require 'fluent/plugin/input' require 'fluent/time' require 'fluent/plugin/kafka_plugin_util' require 'rdkafka' class Fluent::Plugin::RdKafkaGroupInput < Fluent::Plugin::Input Fluent::Plugin.register_input('rdkafka_group', self) helpers :thread config_param :topics, :string, :desc => "Listening topics(separate with comma',')." config_param :format, :string, :default => 'json', :desc => "Supported format: (json|text|ltsv|msgpack)" config_param :message_key, :string, :default => 'message', :desc => "For 'text' format only." config_param :add_headers, :bool, :default => false, :desc => "Add kafka's message headers to event record" config_param :add_prefix, :string, :default => nil, :desc => "Tag prefix (Optional)" config_param :add_suffix, :string, :default => nil, :desc => "Tag suffix (Optional)" config_param :use_record_time, :bool, :default => false, :desc => "Replace message timestamp with contents of 'time' field.", :deprecated => "Use 'time_source record' instead." config_param :time_source, :enum, :list => [:now, :kafka, :record], :default => :now, :desc => "Source for message timestamp." config_param :record_time_key, :string, :default => 'time', :desc => "Time field when time_source is 'record'" config_param :time_format, :string, :default => nil, :desc => "Time format to be used to parse 'time' field." config_param :kafka_message_key, :string, :default => nil, :desc => "Set kafka's message key to this field" config_param :retry_emit_limit, :integer, :default => nil, :desc => "How long to stop event consuming when BufferQueueLimitError happens. Wait retry_emit_limit x 1s. The default is waiting until BufferQueueLimitError is resolved" config_param :retry_wait_seconds, :integer, :default => 30 config_param :disable_retry_limit, :bool, :default => false, :desc => "If set true, it disables retry_limit and make Fluentd retry indefinitely (default: false)" config_param :retry_limit, :integer, :default => 10, :desc => "The maximum number of retries for connecting kafka (default: 10)" config_param :max_wait_time_ms, :integer, :default => 250, :desc => "How long to block polls in milliseconds until the server sends us data." config_param :max_batch_size, :integer, :default => 10000, :desc => "Maximum number of log lines emitted in a single batch." config_param :kafka_configs, :hash, :default => {}, :desc => "Kafka configuration properties as desribed in" include Fluent::KafkaPluginUtil::SSLSettings include Fluent::KafkaPluginUtil::SaslSettings class ForShutdown < StandardError end BufferError = Fluent::Plugin::Buffer::BufferOverflowError def initialize super @time_parser = nil @retry_count = 1 end def _config_to_array(config) config_array = config.split(',').map {|k| k.strip } if config_array.empty? raise Fluent::ConfigError, "kafka_group: '#{config}' is a required parameter" end config_array end def multi_workers_ready? true end private :_config_to_array def configure(conf) super log.warn "The in_rdkafka_group consumer was not yet tested under heavy production load. Use it at your own risk!" "Will watch for topics #{@topics} at brokers " \ "#{@kafka_configs["bootstrap.servers"]} and '#{@kafka_configs[""]}' group" @topics = _config_to_array(@topics) @parser_proc = setup_parser @time_source = :record if @use_record_time if @time_source == :record and @time_format @time_parser = end end def setup_parser case @format when 'json' begin require 'oj' Oj.default_options = Fluent::DEFAULT_OJ_OPTIONS { |msg| Oj.load(msg.payload) } rescue LoadError require 'yajl' { |msg| Yajl::Parser.parse(msg.payload) } end when 'ltsv' require 'ltsv' { |msg| LTSV.parse(msg.payload, {:symbolize_keys => false}).first } when 'msgpack' require 'msgpack' { |msg| MessagePack.unpack(msg.payload) } when 'text' { |msg| {@message_key => msg.payload} } end end def start super @consumer = setup_consumer thread_create(:in_rdkafka_group, &method(:run)) end def shutdown # This nil assignment should be guarded by mutex in multithread programming manner. # But the situation is very low contention, so we don't use mutex for now. # If the problem happens, we will add a guard for consumer. consumer = @consumer @consumer = nil consumer.close super end def setup_consumer consumer = consumer.subscribe(*@topics) consumer end def reconnect_consumer log.warn "Stopping Consumer" consumer = @consumer @consumer = nil if consumer consumer.close end log.warn "Could not connect to broker. retry_time:#{@retry_count}. Next retry will be in #{@retry_wait_seconds} seconds" @retry_count = @retry_count + 1 sleep @retry_wait_seconds @consumer = setup_consumer log.warn "Re-starting consumer #{}" @retry_count = 0 rescue =>e log.error "unexpected error during re-starting consumer object access", :error => e.to_s log.error_backtrace if @retry_count <= @retry_limit or disable_retry_limit reconnect_consumer end end class Batch attr_reader :topic attr_reader :messages def initialize(topic) @topic = topic @messages = [] end end # Executes the passed codeblock on a batch of messages. # It is guaranteed that every message in a given batch belongs to the same topic, because the tagging logic in :run expects that property. # The number of maximum messages in a batch is capped by the :max_batch_size configuration value. It ensures that consuming from a single # topic for a long time (e.g. with `auto.offset.reset` set to `earliest`) does not lead to memory exhaustion. Also, calling consumer.poll # advances thes consumer offset, so in case the process crashes we might lose at most :max_batch_size messages. def each_batch(&block) batch = nil message = nil while @consumer message = @consumer.poll(@max_wait_time_ms) if message if not batch batch = elsif batch.topic != message.topic || batch.messages.size >= @max_batch_size yield batch batch = end batch.messages << message else yield batch if batch batch = nil end end yield batch if batch end def run while @consumer begin each_batch { |batch| log.debug "A new batch for topic #{batch.topic} with #{batch.messages.size} messages" es = tag = batch.topic tag = @add_prefix + "." + tag if @add_prefix tag = tag + "." + @add_suffix if @add_suffix batch.messages.each { |msg| begin record = case @time_source when :kafka record_time = Fluent::EventTime.from_time(msg.timestamp) when :now record_time = when :record if @time_format record_time = @time_parser.parse(record[@record_time_key].to_s) else record_time = record[@record_time_key] end else log.fatal "BUG: invalid time_source: #{@time_source}" end if @kafka_message_key record[@kafka_message_key] = msg.key end if @add_headers msg.headers.each_pair { |k, v| record[k] = v } end es.add(record_time, record) rescue => e log.warn "parser error in #{msg.topic}/#{msg.partition}", :error => e.to_s, :value => msg.payload, :offset => msg.offset log.debug_backtrace end } unless es.empty? emit_events(tag, es) end } rescue ForShutdown rescue => e log.error "unexpected error during consuming events from kafka. Re-fetch events.", :error => e.to_s log.error_backtrace reconnect_consumer end end rescue => e log.error "unexpected error during consumer object access", :error => e.to_s log.error_backtrace end def emit_events(tag, es) retries = 0 begin router.emit_stream(tag, es) rescue BufferError raise ForShutdown if @consumer.nil? if @retry_emit_limit.nil? sleep 1 retry end if retries < @retry_emit_limit retries += 1 sleep 1 retry else raise RuntimeError, "Exceeds retry_emit_limit" end end end end