######################################## This project was generated using Sprouts http://code.google.com/p/projectsprouts/ Please report any bugs to: http://code.google.com/p/projectsprouts/issues/list Please feel free to ask questions at: http://groups.google.com/group/projectsprouts ######################################## Using your favorite terminal, cd to this directory have fun! ######################################## To create a new ActionScript class, TestCase and rebuild all project TestSuites: script/generate class -s utils.MathUtil ######################################## To create a new Interface begin the name with I + Capital letter (eg: ISomeName) or end the name with 'able' Name begins with Capital 'I' followed by another capital letter script/generate class utils.ISomeName or Name ends with 'able' script/generate class utils.Observable or Explicitly identify interface creation script/generate interface utils.SomeInterface ######################################## To create a new TestCase only, enter the following: script/generate test utils.SomeTest ######################################## To compile and launch your application: rake ######################################## To compile and launch your test suites: rake test ######################################## To see all available rake tasks: rake -T