/** * @license AngularJS v1.0.0rc1 * (c) 2010-2011 AngularJS http://angularjs.org * License: MIT */ (function(window) { 'use strict'; /** * JSTestDriver adapter for angular scenario tests * * Example of jsTestDriver.conf for running scenario tests with JSTD:
server: http://localhost:9877 load: - lib/angular-scenario.js - lib/jstd-scenario-adapter-config.js - lib/jstd-scenario-adapter.js # your test files go here # proxy: - {matcher: "/your-prefix/*", server: "http://localhost:8000/"}* * For more information on how to configure jstd proxy, see {@link http://code.google.com/p/js-test-driver/wiki/Proxy} * Note the order of files - it's important ! * * Example of jstd-scenario-adapter-config.js
var jstdScenarioAdapter = { relativeUrlPrefix: '/your-prefix/' };* * Whenever you use
in your scenario test, the relativeUrlPrefix will be prepended.
* You have to configure this to work together with JSTD proxy.
* Let's assume you are using the above configuration (jsTestDriver.conf and jstd-scenario-adapter-config.js):
* Now, when you call browser().navigateTo('index.html')
in your scenario test, the browser will open /your-prefix/index.html.
* That matches the proxy, so JSTD will proxy this request to http://localhost:8000/index.html.
* Custom type of test case
* @const
* @see jstestdriver.TestCaseInfo
var SCENARIO_TYPE = 'scenario';
* Plugin for JSTestDriver
* Connection point between scenario's jstd output and jstestdriver.
* @see jstestdriver.PluginRegistrar
function JstdPlugin() {
var nop = function() {};
this.reportResult = nop;
this.reportEnd = nop;
this.runScenario = nop;
this.name = 'Angular Scenario Adapter';
* Called for each JSTD TestCase
* Handles only SCENARIO_TYPE test cases. There should be only one fake TestCase.
* Runs all scenario tests (under one fake TestCase) and report all results to JSTD.
* @param {jstestdriver.TestRunConfiguration} configuration
* @param {Function} onTestDone
* @param {Function} onAllTestsComplete
* @returns {boolean} True if this type of test is handled by this plugin, false otherwise
this.runTestConfiguration = function(configuration, onTestDone, onAllTestsComplete) {
if (configuration.getTestCaseInfo().getType() != SCENARIO_TYPE) return false;
this.reportResult = onTestDone;
this.reportEnd = onAllTestsComplete;
return true;
this.getTestRunsConfigurationFor = function(testCaseInfos, expressions, testRunsConfiguration) {
new jstestdriver.TestRunConfiguration(
new jstestdriver.TestCaseInfo(
'Angular Scenario Tests', function() {}, SCENARIO_TYPE), []));
return true;
* Singleton instance of the plugin
* Accessed using closure by:
* - jstd output (reports to this plugin)
* - initScenarioAdapter (register the plugin to jstd)
var plugin = new JstdPlugin();
* Initialise scenario jstd-adapter
* (only if jstestdriver is defined)
* @param {Object} jstestdriver Undefined when run from browser (without jstd)
* @param {Function} initScenarioAndRun Function that inits scenario and runs all the tests
* @param {Object=} config Configuration object, supported properties:
* - relativeUrlPrefix: prefix for all relative links when navigateTo()
function initScenarioAdapter(jstestdriver, initScenarioAndRun, config) {
if (jstestdriver) {
// create and register ScenarioPlugin
plugin.runScenario = initScenarioAndRun;
* HACK (angular.scenario.Application.navigateTo)
* We need to navigate to relative urls when running from browser (without JSTD),
* because we want to allow running scenario tests without creating its own virtual host.
* For example: http://angular.local/build/docs/docs-scenario.html
* On the other hand, when running with JSTD, we need to navigate to absolute urls,
* because of JSTD proxy. (proxy, because of same domain policy)
* So this hack is applied only if running with JSTD and change all relative urls to absolute.
var appProto = angular.scenario.Application.prototype,
navigateTo = appProto.navigateTo,
relativeUrlPrefix = config && config.relativeUrlPrefix || '/';
appProto.navigateTo = function(url, loadFn, errorFn) {
if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.charAt(0) != '#' &&
url != 'about:blank' && !url.match(/^https?/)) {
url = relativeUrlPrefix + url;
return navigateTo.call(this, url, loadFn, errorFn);
* Builds proper TestResult object from given model spec
* TODO(vojta) report error details
* @param {angular.scenario.ObjectModel.Spec} spec
* @returns {jstestdriver.TestResult}
function createTestResultFromSpec(spec) {
var map = {
success: 'PASSED',
error: 'ERROR',
failure: 'FAILED'
return new jstestdriver.TestResult(
spec.error || '',
spec.line || '',
* Generates JSTD output (jstestdriver.TestResult)
angular.scenario.output('jstd', function(context, runner, model) {
model.on('SpecEnd', function(spec) {
model.on('RunnerEnd', function() {
initScenarioAdapter(window.jstestdriver, angular.scenario.setUpAndRun, window.jstdScenarioAdapter);