Feature: Test::Unit integration RSpec-expectations is a stand-alone gem that can be used without the rest of RSpec. It can easily be used with another test framework such as Test::Unit if you like RSpec's should/should_not syntax but prefer the test organization of another framework. Scenario: Basic Test::Unit usage Given a file named "rspec_expectations_test.rb" with: """ require 'test/unit' require 'rspec/expectations' class RSpecExpectationsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase RSpec::Matchers.define :be_an_integer do match { |actual| Integer === actual } end def be_an_int RSpec.deprecate(:be_an_int, :be_an_integer) be_an_integer end def test_passing_expectation x = 1 + 3 x.should == 4 end def test_failing_expectation array = [1, 2] array.should be_empty end def test_expect_matcher expect { @a = 5 }.to change { @a }.from(nil).to(5) end def test_custom_matcher_and_deprecation_warning 1.should be_an_int end end """ When I run `ruby rspec_expectations_test.rb` Then the output should contain "4 tests, 0 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors" or "4 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors" And the output should contain "expected empty? to return true, got false" And the output should contain "be_an_int is deprecated"