{"recommended_sites_item23": [ {"title": "Money \u0026 Interest Statistics"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/money-interest-rates"}, {"description": "Find statistics on U.S. money and interest rates"}, {"keywords": "interest rate, interest rates, exchange rate, exchange rates, money statistics"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "money statistics"}] , "recommended_sites_item12": [ {"title": "Environmental Grants, Loans and Incentives"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/environmental-grants-loans"}, {"description": "Learn about financial incentives for environment-related projects and improvements for your building"}, {"keywords": "green Loans, grants for businesses going green, solar/wind energy grants, green and grant , green grant for personal products , grants for solar businesses , grants for solar energy , grants wind technology, green business grants for start-up businesses , grants for ethanol production , green Incentives, grants for solar energy business, solar energy grant, green company grants , personal energy efficient home repair grants, grants for green business , grant info for green buisiness, green technology grants , greenn business grant, renewable energy business grants , grants for green , grants for building a green home , green business grants , green grant , green building grants , grants forbuilding a green home , grants loans green business , green business grant , grinding waste wood reduction grants, grants for hybrid cars, grants to start a green business , grants for green businesses , green loan grants , waste wood reduction grants, green grants , Environmental Grants, loans and grants for a green busine"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Going Green"}] , "recommended_sites_item5": [ {"title": "Demographics and Population Statistics"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/demographics"}, {"description": "Find data on the U.S. population"}, {"keywords": "demographics, labor statistics"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "demographics"}] , "recommended_sites_item24": [ {"title": "Production \u0026 Sales Statistics"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/production-sales-statistics"}, {"description": "Find statistics on the production and sales of goods in the U.S."}, {"keywords": "production statistics, manufacturing statistics"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "production statistics"}] , "recommended_sites_item13": [ {"title": "Exporting"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/exporting-and-importing"}, {"description": "Learn about programs that offer training, counseling, and financial assistance to new exporters"}, {"keywords": "exporting, import goods, trade compliance, exporting, export finance, import goods, abroad, overseas, export, export goods, trade barrier, import, export financing, importing, trade agreements, export home based business, exporting goods, free trade, importing, exporting goods, import, fair trade, export goods, importing goods, exporting, export, export loans, importing goods, overseas, international trade"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Exporting"}] , "recommended_sites_item6": [ {"title": "Small Business Disaster Assistance"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/disaster-assistance"}, {"description": "Loans and tax relief to help your business recover from a disaster"}, {"keywords": "disaster loans, disaster loan, disaster tax relief, disaster assistance"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "disaster assistance"}] , "recommended_sites_item25": [ {"title": "Register as a Federal Contractor"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/register-government-contracting"}, {"description": "Find steps to get registered as Federal Contractor"}, {"keywords": "Contractor Registration"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Contractor Registration"}] , "recommended_sites_item14": [ {"title": "Federal Acquisitions Regulations"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/federal-acquisition-regulations-far"}, {"description": "Learn about regulations that specify how Executive Branch agencies buy from vendors"}, {"keywords": "federal acquisition regulations, FAR"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Federal Acquisitions Regulations"}] , "recommended_sites_item7": [ {"title": "Disaster Cleanup"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/disaster-cleanup"}, {"description": "Tips and advice to help businesses recover from a disaster"}, {"keywords": "disaster cleanup"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "disaster cleanup"}] , "recommended_sites_item26": [ {"title": "Overseas Business Travel"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/resources-doing-business-abroad"}, {"description": "Find the paperwork you need for doing business overseas including overseas business travel"}, {"keywords": "business overseas, overseas business, business abroad, passports, overseas trade, visas, abroad, business travel"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Business Travel"}] , "recommended_sites_item15": [ {"title": "How to Register as a Federal Contractor"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/getting-d-u-n-s-number"}, {"description": "Learn How to Register as a Federal Contractor and Obtain a D-U-N-S Number"}, {"keywords": "duns number, d-u-n-s, duns, d-u-n-s number"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "DUNS"}] , "recommended_sites_item8": [ {"title": "Create a Disaster Plan for Your Business"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/disaster-planning"}, {"description": "Resources to help your business survive a disaster"}, {"keywords": "disaster planning"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "disaster planning"}] , "recommended_sites_item27": [ {"title": "Rules for an Online Business"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/setting-online-business"}, {"description": "Rules for starting and running an Internet business"}, {"keywords": "ecommerce, INTERNET BASED BUSINESS, e-business, e-commerce, e commerce, starting an internet business, small business online, INTERNET BUSINESS, internet home business, online retail, INTERNET BUSINESSES, online business"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "e-commerce"}] , "recommended_sites_item16": [ {"title": "Green Business Guide"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/green-business-guide"}, {"description": "Find resources that help small businesses expand their businesses while saving energy costs. "}, {"keywords": "environmental management, green regulations, green tips, green incentives, environmental regulations, go green, green technology, green marketing, Green Business, green, green innovations, Green Marketing, green commuting, environment"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Going Green"}] , "recommended_sites_item9": [ {"title": "Small Business Guide to Emergency Preparedness"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/disaster-preparedness"}, {"description": "Resources to help you plan for and recover from emergencies and natural disasters"}, {"keywords": "disaster preparedness, emergency preparedness"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "emergency preparedness"}] , "recommended_sites_item28": [ {"title": "Federal Contracting Resources for Small Business Owners"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/small-business-certification-0"}, {"description": "Locate resources that will help you understand how the federal government buys goods and services"}, {"keywords": "small business contractor, government contracts"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Federal Contracting"}] , "recommended_sites_item17": [ {"title": "Green Commuting "}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/green-commuting"}, {"description": "Learn about various methods of green commuting, including telecommuting and mass transit"}, {"keywords": "telecommuting, green commuting"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "green commuting"}] , "recommended_sites_item29": [ {"title": "Green Certification and Ecolabeling"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/starting-green-business"}, {"description": "Learn about how to certify or ecolabel your products for marketing purposes"}, {"keywords": "Green Certification, Ecolabeling"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Going Green"}] , "recommended_sites_item18": [ {"title": "Green Purchasing"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/green-guide-new-businesses"}, {"description": "Learn about green purchasing and how it can affect your bid on a government contract"}, {"keywords": "Green Purchasing"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Government Green Purchasing"}] , "recommended_sites_item0": [ {"title": "Government Contracting by State"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/contracting-opportunities"}, {"description": "Access information by state on how to compete for government contracts"}, {"keywords": "Contracting, contracting Opportunities, Contracting, state contracting opportunities, contracting Opportunities, Government Contracting Opportunities"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Government Contracting"}] , "recommended_sites_item30": [ {"title": "Trade Statistics"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/trade-statistics"}, {"description": "Find statistics on U.S. trade and exports"}, {"keywords": "foreign trade statistics, trade statistics, export statistics"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "trade statistics"}] , "recommended_sites_item19": [ {"title": "Green Product Development"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/green-product-development"}, {"description": "Learn how businesses are using environmental problems to innovate and create services"}, {"keywords": "green energy products, environmental services, green product development, take back, green product, manufacturing, environmental product, green products, servicizing"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Going Green"}] , "recommended_sites_item1": [ {"title": "Government Contracting"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/doing-business-with-government"}, {"description": "Learn about requirements that set aside some government contracts for small businesses"}, {"keywords": "Government Contracting, government contractors, doing business as contractor license, US FEDERAL CONTRACTING"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Government Contracting"}] , "recommended_sites_item20": [ {"title": "Expand Your Business"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/ideas-growing-your-business"}, {"description": "Learn about resources available to help your small business grow and succeed"}, {"keywords": "Expand Your Business"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Expand Your Business"}] , "recommended_sites_item2": [ {"title": "Online Services for Federal Contractors"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/category/navigation-structure/contracting/getting-started"}, {"description": "Access tools that allow contractors to submit information to the government over the web. "}, {"keywords": "contractor services"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Online Services for Federal Contractors"}] , "recommended_sites_item21": [ {"title": "Income Statistics"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/income-statistics"}, {"description": "Find data on income and earnings of people in the U.S."}, {"keywords": "income statistics, earnings data, income data"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "income statistics"}] , "recommended_sites_item10": [ {"title": "Economic Indicators"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/economic-indicators"}, {"description": "Data on major economic indicators used to measure the U.S. economy"}, {"keywords": "economic statistics"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "economic statistics"}] , "recommended_sites_item3": [ {"title": "How to Buy Government Surplus"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/buying-government-surplus"}, {"description": "Learn about Government Auctions and how to participate"}, {"keywords": "auctions, Government Surplus, auction"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Government Auctions"}] , "recommended_sites_item22": [ {"title": "Marketing Your Business"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/marketing-101"}, {"description": "Get information about how to market a new small business"}, {"keywords": "marketing, advertising"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Marketing"}] , "recommended_sites_item11": [ {"title": "Financing Energy Efficiency Projects"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/energy-efficiency"}, {"description": "Locate information on how to obtain financing, loans, or grants for your energy-efficiency project(s)"}, {"keywords": "solar grants, environmental management, Air Pollution Prevention, Green Building Design, small business statistics, Waste Reuse, insulation, HVAC Upgrade, pollution prevention, ventilation efficiency, office equipment energy efficiency, Water Conservation, home energy savings, ENVIRONMENTAL TAX INCENTIVES, Energy Efficiency improvement, energy efficient, Renewable Energy, Paper Usage, recycle, water efficiency, slab, air condition upgrade, energy savings calculator, easy energy saving, energy efficient, alternative fuels, Construction energy Efficiency, motel energy efficiency, green construction, Financial Analysis, easy energy savings, Lighting, hybrids, store Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, environmental grants, green business loans, energy efficiency projects, pollution, new building, reduce waste, reusing waste, roofing, heating upgrade, calculate savings, air condition efficiency, fuel economy, saving water, home energy efficiency, Retail Energy Efficiency, energy efficiency loans, Energy Efficien"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "Financing"}] , "recommended_sites_item4": [ {"title": "Market Research for Small Business"}, {"url": "http://www.sba.gov/content/conducting-market-research"}, {"description": "Find resources to help research your customers and competitors"}, {"keywords": "consumer research, market research analysis, market research, target market, market research studies, market analysis"}, {"category": "managing a business"}, {"orders": "1"}, {"master_term": "market research"}]}