Class MasterSheet

  extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.model.Sheet
      extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.model.MasterSheet
Direct Known Subclasses:
SlideMaster, TitleMaster

public abstract class MasterSheet
extends Sheet

The superclass of all master sheets - Slide masters, Notes masters, etc. For now it's empty. When we understand more about masters in ppt we will add the common functionality here.

Yegor Kozlov

Constructor Summary
MasterSheet(SheetContainer container, int sheetNo)
Method Summary
abstract  TextProp getStyleAttribute(int txtype, int level, java.lang.String name, boolean isCharacter)
          Pickup a style attribute from the master.
static boolean isPlaceholder(Shape shape)
          Checks if the shape is a placeholder.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.model.Sheet
_getSheetNumber, _getSheetRefId, addShape, allocateShapeId, draw, findTextRuns, findTextRuns, getBackground, getColorScheme, getMasterSheet, getPlaceholder, getPlaceholderByTextType, getPPDrawing, getProgrammableTag, getShapes, getSheetContainer, getSlideShow, getTextRuns, onAddTextShape, onCreate, removeShape, setSlideShow
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MasterSheet(SheetContainer container,
                   int sheetNo)
Method Detail


public abstract TextProp getStyleAttribute(int txtype,
                                           int level,
                                           java.lang.String name,
                                           boolean isCharacter)
Pickup a style attribute from the master. This is the "workhorse" which returns the default style attrubutes.


public static boolean isPlaceholder(Shape shape)
Checks if the shape is a placeholder. (placeholders aren't normal shapes, they are visible only in the Edit Master mode)

true if the shape is a placeholder

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