# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Thermometer design
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
<%= gauge :thermo %>
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Gauge Title  
  <%= dial :text, :gauge_title %>
      rotation: -90
      size:      75
      alpha:     10
      x:        <%= options[:x] - 150 %>
      y:        <%= options[:y] + 270 %>
      color:    ffffff
      width:    300
      text:     <%= options[:title] %>
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Thermo tube
  <%= dial :rect, :neck %>
      x:              <%= options[:x] + 20 %>
      y:              <%= options[:y] + 20 %>
      height:         150
      width:          40  
      fill_alpha:     20
      fill_color:     <%= options[:gauge_color] %>
      line_thickness: 8

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Thermo bottom
  <%= dial :circle, :vase %>
      x:              <%= options[:x] + 40  %>
      y:              <%= options[:y] + 190 %>
      radius:         48
      line_thickness: 8
      fill_color:     <%= options[:gauge_color] %>
      fill_alpha:     100

  # main
  <%= dial :circle, :vase_main %>
      radius:     40
      x:          <%= options[:x] + 40 %>
      y:          <%= options[:y] + 190 %>
      fill_color: <%= options[:gauge_color] %>

  # reflection
  <%= dial :circle, :vase_reflection_1 %>
      x:          <%= options[:x] + 40 %>
      y:          <%= options[:y] + 190 %>
      radius:     27
      fill_alpha: 50
      fill_color: ffff00

  # inside
  <%= dial :circle, :vase_reflection_2 %>
      x:          <%= options[:x] + 35 %>
      y:          <%= options[:y] + 190 %>  
      radius:      28
      fill_color: <%= options[:gauge_color] %>

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Scale Legends
  <%= dial :text, :legend %>
      x:     <%= options[:x] %>
      y:     <%= options[:y] %>
      size:  14
      color: cccccc
      width: 200
      text:  C               F

  # degree
  <%= dial :circle, :degrees %>
      x:              <%= options[:x] %>
      y:              <%= options[:y] + 5 %>
      radius:         2
      fill_alpha:     0
      line_color:     cccccc
      line_thickness: 1

  # farenheit
  <%= dial :circle, :farenheit %>
      x:              <%= options[:x] + 65 %>
      y:              <%= options[:y] + 5 %>
      radius:         2
      fill_alpha:     0
      line_color:     cccccc
      line_thickness: 1
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Current Temperature
  <%= dial :scale, :animation %>
      x:               <%= options[:x] + 40 %>
      y:               <%= options[:y] + 133 %>
      direction:       vertical  
      step:            5
      start_scale:     100
      end_scale:       <%= options[:end_scale] %> 
      shake_span:      1
      shake_frequency: 10
      shadow_alpha:    0
      <%= dials %>
        <%= dial :rect, :due_point %>
            x:      <%= options[:x] + 24 %>
            y:      <%= options[:y] + 32 %>
            height: 100
            width:   32
            fill_color: <%= options[:gauge_color] %>

  # hides to of thermo base circle
  <%= dial :rect, :z_patch %>
      x:       <%= options[:x] + 24 %>
      y:       <%= options[:y] + 132 %>
      height:  30
      width:   32     
      fill_alpha: 100
      # fill_color: ff0000
      fill_color: <%= options[:gauge_color] %>
<%= draw_celsius_scale( -10, 50 ) %>
<%= draw_farenheit_scale( 20, 120 ) %>