require 'manageiq-gems-pending' require 'log4r' require 'ostruct' require 'disk/MiqDisk' require 'fs/MiqFS/MiqFS' # # Formatter to output log messages to the console. # class ConsoleFormatter < Log4r::Formatter def format(event) ( ? : + "\n" end end $log = 'toplog' $log.level = Log4r::DEBUG'err_console', :formatter => ConsoleFormatter) $log.add 'err_console' # # Path to RAW disk image. # VIRTUAL_DISK_FILE = "path to disk image file" begin diskInfo = diskInfo.rawDisk = true # remove if image is not in RAW format. diskInfo.fileName = VIRTUAL_DISK_FILE disk = MiqDisk.getDisk(diskInfo) raise "Failed to open disk: #{diskInfo.fileName}" unless disk puts "Disk type: #{disk.diskType}" puts "Disk partition type: #{disk.partType}" puts "Disk block size: #{disk.blockSize}" puts "Disk start LBA: #{disk.lbaStart}" puts "Disk end LBA: #{disk.lbaEnd}" puts "Disk start byte: #{disk.startByteAddr}" puts "Disk end byte: #{disk.endByteAddr}" parts = disk.getPartitions || [] i = 1 parts.each do |p| puts "\nPartition #{i}:" puts "\tDisk type: #{p.diskType}" puts "\tPart partition type: #{p.partType}" puts "\tPart block size: #{p.blockSize}" puts "\tPart start LBA: #{p.lbaStart}" puts "\tPart end LBA: #{p.lbaEnd}" puts "\tPart start byte: #{p.startByteAddr}" puts "\tPart end byte: #{p.endByteAddr}" i += 1 end target_partition = parts.first || disk puts "\nTarget partition: #{target_partition.partNum}" raise "No filesystem detected" unless (mfs = MiqFS.getFS(target_partition)) puts "FS type: #{mfs.fsType}" puts "pwd = #{mfs.pwd}" all_paths = mfs.find('/') directories = { |p| mfs.fileDirectory?(p) } files = { |p| mfs.fileFile?(p) } sym_links = { |p| mfs.fileSymLink?(p) } unclassified = all_paths - directories - files - sym_links puts "files: #{files.length}" puts "directories: #{directories.length}" puts "sym_links: #{sym_links.length}" puts "unclassified: #{unclassified.length}" puts "total: #{files.length + directories.length + sym_links.length + unclassified.length}" puts "all_paths: #{all_paths.length}" unless unclassified.empty? puts puts "unclassified files:" unclassified.each { |p| puts "\t#{p}" } end rescue => err puts err.to_s puts err.backtrace.join("\n") ensure disk.close if disk end