module ValidatesTimeliness module ActiveRecord # Rails 2.1 removed the ability to retrieve the raw value of a time or datetime # attribute. The raw value is necessary to properly validate a string time or # datetime value instead of the internal Rails type casting which is very limited # and does not allow custom formats. These methods restore that ability while # respecting the automatic timezone handling. # # The automatic timezone handling sets the assigned attribute value to the current # zone in To preserve this localised value and capture the raw value # we cache the localised value on write and store the raw value in the attributes # hash for later retrieval and possibly validation. Any value from the database # will not be in the attribute cache on first read so will be considered in default # timezone and converted to local time. It is then stored back in the attributes # hash and cached to avoid the need for any subsequent differentiation. module AttributeMethods def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # Adds check for cached date/time attributes which have been type cast already # and value can be used from cache. This prevents the raw date/time value from # being type cast using default Rails type casting when writing values # to the database. def read_attribute(attr_name) attr_name = attr_name.to_s if !(value = @attributes[attr_name]).nil? if column = column_for_attribute(attr_name) if unserializable_attribute?(attr_name, column) unserialize_attribute(attr_name) elsif [:date, :time, :datetime].include?(column.type) && @attributes_cache.has_key?(attr_name) @attributes_cache[attr_name] else column.type_cast(value) end else value end else nil end end # If Rails dirty attributes is enabled then the value is added to # changed attributes if changed. Can't use the default dirty checking # implementation as it chains the write_attribute method which deletes # the attribute from the cache. def write_date_time_attribute(attr_name, value, type, time_zone_aware) old = read_attribute(attr_name) if defined?(::ActiveRecord::Dirty) new = self.class.parse_date_time(value, type) unless type == :date || new.nil? new = new.to_time rescue new end new = new.in_time_zone if new && time_zone_aware @attributes_cache[attr_name] = new if defined?(::ActiveRecord::Dirty) && !changed_attributes.include?(attr_name) && old != new changed_attributes[attr_name] = (old.duplicable? ? old.clone : old) end @attributes[attr_name] = value end # If reloading then check if cached, which means its in local time. # If local, convert with parser as local timezone, otherwise use # read_attribute method for quick default type cast of values from # database using default timezone. def read_date_time_attribute(attr_name, type, time_zone_aware, reload = false) cached = @attributes_cache[attr_name] return cached if @attributes_cache.has_key?(attr_name) && !reload if @attributes_cache.has_key?(attr_name) time = read_attribute_before_type_cast(attr_name) time = self.class.parse_date_time(date, type) else time = read_attribute(attr_name) @attributes[attr_name] = time && time_zone_aware ? time.in_time_zone : time end @attributes_cache[attr_name] = time && time_zone_aware ? time.in_time_zone : time end module ClassMethods # Override AR method to define attribute reader and writer method for # date, time and datetime attributes to use plugin parser. def define_attribute_methods return if generated_methods? columns_hash.each do |name, column| unless instance_method_already_implemented?(name) if self.serialized_attributes[name] define_read_method_for_serialized_attribute(name) elsif [:date, :time, :datetime].include?(column.type) time_zone_aware = create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(name, column) rescue false define_read_method_for_dates_and_times(name, column.type, time_zone_aware) else define_read_method(name.to_sym, name, column) end end unless instance_method_already_implemented?("#{name}=") if [:date, :time, :datetime].include?(column.type) time_zone_aware = create_time_zone_conversion_attribute?(name, column) rescue false define_write_method_for_dates_and_times(name, column.type, time_zone_aware) else define_write_method(name.to_sym) end end unless instance_method_already_implemented?("#{name}?") define_question_method(name) end end end # Define write method for date, time and datetime columns def define_write_method_for_dates_and_times(attr_name, type, time_zone_aware) method_body = <<-EOV def #{attr_name}=(value) write_date_time_attribute('#{attr_name}', value, #{type.inspect}, #{time_zone_aware}) end EOV evaluate_attribute_method attr_name, method_body, "#{attr_name}=" end def define_read_method_for_dates_and_times(attr_name, type, time_zone_aware) method_body = <<-EOV def #{attr_name}(reload = false) read_date_time_attribute('#{attr_name}', #{type.inspect}, #{time_zone_aware}, reload) end EOV evaluate_attribute_method attr_name, method_body end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ValidatesTimeliness::ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods)