module SqlTracker class Report attr_accessor :raw_data def initialize(data) self.raw_data = data end def valid? return false unless raw_data.key?('format_version') return false unless raw_data.key?('data') return false if raw_data['data'].nil? || raw_data['data'].empty? sample = raw_data['data'].values.first %w(sql count source).each do |key| return false unless sample.key?(key) end true end def version raw_data['format_version'] end def data raw_data['data'] end def print_text(options) f = STDOUT f.puts '==================================' f.puts "Total Unique SQL Queries: #{data.keys.size}" f.puts '==================================' f.printf( "%-#{count_width}s | %-#{duration_width}s | %-#{sql_width}s | Source\n", 'Count', 'Avg Time (ms)', 'SQL Query' ) f.puts '-' * terminal_width sorted_data = sort_data(data.values, options[:sort_by]) sorted_data.each do |row| chopped_sql = wrap_text(row['sql'], sql_width) source_list = wrap_list(row['source'].uniq, sql_width - 10) avg_duration = row['duration'].to_f / row['count'] total_lines = if chopped_sql.length >= source_list.length chopped_sql.length else source_list.length end (0...total_lines).each do |line| count = line == 0 ? row['count'].to_s : '' duration = line == 0 ? avg_duration.round(2) : '' source = source_list.length > line ? source_list[line] : '' query = row['sql'].length > line ? chopped_sql[line] : '' f.printf(row_format, count, duration, query, source) end f.puts '-' * terminal_width end end def row_format "%-#{count_width}s | %-#{duration_width}s | %-#{sql_width}s | %-#{sql_width}s\n" end def sort_data(data, sort_by) data.sort_by do |d| if sort_by == 'duration' -d['duration'].to_f / d['count'] else -d['count'] end end end def +(other) unless self.class == other.class raise ArgumentError, "cannot combine #{other.class}" end unless version == other.version raise ArgumentError, "cannot combine v#{version} with v#{other.version}" end r1 = data r2 = merged = (r1.keys + r2.keys).uniq.each_with_object({}) do |id, memo| if !r1.key?(id) memo[id] = r2[id] elsif r2.key?(id) memo[id] = r1[id] memo[id]['count'] += r2[id]['count'] memo[id]['duration'] += r2[id]['duration'] memo[id]['source'] += r2[id]['source'] else memo[id] = r1[id] end end merged_data = { 'data' => merged, 'format_version' => version } end private def wrap_text(text, width) return [text] if text.length <= width text.scan(/.{1,#{width}}/) end # an array of text def wrap_list(list, width) do |text| wrap_text(text, width) end.flatten end def sql_width @sql_width ||= (terminal_width - count_width - duration_width) / 2 end def count_width 5 end def duration_width 15 end def terminal_width @terminal_width ||= begin result = unix? ? dynamic_width : 80 result < 10 ? 80 : result end end def dynamic_width @dynamic_width ||= (dynamic_width_stty.nonzero? || dynamic_width_tput) end def dynamic_width_stty `stty size 2>/dev/null`.split[1].to_i end def dynamic_width_tput `tput cols 2>/dev/null`.to_i end def unix? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(aix|darwin|linux|(net|free|open)bsd|cygwin|solaris|irix|hpux)/i end end end