require 'piggybak/config' require 'acts_as_variant/base' require 'acts_as_orderer/base' require 'active_merchant' require 'currency' module Piggybak def self.config(entity = nil, &block) if entity Piggybak::Config.model(entity, &block) elsif block_given? && ENV['SKIP_RAILS_ADMIN_INITIALIZER'] != "true" else Piggybak::Config end end def self.reset Piggybak::Config.reset end class Engine < Rails::Engine initializer "piggybak.add_helper" do |app| ApplicationController.class_eval do helper :piggybak end end initializer "piggybak.rails_admin_config" do |app| # RailsAdmin config file. Generated on December 21, 2011 13:04 # See for more informations RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.model Piggybak::Order do label "Order" navigation_label "Orders" weight 1 object_label_method :admin_label show do field :status field :total do formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end end field :tax_charge do formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end end field :total_due do formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end end field :created_at field :email field :phone field :user field :line_items field :billing_address field :shipping_address field :shipments field :payments end list do field :status field :total do formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end end field :created_at do #strftime_format "%d-%m-%Y" end field :user end edit do field :details do partial "order_details" help "" end field :user do partial "no_edit_form_filtering_select" read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :email field :phone field :billing_address do help "Required" end field :shipping_address do help "Required" end field :line_items field :shipments field :payments do partial "form_nested_no_destroy" end end end config.model Piggybak::Address do label "Address" object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do field :firstname field :lastname field :address1 field :address2 field :city field :zip field :location do partial "location_select" help "Required" label "Country & State" end end end config.model Piggybak::LineItem do label "Line Item" object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do field :variant do partial "no_edit_form_filtering_select" end field :quantity field :total do read_only true formatted_value do value ? "$%.2f" % value : '-' end help "This will automatically be calculated at the time of processing." end end end config.model Piggybak::Shipment do object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do field :shipping_method do partial "no_edit_form_filtering_select" end field :status field :total do read_only true formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end help "This will automatically be calculated at the time of processing." end end end config.model Piggybak::Payment do object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do field :payment_method do partial "no_edit_form_filtering_select" read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :number do read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :month do label "Exp. Month" read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :year do label "Exp. Year" read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :verification_value do read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end field :total do read_only true formatted_value do "$%.2f" % value end help "This will automatically be calculated at the time of processing." end field :actions do partial "payment_refund" help "Admin driven refunds are not supported because credit cards are not stored." end end end config.model Piggybak::PaymentMethod do navigation_label "Configuration" weight 2 object_label_method :admin_label list do field :description field :active end edit do field :description do help "This is the label the user sees." end field :klass do label "Calculator" end field :active field :payment_method_values do label "Metadata" end end end config.model Piggybak::PaymentMethodValue do object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do include_all_fields field :payment_method do visible false end end end config.model Piggybak::ShippingMethod do navigation_label "Configuration" object_label_method :admin_label edit do field :description do help "This is the label the user sees." end field :klass do label "Calculator" end field :active field :shipping_method_values do label "Metadata" end end list do field :description field :active end end config.model Piggybak::ShippingMethodValue do object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do include_all_fields field :shipping_method do visible false end end end config.model Piggybak::TaxMethod do navigation_label "Configuration" object_label_method :admin_label edit do field :description field :klass do label "Calculator" end field :active field :tax_method_values do label "Metadata" end end list do field :description field :active end end config.model Piggybak::TaxMethodValue do object_label_method :admin_label visible false edit do include_all_fields field :tax_method do visible false end end end config.model Piggybak::Country do label "Countries" navigation_label "Geodata" weight 3 list do sort_by :name field :name field :abbr end edit do field :name field :abbr field :active_shipping field :active_billing end end config.model Piggybak::State do navigation_label "Geodata" label "States" list do field :name field :abbr field :country end edit do field :name field :abbr field :country end end config.model Piggybak::Variant do label "Variant" navigation_label "Orders" object_label_method :admin_label edit do field :item do read_only do !bindings[:object].new_record? end end include_all_fields field :unlimited_inventory do help "If true, backorders on this variant will be allowed, regardless of quantity on hand." end end list do field :description field :price field :quantity field :active end end end end end end