require 'redis' class Redis class Namespace # The following table defines how input parameters and result # values should be modified for the namespace. # # COMMANDS is a hash. Each key is the name of a command and each # value is a two element array. # # The first element in the value array describes how to modify the # arguments passed. It can be one of: # # nil # Do nothing. # :first # Add the namespace to the first argument passed, e.g. # GET key => GET namespace:key # :all # Add the namespace to all arguments passed, e.g. # MGET key1 key2 => MGET namespace:key1 namespace:key2 # :exclude_first # Add the namespace to all arguments but the first, e.g. # :exclude_last # Add the namespace to all arguments but the last, e.g. # BLPOP key1 key2 timeout => # BLPOP namespace:key1 namespace:key2 timeout # :exclude_options # Add the namespace to all arguments, except the last argument, # if the last argument is a hash of options. # ZUNIONSTORE key1 2 key2 key3 WEIGHTS 2 1 => # ZUNIONSTORE namespace:key1 2 namespace:key2 namespace:key3 WEIGHTS 2 1 # :alternate # Add the namespace to every other argument, e.g. # MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 => # MSET namespace:key1 value1 namespace:key2 value2 # # The second element in the value array describes how to modify # the return value of the Redis call. It can be one of: # # nil # Do nothing. # :all # Add the namespace to all elements returned, e.g. # key1 key2 => namespace:key1 namespace:key2 COMMANDS = { "append" => [:first], "auth" => [], "bgrewriteaof" => [], "bgsave" => [], "bitcount" => [ :first ], "bitop" => [ :exclude_first ], "blpop" => [ :exclude_last, :first ], "brpop" => [ :exclude_last ], "brpoplpush" => [ :exclude_last ], "config" => [], "dbsize" => [], "debug" => [ :exclude_first ], "decr" => [ :first ], "decrby" => [ :first ], "del" => [ :all ], "discard" => [], "dump" => [ :first ], "exists" => [ :first ], "expire" => [ :first ], "expireat" => [ :first ], "eval" => [ :eval_style ], "evalsha" => [ :eval_style ], "flushall" => [], "flushdb" => [], "get" => [ :first ], "getbit" => [ :first ], "getrange" => [ :first ], "getset" => [ :first ], "hset" => [ :first ], "hsetnx" => [ :first ], "hget" => [ :first ], "hincrby" => [ :first ], "hincrbyfloat" => [ :first ], "hmget" => [ :first ], "hmset" => [ :first ], "hdel" => [ :first ], "hexists" => [ :first ], "hlen" => [ :first ], "hkeys" => [ :first ], "hvals" => [ :first ], "hgetall" => [ :first ], "incr" => [ :first ], "incrby" => [ :first ], "incrbyfloat" => [ :first ], "info" => [], "keys" => [ :first, :all ], "lastsave" => [], "lindex" => [ :first ], "linsert" => [ :first ], "llen" => [ :first ], "lpop" => [ :first ], "lpush" => [ :first ], "lpushx" => [ :first ], "lrange" => [ :first ], "lrem" => [ :first ], "lset" => [ :first ], "ltrim" => [ :first ], "mapped_hmset" => [ :first ], "mapped_hmget" => [ :first ], "mapped_mget" => [ :all, :all ], "mapped_mset" => [ :all ], "mapped_msetnx" => [ :all ], "mget" => [ :all ], "monitor" => [ :monitor ], "move" => [ :first ], "mset" => [ :alternate ], "msetnx" => [ :alternate ], "object" => [ :exclude_first ], "persist" => [ :first ], "pexpire" => [ :first ], "pexpireat" => [ :first ], "ping" => [], "psetex" => [ :first ], "psubscribe" => [ :all ], "pttl" => [ :first ], "publish" => [ :first ], "punsubscribe" => [ :all ], "quit" => [], "randomkey" => [], "rename" => [ :all ], "renamenx" => [ :all ], "restore" => [ :first ], "rpop" => [ :first ], "rpoplpush" => [ :all ], "rpush" => [ :first ], "rpushx" => [ :first ], "sadd" => [ :first ], "save" => [], "scard" => [ :first ], "sdiff" => [ :all ], "sdiffstore" => [ :all ], "select" => [], "set" => [ :first ], "setbit" => [ :first ], "setex" => [ :first ], "setnx" => [ :first ], "setrange" => [ :first ], "shutdown" => [], "sinter" => [ :all ], "sinterstore" => [ :all ], "sismember" => [ :first ], "slaveof" => [], "smembers" => [ :first ], "smove" => [ :exclude_last ], "sort" => [ :sort ], "spop" => [ :first ], "srandmember" => [ :first ], "srem" => [ :first ], "subscribe" => [ :all ], "sunion" => [ :all ], "sunionstore" => [ :all ], "ttl" => [ :first ], "type" => [ :first ], "unsubscribe" => [ :all ], "watch" => [ :all ], "zadd" => [ :first ], "zcard" => [ :first ], "zcount" => [ :first ], "zincrby" => [ :first ], "zinterstore" => [ :exclude_options ], "zrange" => [ :first ], "zrangebyscore" => [ :first ], "zrank" => [ :first ], "zrem" => [ :first ], "zremrangebyrank" => [ :first ], "zremrangebyscore" => [ :first ], "zrevrange" => [ :first ], "zrevrangebyscore" => [ :first ], "zrevrank" => [ :first ], "zscore" => [ :first ], "zunionstore" => [ :exclude_options ], "[]" => [ :first ], "[]=" => [ :first ] } # support previous versions of redis gem ALIASES = case when defined? Redis::Client::ALIASES then Redis::Client::ALIASES when defined? Redis::ALIASES then Redis::ALIASES else {} end attr_writer :namespace attr_reader :redis attr_accessor :warning def initialize(namespace, options = {}) @namespace = namespace @redis = options[:redis] || Redis.current @warning = options[:warning] || false end # Ruby defines a now deprecated type method so we need to override it here # since it will never hit method_missing def type(key) method_missing(:type, key) end alias_method :self_respond_to?, :respond_to? def respond_to?(command, include_private=false) if self_respond_to?(command, include_private) true else @redis.respond_to?(command, include_private) end end def keys(query = nil) query.nil? ? super("*") : super end def multi(&block) namespaced_block(:multi, &block) end def pipelined(&block) namespaced_block(:pipelined, &block) end def namespace(desired_namespace = nil) if desired_namespace yield, :redis => @redis) end @namespace end def method_missing(command, *args, &block) handling = COMMANDS[command.to_s] || COMMANDS[ALIASES[command.to_s]] # redis-namespace does not know how to handle this command. # Passing it to @redis as is, where redis-namespace shows # a warning message if @warning is set. if handling.nil? warn("Passing '#{command}' command to redis as is.") if @warning return @redis.send(command, *args, &block) end (before, after) = handling # Add the namespace to any parameters that are keys. case before when :first args[0] = add_namespace(args[0]) if args[0] when :all args = add_namespace(args) when :exclude_first first = args.shift args = add_namespace(args) args.unshift(first) if first when :exclude_last last = args.pop unless args.length == 1 args = add_namespace(args) args.push(last) if last when :exclude_options if args.last.is_a?(Hash) last = args.pop args = add_namespace(args) args.push(last) else args = add_namespace(args) end when :alternate args.each_with_index { |a, i| args[i] = add_namespace(a) if i.even? } when :sort args[0] = add_namespace(args[0]) if args[0] if args[1].is_a?(Hash) [:by, :store].each do |key| args[1][key] = add_namespace(args[1][key]) if args[1][key] end args[1][:get] = Array(args[1][:get]) args[1][:get].each_index do |i| args[1][:get][i] = add_namespace(args[1][:get][i]) unless args[1][:get][i] == "#" end end when :eval_style # redis.eval() and evalsha() can either take the form: # # redis.eval(script, [key1, key2], [argv1, argv2]) # # Or: # # redis.eval(script, :keys => ['k1', 'k2'], :argv => ['arg1', 'arg2']) # # This is a tricky + annoying special case, where we only want the `keys` # argument to be namespaced. if args.last.is_a?(Hash) args.last[:keys] = add_namespace(args.last[:keys]) else args[1] = add_namespace(args[1]) end end # Dispatch the command to Redis and store the result. result = @redis.send(command, *args, &block) # Remove the namespace from results that are keys. case after when :all result = rem_namespace(result) when :first result[0] = rem_namespace(result[0]) if result end result end private def namespaced_block(command, &block) original = @redis result = redis.send(command) do |r| @redis = r yield self end @redis = original result end def add_namespace(key) return key unless key && @namespace case key when Array {|k| add_namespace k} when Hash Hash[* {|k, v| [ add_namespace(k), v ]}.flatten] else "#{@namespace}:#{key}" end end def rem_namespace(key) return key unless key && @namespace case key when Array {|k| rem_namespace k} when Hash Hash[* {|k, v| [ rem_namespace(k), v ]}.flatten] else key.to_s.gsub(/^#{@namespace}:/, "") end end end end