## 0.1.3 - September 8, 2012 + Bump mongoid version to 3.0.5 - *Francesco Rodriguez*. + Bump minitest version to 3.4.0 - *Francesco Rodriguez*. + Added on option for validation matchers. Pull Request [#14](https://github.com/frodsan/mongoid-minitest/pull/14) - *Godfrey Chan*. ## 0.1.2 - August 13, 2012 + Allow passing in a Regex to the validate_format_of matcher. Pull Request [#12](https://github.com/frodsan/mongoid-minitest/pull/12) - *Godfrey Chan*. + Allow non-array values for inclusion/exclusion matchers. Pull Request [#11](https://github.com/frodsan/mongoid-minitest/pull/11) - *Godfrey Chan*. + Added as_inverse_of for association matchers. Pull Request [#10](https://frodsan/mongoid-minitest/pull/10) - *Godfrey Chan*. + Use [minitest-matchers](https://github.com/zenspider/minitest-matchers) gem instead of our matchers implementation - *Francesco Rodriguez*. + Bump mongoid version to 3.0.4 - *Francesco Rodriguez*. ## 0.1.1 - August 09, 2012 + Remove required ruby version from the gemspec. Fixes [#9](https://github.com/frodsan/mongoid-minitest/pull/9). *Francesco Rodriguez* ## 0.1.0 - August 09, 2012 + Change support to only Ruby 1.9.3. + Bump mongoid version to 3.0.2 and minitest version to 3.3.0 and minitest version to 3.3.0 - *Sascha Wessel*. ## - May 31, 2012 + Change `have_index_for(indexed_field)` to work with `belongs_to :association, index: true`. Fixes [#7](https://github.com/frodsan/mongoid-minitest/issues/7). ## 0.0.3 - April 15, 2012 + Add `have_index_for(indexed_field)` document matcher. + Add `embedded_in(association_name)` association matcher. + Add `embed_many(association_name)` association matcher. + Fix issue check `association_type` if metadata is not nil. + Add `embed_one(association_name)` association matcher. + Add `have_and_belong_to_many(association_name)` association matcher. + Add `validate_associated(association_name)` validation matcher. + Add `accept_with(value)` chain matcher to `validate_acceptance_of`. + Add `validate_acceptance_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `validate_confirmation_of(field)` validation matcher. ## 0.0.2 - April 13, 2012 + Add `have_one(association_name)` association matcher. + Add `in(range)` alias to `within` matcher. + Add `within(range)` chain matcher to `validate_length_of`. + Add `scoped_to(*scope)` chain matcher to `validate_uniqueness_of` + Add `with_message(custom_message)` chain matcher for validation matchers to test custom messages. + Add `DocumentModuleMatcher` class to simplify document matchers. + Add `be_stored_in(collection_name)` document matcher. + Add `to_allow(values)` chain matcher to `validate_inclusion_of`. + Add `validate_inclusion_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `belong_to(association_name)` association matcher. ## 0.0.1 - April 12, 2012 + Add `of_type(type)` chain matcher to association matcher. + Add `have_many(association_name)` association matcher. + Add `Mongoid::Matchers::Associations` module. + Add `to_not_allow(*values)` chain matcher to `validate_exclusion_of`. + Add `validate_exclusion_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `to_not_allow(*values)` matcher to `validate_format_of`. + Add `to_allow(*values)` matcher to `validate_format_of`. + Add `validate_format_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `with_max(value)` alias to `with_maximum` matcher. + Add `with_maximum(value)` chain matcher to `validate_length_of` + Add `with_min(value)` alias to `with_minimum` matcher. + Add `with_minimum(value)` matcher to `validate_length_of`. + Add `validate_length_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `case_sensitive` chain matcher to `validate_uniqueness_of`. + Add `validate_uniqueness_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `validate_presence_of(field)` validation matcher. + Add `have_fields(*fields)` document matcher. + Add `be_timestamped` document matcher. + Add `be_versioned` document matcher. + Add `be_paranoid` document matcher. + Add `be_document` document matcher. + Add `with_default_value(default)` chain matcher to `have_field`. + Add `of_type(type)` chain matcher to `have_field`. + Add `must` and `wont` methods to `MiniTest::Spec`. + Add `have_field(field)` document matcher. + Add default failure messages based on description matcher. + Add `must` and `wont` expectations. + Add `assert_must` and `assert_wont` to `MiniTest::Assertions`.