:stop', 'foreman:restart' ] def self.load_into(capistrano_config) capistrano_config.load do before(CapistranoIntegration::TASKS) do _cset(:app_env) { (fetch(:rails_env) rescue 'staging') } _cset(:vhost_env) { fetch(:app_env) } _cset(:vhost_tmpl_path) { 'config/vhosts' } _cset(:vhost_tmpl_name) { 'vhost.conf.erb' } _cset(:vhost_server_path) { '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled' } _cset(:vhost_server_name) { File.basename(deploy_to) rescue fetch(:app_env) } end def appize(app, prefix = 'staging') "#{app.gsub('.','_')}_#{prefix}" end def tmpl_server_location run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/config" File.join(shared_path, 'config', "#{File.basename(deploy_to)}.conf") end def symlink(target, link) run "ln -nfs #{target} #{link}" end def parse_template(template), nil , '-').result(binding) end def build_vhost(path, name) [ File.join(path, name), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../../templates/vhost.conf.erb') ].each do |template| if File.file? template return parse_template(template) end end end namespace :deploy do desc "Load the database with seed data" task :seed do run "cd #{current_path}; bundle exec rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=#{app_env}" end task :add_env do put "RAILS_ENV=#{app_env}", "#{release_path}/.env" end end after "deploy:finalize_update", "deploy:add_env" namespace :nginx do task :start, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start" end task :stop, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop" end task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart" end task :reload, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload" end end namespace :foreman do desc "Export the Procfile to Ubuntu's upstart scripts" task :export, :roles => :app do run "cd #{release_path} && sudo foreman export upstart /etc/init -a #{vhost_server_name} -u #{user} -l #{shared_path}/log" end desc "Start the application services" task :start, :roles => :app do run "sudo start #{vhost_server_name}" end desc "Stop the application services" task :stop, :roles => :app do run "sudo stop #{vhost_server_name}" end desc "Restart the application services" task :restart, :roles => :app do run "sudo start #{vhost_server_name} || sudo restart #{vhost_server_name}" end end namespace :kyan do # # vhost cap tasks # namespace :vhost do desc <<-DESC Creates and symlinks an Nginx virtualhost entry. By default, this task uses a builtin template which you see the output with rake kyan:vhost:show. If you need to customise this, you can create your own erb template and update the :vhost_tmpl_path and :vhost_tmpl_name variables. DESC task :setup, :except => { :no_release => true } do if tmpl = build_vhost(vhost_tmpl_path, vhost_tmpl_name) put tmpl, tmpl_server_location symlink(tmpl_server_location, vhost_server_path) else puts "Could not find a suitable template." end end desc "Displays the vhost that will be uploaded to server" task :show, :except => { :no_release => true } do puts build_vhost(vhost_tmpl_path, vhost_tmpl_name) end end # # database.yml cap tasks # namespace :db do # # Updates the symlink for database.yml file to the just deployed release. # task :symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do path_to_appl_database_yml = "#{release_path}/config/database.yml" path_to_conf_database_yml = "#{shared_path}/config/database.yml" run "ln -nfs #{path_to_conf_database_yml} #{path_to_appl_database_yml}" end end after "deploy:finalize_update", "kyan:db:symlink" end end end end end if Capistrano::Configuration.instance CapistranoKyan::CapistranoIntegration.load_into(Capistrano::Configuration.instance) else abort "Capinstrano-kyan requires Capistrano 2" end