# encoding: UTF-8 require "revs-utils/version" require "countries" require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash' require 'csv' require 'chronic' PROJECT_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') REVS_LC_TERMS_FILENAME=File.join(PROJECT_ROOT,'files','revs-lc-marque-terms.obj') REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILEPATH = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT,'config',"manifest_headers.yml") REGISTER = "register" METADATA = "metadata" OPTIONAL = "metadata_optional" FORMATS = "known_formats" module Revs module Utils # a hash of LC Subject Heading terms and their IDs for linking for "Automobiles" http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85010201.html # this is cached and loaded from disk and deserialized back into a hash for performance reasons, then stored as a module # level constant so it can be reused throughout the pre-assembly run as a constant # This cached set of terms can be re-generated with "ruby bin/revs_lc_automobile_terms.rb" AUTOMOBILE_LC_TERMS= File.open(REVS_LC_TERMS_FILENAME,'rb'){|io| Marshal.load(io)} if File.exists?(REVS_LC_TERMS_FILENAME) REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILE = File.open(REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILEPATH) REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS = YAML.load( REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILE) ARCHIVE_DRUIDS={:revs=>'nt028fd5773',:roadandtrack=>'mr163sv5231'} # a hash of druids of the master archives, keys are arbitrary but druids must match the druids in DOR # these druids will be used to set the archive name in each document MULTI_COLLECTION_ARCHIVES=[:revs] # list the keys from the hash above for any archives that contain multiple collections (like Revs), for which each item in DOR belongs to both a parent collection and the master archive collection ... since we do not want to also add the master archive name as another collection druid to each record, we skip them # these are used in the revs solr document in the main revs digital library rails app, as well as the revs-indexing-service app def revs_field_mappings { :title=>{:field=>'title_tsi',:default=>'Untitled'}, :description=>{:field=>'description_tsim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 3}, :photographer=>{:field=>'photographer_ssi', :weight => 1}, :years=>{:field=>'pub_year_isim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 5}, :single_year=>{:field=>'pub_year_single_isi'}, :full_date=>{:field=>'pub_date_ssi'}, :people=>{:field=>'people_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 4}, :subjects=>{:field=>'subjects_ssim', :multi_valued => true}, :city_section=>{:field=>'city_sections_ssi'}, :city=>{:field=>'cities_ssi'}, :state=>{:field=>'states_ssi'}, :country=>{:field=>'countries_ssi'}, :formats=>{:field=>'format_ssim', :multi_valued => true}, :identifier=>{:field=>'source_id_ssi'}, :production_notes=>{:field=>'prod_notes_tsi'}, :institutional_notes=>{:field=>'inst_notes_tsi'}, :metadata_sources=>{:field=>'metadata_sources_tsi'}, :has_more_metadata=>{:field=>'has_more_metadata_ssi'}, :vehicle_markings=>{:field=>'vehicle_markings_tsi', :weight => 1}, :marque=>{:field=>'marque_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 4}, :vehicle_model=>{:field=>'model_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 2}, :model_year=>{:field=>'model_year_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 1}, :current_owner=>{:field=>'current_owner_tsi', :weight => 1}, :entrant=>{:field=>'entrant_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 1}, :venue=>{:field=>'venue_ssi'}, :engine_type=>{:field=>'engine_type_ssi'}, :track=>{:field=>'track_ssi', :weight => 1}, :event=>{:field=>'event_ssi'}, :group_class=>{:field=>'group_class_tsi', :weight => 1}, # this field is being split into two separate fields, but we are keeping the old field until all data is migrated # July 2016 Peter Mangiafico :car_group=>{:field=>'group_ssim', :multi_valued => true, :weight => 1}, :car_class=>{:field=>'class_ssi', :weight => 1}, :race_data=>{:field=>'race_data_tsi', :weight => 1}, :priority=>{:field=>'priority_isi',:default=>0,:editstore=>false}, :collections=>{:field=>'is_member_of_ssim', :multi_valued => true}, :collection_names=>{:field=>'collection_ssim', :multi_valued => true,:editstore=>false}, :archive_name=>{:field=>'archive_ssi',:editstore=>false}, :highlighted=>{:field=>'highlighted_ssi',:editstore=>false}, :visibility_value=>{:field=>'visibility_isi', :editstore=>false}, :score=>{:field=>'score_isi', :editstore=>false}, :timestamp=>{:field=>'timestamp', :editstore=>false}, :resaved_at=>{:field=>'resaved_at_ssi', :editstore=>false} } end # these are used in the revs solr document in the main revs digital library rails app, as well as the revs-indexing-service app def revs_location(doc_hash) doc_hash=doc_hash.with_indifferent_access [doc_hash[:city_sections_ssi],doc_hash[:cities_ssi],doc_hash[:states_ssi],doc_hash[:countries_ssi]].reject(&:blank?).join(', ') end # these are used in the revs solr document in the main revs digital library rails app, as well as the revs-indexing-service app def revs_compute_score(doc_hash) doc_hash=doc_hash.with_indifferent_access total_score=0 total_weights=0 revs_field_mappings.each do |field_name,field_config| if !field_config[:weight].blank? total_score += field_config[:weight].to_f * (blank_value?(doc_hash[field_config[:field]]) ? 0 : 1) # if the field is blank, it is a 0 regardless of weight, otherwise it is a 1 times its weight total_weights += field_config[:weight].to_f end end # now we will account for the location, which has a weighting of 3 for *any* location like field having a value location_score = (revs_location(doc_hash).blank? && doc_hash[:venue].blank? && doc_hash[:event].blank?) ? 0 : 1 location_weight = 3 total_weights += location_weight total_score += (location_score * location_weight) return ((total_score/total_weights)*100).ceil end # tells you if have a blank value or an array that has just blank values def blank_value?(value) value.class == Array ? !value.delete_if(&:blank?).any? : value.blank? end def revs_known_formats get_manifest_section(FORMATS) end def get_manifest_section(section) return REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS[section] end def manifest_headers_file() return REVS_MANIFEST_HEADERS_FILE end def manifest_headers_path() return MAINFEST_HEADERS_FILEPATH end def manifest_register_section_name() return REGISTER end def manifest_metadata_section_name() return METADATA end def read_csv_with_headers(file) # load CSV into an array of hashes, allowing UTF-8 to pass through, deleting blank columns #file_contents = IO.read(file).force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").encode("utf-8", replace: nil) file_contents = IO.read(file) csv = CSV.parse(file_contents, :headers => true) return csv.map { |row| row.to_hash.with_indifferent_access } end #Pass this function a list of all CSVs containing metadata for files you are about to register and it will ensure each sourceid is unique def unique_source_ids(file_paths) files = Array.new file_paths.each do |fp| files << read_csv_with_headers(fp) end sources = Array.new files.each do |file| file.each do |row| #Make sure the sourceid and filename are the same fname = row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']].chomp(File.extname(row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']])) return false if ((row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] != fname) || ((/\s/ =~ row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']].strip) != nil)) sources << row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] end end return sources.uniq.size == sources.size end #Pass this function a CSV file and it will return true if the proper headers are there and each entry has the required fields filled in def valid_to_register(file_path) file = read_csv_with_headers(file_path) return check_valid_to_register(file) end #Pass this function a CSV file and it will return true if the proper headers are there and each entry has the required fields filled in. def valid_for_metadata(file_path) file = read_csv_with_headers(file_path) return check_headers(file) end # pass in csv data and it will tell if you everything is safe to register based on having labels, unique sourceIDs and filenames matching sourceIDs def check_valid_to_register(csv_data) #Make sure all the required headers are there result1=result2=result3=result4=true if not get_manifest_section(REGISTER).values-csv_data[0].keys == [] puts "missing headers required for registration" result1=false end sources=Array.new #Make sure all files have entries for those required headers csv_data.each do |row| get_manifest_section(REGISTER).keys.each do |header| # label should be there as a column but does not always need a value if header.downcase !='label' && row[header].blank? puts "#{row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']]} does not have a value for a required registration field" result2=false end end fname = row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']].chomp(File.extname(row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['filename']])) if ((row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] != fname) || ((/\s/ =~ row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']].strip) != nil)) puts "#{row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']]} does not match the filename or has a space in it" result3=false end sources << row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']] end result4 = (sources.uniq.size == sources.size) unless result4 puts "sourceIDs are not all unique" puts sources.uniq.map { | e | [sources.count(e), e] }.select { | c, _ | c > 1 }.sort.reverse.map { | c, e | "#{e}: #{c}" } # show all non-unique sourceIDs and their frequency end return (result1 && result2 && result3 && result4) end # looks at certain metadata fields in manifest to confirm validity (such as dates and formats) def check_metadata(csv_data) bad_rows=0 csv_data.each do |row| valid_date=revs_is_valid_datestring?(row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['year']] || row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['date']]) valid_format=revs_is_valid_format?(row[get_manifest_section(METADATA)['format']]) unless (valid_date && valid_format) bad_rows+=1 puts "#{row[get_manifest_section(REGISTER)['sourceid']]} has a bad year/date or format" end end return bad_rows end # pass in csv data from a file read in and it will tell you if the headers are valid def check_headers(csv_data) result1=result2=true file_headers=csv_data[0].keys.reject(&:blank?).collect(&:downcase) #The file doesn't need to have all the metadata values, it just can't have headers that aren't used for metadata or registration if file_headers.include?('date') && file_headers.include?('year') # can't have both date and year puts "has both year and date columns" result1=false end if file_headers.include?('location') && file_headers.include?('state') && file_headers.include?('city') && file_headers.include?('country') # can't have both location and the specific fields puts "has location column as well as specific state,city,country columns" result2=false end extra_columns = file_headers-get_manifest_section(METADATA).values-get_manifest_section(REGISTER).values-get_manifest_section(OPTIONAL).values has_extra_columns = (extra_columns == []) puts "has unknown columns: #{extra_columns.join(', ')}" unless has_extra_columns result3 = has_extra_columns return (result1 && result2 && result3) end def clean_collection_name(name) return "" if name.blank? || name.nil? name=name.to_s name.gsub!(/\A(the )/i,'') name.gsub!(/( of the revs institute)\z/i,'') name.gsub!(/( of the revs institute for automotive research)\z/i,'') name.gsub!(/( of the revs institute for automotive research, inc)\z/i,'') name.gsub!(/( of the revs institute for automotive research, inc.)\z/i,'') return name.strip end def clean_marque_name(name) return "" if name.blank? || name.nil? name=name.to_s name.gsub!(/(automobiles)\z/i,'') name.gsub!(/(automobile)\z/i,'') return name.strip end def parse_location(row, location) row[location].split(/[,|]/).reverse.each do |local| country = revs_get_country(local) city_state = revs_get_city_state(local) row['country'] = country.strip if country if city_state row['state'] = revs_get_state_name(city_state[1].strip) row['city'] = city_state[0].strip end if not city_state and not country row['city_section'] = local end end return row end # checks to see if we have a valid format def revs_is_valid_format?(format) return true if format.nil? || format.blank? formats=format.split("|").collect{|f| f.strip} !formats.collect {|f| revs_known_formats.include?(f)}.uniq.include?(false) end # check a single format and fix some common issues def revs_check_format(format) return revs_check_formats([format]).first end # check the incoming array of formats and fix some common issues def revs_check_formats(format) known_fixes = {"black-and-white negative"=>"black-and-white negatives", "color negative"=>"color negatives", "slides/color transparency"=>"color transparencies", "color negatives/slides"=>"color negatives", "black-and-white negative strips"=>"black-and-white negatives", "black and white"=>"black-and-white negatives", "black-and-white"=>"black-and-white negatives", "black and white negative"=>"black-and-white negatives", "black and white negatives"=>"black-and-white negatives", "color transparency"=>"color transparencies", "slide"=>"slides", "color transparancies"=>"color transparencies" } count = 0 format.each do |f| format[count] = known_fixes[f.downcase] || f.downcase count += 1 end return format end # lookup the marque sent to see if it matches any known LC terms, trying a few varieties; returns a hash of the term and its ID if match is found, else returns false def revs_lookup_marque(marque) result=false variants1=[marque,marque.capitalize,marque.singularize,marque.pluralize,marque.capitalize.singularize,marque.capitalize.pluralize] variants2=[] variants1.each do |name| variants2 << "#{name} automobile" variants2 << "#{name} automobiles" end (variants1+variants2).each do |variant| lookup_term=AUTOMOBILE_LC_TERMS[variant] if lookup_term result={'url'=>lookup_term,'value'=>variant} break end end return result end # revs_lookup_marque # check if the string passed is a country name or code -- if so, return the country name, if not a recognized country, return false def revs_get_country(name) name='US' if name=='USA' # special case; USA is not recognized by the country gem, but US is country=Country.find_country_by_name(name.strip) # find it by name code=Country.new(name.strip) # find it by code if country.nil? && code.data.nil? return false else return (code.data.nil? ? country.name : code.name) end end # revs_get_country # parse a string like this: "San Mateo (Calif.)" to try and figure out if there is any state in there; if found, return the city and state as an array, if none found, return false def revs_get_city_state(name) state_match=name.match(/[(]\S+[)]/) if state_match.nil? return false else first_match=state_match[0] state=first_match.gsub(/[()]/,'').strip # remove parens and strip city=name.gsub(first_match,'').strip # remove state name from input string and strip return [city,state] end end # revs_get_city_state # given an abbreviated state name (e.g. "Calif." or "CA") return the full state name (e.g. "California") def revs_get_state_name(name) test_name=name.gsub('.','').strip.downcase us=Country.new('US') us.states.each do |key,value| if value['name'].downcase.start_with?(test_name) || key.downcase == test_name return value['name'] break end end return name end # revs_get_state_name # tell us if the string passed is a valid year def is_valid_year?(date_string,starting_year=1800) date_string.to_s.strip.scan(/\D/).empty? and (starting_year..Date.today.year).include?(date_string.to_i) end # tell us if the incoming datestring supplied in the manifest column is a valid date, year or list of years def revs_is_valid_datestring?(date_string) return true if date_string.nil? || date_string.empty? is_full_date=(get_full_date(date_string) != false) is_year=!parse_years(date_string).empty? return is_year || is_full_date end # tell us if the string passed is in is a full date of the format M/D/YYYY or m-d-yyyy or m-d-yy or M/D/YY, and returns the date object if it is valid def get_full_date(date_string) begin return false if date_string.scan(/(-|\/)/).count < 2 # we need at least two / or - characters to count as a full date date_obj=Chronic.parse(date_string).to_date date_obj=date_obj.prev_year(100) if date_obj > Date.today # if the parsing yields a date in the future, this is a problem, so adjust back a century (due to this issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27058068/ruby-incorrectly-parses-2-digit-year) is_valid_year?(date_obj.year.to_s) ? date_obj : false rescue false end end # given a string with dates separated by commas, split into an array # also, parse dates like "195x" and "1961-62" into all dates in that range def parse_years(date_string) date_string.delete!(' ') if date_string.include?('|') result=date_string.split('|') else result=date_string.split(',') end years_to_add=[] result.each do |year| if year.scan(/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][0-9][0-9]/).size > 0 && year.size == 7 # if we have a year that looks like "1961-62" or "1961-73", lets deal with it turning it into [1961,1962] or [1961,1962,1963,1964,1965,1966,1967...etc] start_year=year[2..3] end_year=year[5..6] stem=year[0..1] for n in start_year..end_year years_to_add << "#{stem}#{n}" end elsif year.scan(/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][1-9]/).size > 0 && year.size == 6 # if we have a year that lloks like "1961-2" or "1961-3", lets deal with it turning it into [1961,1962] or [1961,1962,1963] start_year=year[3..3] end_year=year[5..5] stem=year[0..2] for n in start_year..end_year years_to_add << "#{stem}#{n}" end end if year.scan(/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0](('s)|s)/).size > 0 || year.scan(/[1-2][0-9][0-9][x_]/).size > 0 # if we have a year that looks like "195x", let's deal with it by turning it into [1950,1951,1952..etc] result.delete(year) # first delete the year itself from the list stem=year[0..2] # next get the stem, and expand into the whole decade %w{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}.each {|n| years_to_add << "#{stem}#{n}"} # add each year in that decade to the output array end if year.scan(/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9][-][1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]/).size > 0 && year.size == 9 # if we have a year that lloks like "1961-1962" or "1930-1955", lets deal with it turning it into [1961,1962] or [1961,1962,1963] start_year=year[0..3] end_year=year[5..8] if end_year.to_i - start_year.to_i < 10 # let's only do the expansion if we don't have some really large date range, like "1930-1985" .. only ranges less than 9 years will be split into separate years for n in start_year..end_year years_to_add << n end end end end result = result.uniq result.each do |year| result.delete(year) if not year.scan(/\A[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]\z/).size == 1 #If it doesn't fit the format #### remove it end return result.concat(years_to_add).uniq.sort end end end