#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/indirector/file_bucket_file/file' require 'puppet/util/platform' describe Puppet::FileBucketFile::File, :uses_checksums => true do include PuppetSpec::Files describe "non-stubbing tests" do include PuppetSpec::Files def save_bucket_file(contents, path = "/who_cares") bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(contents) Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.save(bucket_file, "#{bucket_file.name}#{path}") bucket_file.checksum_data end describe "when servicing a save request" do it "should return a result whose content is empty" do bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new('stuff') result = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.save(bucket_file, "md5/c13d88cb4cb02003daedb8a84e5d272a") expect(result.contents).to be_empty end it "deals with multiple processes saving at the same time", :unless => Puppet::Util::Platform.windows? do bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new("contents") children = [] 5.times do |count| children << Kernel.fork do save_bucket_file("contents", "/testing") exit(0) end end children.each { |child| Process.wait(child) } paths = File.read("#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/9/8/b/f/7/d/8/c/98bf7d8c15784f0a3d63204441e1e2aa/paths").lines.to_a expect(paths.length).to eq(1) expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{bucket_file.checksum_type}/#{bucket_file.checksum_data}/testing")).to be_truthy end it "fails if the contents collide with existing contents" do # This is the shortest known MD5 collision (little endian). See https://eprint.iacr.org/2010/643.pdf first_contents = [0x6165300e,0x87a79a55,0xf7c60bd0,0x34febd0b, 0x6503cf04,0x854f709e,0xfb0fc034,0x874c9c65, 0x2f94cc40,0x15a12deb,0x5c15f4a3,0x490786bb, 0x6d658673,0xa4341f7d,0x8fd75920,0xefd18d5a].pack("V" * 16) collision_contents = [0x6165300e,0x87a79a55,0xf7c60bd0,0x34febd0b, 0x6503cf04,0x854f749e,0xfb0fc034,0x874c9c65, 0x2f94cc40,0x15a12deb,0xdc15f4a3,0x490786bb, 0x6d658673,0xa4341f7d,0x8fd75920,0xefd18d5a].pack("V" * 16) checksum_value = save_bucket_file(first_contents, "/foo/bar") # We expect Puppet to log an error with the path to the file Puppet.expects(:err).with(regexp_matches(/Unable to verify existing FileBucket backup at '#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}.*#{checksum_value}\/contents'/)) # But the exception should not contain it expect do save_bucket_file(collision_contents, "/foo/bar") end.to raise_error(Puppet::FileBucket::BucketError, /\AExisting backup and new file have different content but same checksum, {md5}#{checksum_value}\. Verify existing backup and remove if incorrect\.\Z/) end # See PUP-1334 context "when the contents file exists but is corrupted and does not match the expected checksum" do let(:original_contents) { "a file that will get corrupted" } let(:bucket_file) { Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(original_contents) } let(:contents_file) { "#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/8/e/6/4/f/8/5/d/8e64f85dd54a412f65edabcafe44d491/contents" } before(:each) do # Ensure we're starting with a clean slate - no pre-existing backup Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(contents_file) if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(contents_file) # Create initial "correct" backup Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.save(bucket_file) # Modify the contents file so that it no longer matches the SHA, simulating a corrupt backup Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(contents_file) # bucket_files are read-only Puppet::Util.replace_file(contents_file, 0600) { |fh| fh.puts "now with corrupted content" } end it "issues a warning that the backup will be overwritten" do Puppet.expects(:warning).with(regexp_matches(/Existing backup does not match its expected sum, #{bucket_file.checksum}/)) Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.save(bucket_file) end it "overwrites the existing contents file (backup)" do Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.save(bucket_file) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read(contents_file)).to eq(original_contents) end end describe "when supplying a path" do with_digest_algorithms do it "should store the path if not already stored" do checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "/foo/bar") dir_path = "#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/#{bucket_dir}" contents_file = "#{dir_path}/contents" paths_file = "#{dir_path}/paths" expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(contents_file)).to eq(plaintext) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read(paths_file)).to eq("foo/bar\n") end it "should leave the paths file alone if the path is already stored" do checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "/foo/bar") checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "/foo/bar") dir_path = "#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/#{bucket_dir}" expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread("#{dir_path}/contents")).to eq(plaintext) expect(File.read("#{dir_path}/paths")).to eq("foo/bar\n") end it "should store an additional path if the new path differs from those already stored" do checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "/foo/bar") checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "/foo/baz") dir_path = "#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/#{bucket_dir}" expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread("#{dir_path}/contents")).to eq(plaintext) expect(File.read("#{dir_path}/paths")).to eq("foo/bar\nfoo/baz\n") end end end describe "when not supplying a path" do with_digest_algorithms do it "should save the file and create an empty paths file" do checksum = save_bucket_file(plaintext, "") dir_path = "#{Puppet[:bucketdir]}/#{bucket_dir}" expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread("#{dir_path}/contents")).to eq(plaintext) expect(File.read("#{dir_path}/paths")).to eq("") end end end end describe "when servicing a head/find request" do with_digest_algorithms do let(:not_bucketed_plaintext) { "other stuff" } let(:not_bucketed_checksum) { digest(not_bucketed_plaintext) } describe "when listing the filebucket" do it "should return false/nil when the bucket is empty" do expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}/foo/bar", :list_all => true)).to eq(nil) end it "raises when the request is remote" do Puppet[:bucketdir] = tmpdir('bucket') request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:file_bucket_file, :find, "#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}/foo/bar", nil, :list_all => true) request.node = 'client.example.com' expect { Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new.find(request) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Listing remote file buckets is not allowed") end it "should return the list of bucketed files in a human readable way" do checksum1 = save_bucket_file("I'm the contents of a file", '/foo/bar1') checksum2 = save_bucket_file("I'm the contents of another file", '/foo/bar2') checksum3 = save_bucket_file("I'm the modified content of a existing file", '/foo/bar1') # Use the first checksum as we know it's stored in the bucket find_result = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum1}/foo/bar1", :list_all => true) # The list is sort order from date and file name, so first and third checksums come before the second date_pattern = '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}' expect(find_result.to_s).to match(Regexp.new("^(#{checksum1}|#{checksum3}) #{date_pattern} foo/bar1\\n(#{checksum3}|#{checksum1}) #{date_pattern} foo/bar1\\n#{checksum2} #{date_pattern} foo/bar2\\n$")) end it "should fail in an informative way when provided dates are not in the right format" do contents = "I'm the contents of a file" save_bucket_file(contents, '/foo/bar1') expect { Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find( "#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}/foo/bar", :list_all => true, :todate => "0:0:0 1-1-1970", :fromdate => "WEIRD" ) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /fromdate/) expect { Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find( "#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}/foo/bar", :list_all => true, :todate => "WEIRD", :fromdate => Time.now ) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /todate/) end end describe "when supplying a path" do it "should return false/nil if the file isn't bucketed" do expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}/foo/bar")).to eq(false) expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}/foo/bar")).to eq(nil) end it "should return false/nil if the file is bucketed but with a different path" do checksum = save_bucket_file("I'm the contents of a file", '/foo/bar') expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}/foo/baz")).to eq(false) expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}/foo/baz")).to eq(nil) end it "should return true/file if the file is already bucketed with the given path" do contents = "I'm the contents of a file" checksum = save_bucket_file(contents, '/foo/bar') expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}/foo/bar")).to eq(true) find_result = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}/foo/bar") expect(find_result.checksum).to eq("{#{digest_algorithm}}#{checksum}") expect(find_result.to_s).to eq(contents) end end describe "when not supplying a path" do [false, true].each do |trailing_slash| describe "#{trailing_slash ? 'with' : 'without'} a trailing slash" do trailing_string = trailing_slash ? '/' : '' it "should return false/nil if the file isn't bucketed" do expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}#{trailing_string}")).to eq(false) expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}#{trailing_string}")).to eq(nil) end it "should return true/file if the file is already bucketed" do # this one replaces most of the lets in the "when # digest_digest_algorithm is set..." shared context, but it still needs digest_algorithm contents = "I'm the contents of a file" checksum = save_bucket_file(contents, '/foo/bar') expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}#{trailing_string}")).to eq(true) find_result = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}#{trailing_string}") expect(find_result.checksum).to eq("{#{digest_algorithm}}#{checksum}") expect(find_result.to_s).to eq(contents) end end end end end end describe "when diffing files", :unless => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do with_digest_algorithms do let(:not_bucketed_plaintext) { "other stuff" } let(:not_bucketed_checksum) { digest(not_bucketed_plaintext) } it "should generate an empty string if there is no diff" do checksum = save_bucket_file("I'm the contents of a file") expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}", :diff_with => checksum)).to eq('') end it "should generate a proper diff if there is a diff" do checksum1 = save_bucket_file("foo\nbar\nbaz") checksum2 = save_bucket_file("foo\nbiz\nbaz") diff = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum1}", :diff_with => checksum2) expect(diff).to include("-bar\n+biz\n") end it "should raise an exception if the hash to diff against isn't found" do checksum = save_bucket_file("whatever") expect do Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}", :diff_with => not_bucketed_checksum) end.to raise_error "could not find diff_with #{not_bucketed_checksum}" end it "should return nil if the hash to diff from isn't found" do checksum = save_bucket_file("whatever") expect(Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find("#{digest_algorithm}/#{not_bucketed_checksum}", :diff_with => checksum)).to eq(nil) end end end end [true, false].each do |override_bucket_path| describe "when bucket path #{override_bucket_path ? 'is' : 'is not'} overridden" do [true, false].each do |supply_path| describe "when #{supply_path ? 'supplying' : 'not supplying'} a path" do with_digest_algorithms do before :each do Puppet.settings.stubs(:use) @store = Puppet::FileBucketFile::File.new @bucket_top_dir = tmpdir("bucket") if override_bucket_path Puppet[:bucketdir] = "/bogus/path" # should not be used else Puppet[:bucketdir] = @bucket_top_dir end @dir = "#{@bucket_top_dir}/#{bucket_dir}" @contents_path = "#{@dir}/contents" end describe "when retrieving files" do before :each do request_options = {} if override_bucket_path request_options[:bucket_path] = @bucket_top_dir end key = "#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}" if supply_path key += "/path/to/file" end @request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:indirection_name, :find, key, nil, request_options) end def make_bucketed_file FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) File.open(@contents_path, 'wb') { |f| f.write plaintext } end it "should return an instance of Puppet::FileBucket::File created with the content if the file exists" do make_bucketed_file if supply_path expect(@store.find(@request)).to eq(nil) expect(@store.head(@request)).to eq(false) # because path didn't match else bucketfile = @store.find(@request) expect(bucketfile).to be_a(Puppet::FileBucket::File) expect(bucketfile.contents).to eq(plaintext) expect(@store.head(@request)).to eq(true) end end it "should return nil if no file is found" do expect(@store.find(@request)).to be_nil expect(@store.head(@request)).to eq(false) end end describe "when saving files" do it "should save the contents to the calculated path" do options = {} if override_bucket_path options[:bucket_path] = @bucket_top_dir end key = "#{digest_algorithm}/#{checksum}" if supply_path key += "//path/to/file" end file_instance = Puppet::FileBucket::File.new(plaintext, options) request = Puppet::Indirector::Request.new(:indirection_name, :save, key, file_instance) @store.save(request) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread("#{@dir}/contents")).to eq(plaintext) end end end end end end end end