### 0.1.5 / 2011-04-08 * Added {Ore::RubyGems}. * Do not set `default_executable` in {Ore::RubyGems#to_gemspec} on RubyGems >= 1.7.0. * Specs now pass on JRuby 1.6.0 under 1.9 mode. ### 0.1.4 / 2011-02-25 * Added `core` to the list of namespaces to ignore. * Bypass the filtering of `Gem::Specification#has_rdoc=` added by RubyGems 1.5.x in `Ore::Project#to_gemspec`. ### 0.1.3 / 2011-02-12 * Added {Ore::Project#emails}. * Added {Ore::Project#email}. * Added {Ore::Paths#each_path}. * Added {Ore::Settings#set_emails!}. * Have {Ore::Dependency} inherit from `Gem::Dependency`. * DRYed up {Ore::Settings}. * Fixed typos in {file:GemspecYML.md}. ### 0.1.2 / 2011-02-08 * Opted into [gem-testers.org](http://gem-testers.org/). * Added `rb` to the list of words to ignore in project names. * Added common project acronyms to {Ore::Naming}. * Added more common project name / namespace mappings: * `rubygems` -> `Gem` * `ar` -> `ActiveRecord` * `dm` -> `DataMapper` * `js` -> `JavaScript` * `msgpack` -> `MsgPack` * `github` -> `GitHub` * `rdoc` -> `RDoc` * Renamed `Ore::Defaults` to {Ore::Inferences}. * Explicitly require `rubygems/specification` and `rubygems/builder` to work around a RubyGems 1.5.0 issue. * Do not explicitly convert dependency versions into Strings. * Default the root directory passed to {Ore::Project#initialize} to the current working directory. * Fixed typos in the YARD documentation thanks to [yard-spellcheck](http://github.com/postmodern/yard-spellcheck). ### 0.1.1 / 2011-01-19 * Require yard ~> 0.6.1. * Require rspec ~> 2.4.0. * Added common acronyms used in project namespaces to {Ore::Naming}. * Added {Ore::Naming#module_of}. * Renamed `lib/ore.rb` to `lib/ore-core.rb`. * Removed the RubyGems plugin which auto-loaded {Ore::Specification}. * Allow multiple dependency versions to be specified as a comma separated String. * Do not set {Ore::Project#has_rdoc} to `true` since it is deprecated and only used by YARD. ### 0.1.0 / 2010-11-07 * Initial release: * Added {Ore::Naming}. * Added {Ore::DocumentFile}. * Added {Ore::Versions}: * Added {Ore::Versions::Version}. * Added {Ore::Versions::VersionConstant}. * Added {Ore::Versions::VersionFile}. * Added {Ore::Project}: * Added {Ore::Checks}. * Added `Ore::Defaults`. * Added {Ore::Settings}. * Added {Ore::Specification}. * Added {Ore::Project#post_install_message}. * Added `Ore::Settings#set_post_install_message!`.