require 'spec_helper' describe "Zendesk2::Client" do let(:client) { create_client } describe "tickets" do include_examples "zendesk resource", { :collection => lambda { }, :create_params => lambda { {subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid} }, :update_params => lambda { {subject: mock_uuid} }, } end describe "#create_ticket" do it "should require a description" do expect { client.create_ticket("subject" => mock_uuid) }.to raise_exception(Zendesk2::Error, /Description: cannot be blank/) end end describe "when creating a ticket" do it "should create requester" do requester_email = mock_email ticket =!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, requester: {name: "Josh Lane", email: requester_email}) if Zendesk2::Client.mocking? # this takes some time for realsies requester = requester_email).first expect(requester).not_to be_nil expect(ticket.reload.requester).to eq(requester) else expect(ticket.reload.requester).not_to be_nil end end it "should require a valid organization if not blank" do expect {!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, organization_id: -1) }.to raise_exception(Zendesk2::Error, /RecordNotFound/) end it "should default to the requesters primary organization if organization is not specified" do organization = client.organizations.create!(name: mock_uuid) requester = client.users.create!(email: mock_email, name: mock_uuid, organization: organization) ticket =!(requester: requester, subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid) expect(ticket.organization).to eq(organization) expect( contain_exactly(ticket) end it "should require requester name" do expect {!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, requester: {email: mock_email}) }.to raise_exception(Zendesk2::Error, /Requester Name: .* too short/) end it "should require a description" do expect {!(subject: mock_uuid) }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, /description is required/) expect {!(subject: mock_uuid, description: "") }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError, /description is required/) end it "should set priority" do priority = "urgent" ticket =!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, priority: priority) expect(ticket.priority).to eq("urgent") expect(!( eq(priority) end end describe "with a created ticket" do let(:ticket) {!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid) } it "should get requester" do expect(ticket.requester).to eq(client.users.current) end it "should get submitter" do expect(ticket.submitter).to eq(client.users.current) end it "should have empty custom fields by default", mock_only: true do expect(ticket.custom_fields).to eq([]) end end describe "ticket comments" do let(:ticket) {!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid) } it "lists audits" do body = mock_uuid comment = ticket.comment(body) expect(comment.body).to eq(body) audit = ticket.audits.last expect(audit.ticket).to eq(ticket) events = if Zendesk2::Client.mocking? expect(events.size).to eq(1) end event = events.first expect(event.body).to eq(body) expect(event).to be_a(Zendesk2::Client::TicketComment) expect(event.ticket_audit).to eq(audit) end it "lists comments" do body = mock_uuid ticket.comment(body) expect(ticket.comments.find{|c| c.body == body}).not_to be_nil end end describe "ticket custom fields" do let!(:ticket_field) { client.ticket_fields.create!(title: SecureRandom.hex(3), type: "text") } it "should be based on ticket_fields" do ticket =!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid) custom_field = ticket.custom_fields.find { |cf| cf["id"].to_s == ticket_field.identity.to_s } expect(custom_field).not_to be_nil expect(custom_field["value"]).to be_nil ticket =!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, custom_fields: [{"id" => ticket_field.identity, "value" => "jessicaspacekat"}]) custom_field = ticket.custom_fields.find { |cf| cf["id"].to_s == ticket_field.identity.to_s } expect(custom_field).not_to be_nil expect(custom_field["value"]).to eq("jessicaspacekat") ticket =!(subject: mock_uuid, description: mock_uuid, custom_fields: [{"id" => "-1", "value" => "fantasy"}]) expect(ticket.custom_fields).not_to include({"id" => -1, "value" => "fantasy"}) end end end