define("dojox/data/CdfStore", ["dojo", "dojox", "dojo/data/util/sorter"], function(dojo, dojox) { = 0; = 1;
dojo.declare("", null, {
// summary:
// IMPORTANT: The CDF Store is designed to work with Tibco GI, and references Tibco's
// JSX3 JavaScript library and will not work without it.
// The CDF Store implements, Write, and Identity api's. It is a local
// (in memory) store that handles XML documents formatted according to the
// Common Data Format (CDF) spec:
// The purpose of this store is to provide a glue between a jsx3 CDF file and a Dijit.
// While a CDF document is an XML file, other than the initial input, all data returned
// from and written to this store should be in object format.
// identity: [const] String
// The unique identifier for each item. Defaults to "jsxid" which is standard for a CDF
// document. Should not be changed.
identity: "jsxid",
// url : String
// The location from which to fetch the XML (CDF) document.
url: "",
// xmlStr: String
// A string that can be parsed into an XML document and should be formatted according
// to the CDF spec.
// example:
// | ''
// data: Object
// A object that will be converted into the xmlStr property, and then parsed into a CDF.
// label: String
// The property within each item used to define the item.
label: "",
// mode [const]:|
// This store supports synchronous fetches if this property is set to,
constructor: function(/* Object */ args){
// summary:
// Constructor for the CDF store. Instantiate a new CdfStore.
this.url = args.url;
this.xmlStr = args.xmlStr || args.str;
this.xmlStr = this._makeXmlString(;
this.identity = args.identity || this.identity;
this.label = args.label || this.label;
this.mode = args.mode !== undefined ? args.mode : this.mode;
this._modifiedItems = {};
this.byId = this.fetchItemByIdentity;
/* dojo/data/api/Read */
getValue: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property, /* value? */ defaultValue){
// summary:
// Return an property value of an item
return item.getAttribute(property) || defaultValue; // anything
getValues: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property){
// summary:
// Return an array of values
// TODO!!! Can't find an example of an array in any CDF files
var v = this.getValue(item, property, []);
return dojo.isArray(v) ? v : [v];
getAttributes: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// Return an array of property names
return item.getAttributeNames(); // Array
hasAttribute: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property){
// summary:
// Check whether an item has a property
return (this.getValue(item, property) !== undefined); // Boolean
hasProperty: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property){
// summary:
// Alias for hasAttribute
return this.hasAttribute(item, property);
containsValue: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property, /* anything */ value){
// summary:
// Check whether an item contains a value
var values = this.getValues(item, property);
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
if(values[i] === null){ continue; }
if((typeof value === "string")){
if(values[i].toString && values[i].toString() === value){
return true;
}else if(values[i] === value){
return true; //boolean
return false;//boolean
isItem: function(/* anything */ something){
// summary:
// Check whether the object is an item (jsx3.xml.Entity)
if(something.getClass && something.getClass().equals(jsx3.xml.Entity.jsxclass)){
return true; //boolean
return false; //boolran
isItemLoaded: function(/* anything */ something){
// summary:
// Check whether the object is a jsx3.xml.Entity object and loaded
return this.isItem(something); // Boolean
loadItem: function(/* object */ keywordArgs){
// summary:
// Load an item
// description:
// The store always loads all items, so if it's an item, then it's loaded.
getFeatures: function(){
// summary:
// Return supported data APIs
return {
"": true,
"": true,
}; // Object
getLabel: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// See dojo/data/api/Read.getLabel()
if((this.label !== "") && this.isItem(item)){
var label = this.getValue(item,this.label);
return label.toString();
return undefined; //undefined
getLabelAttributes: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// returns an array of what properties of the item that were used
// to generate its label
// See dojo/data/api/Read.getLabelAttributes()
if(this.label !== ""){
return [this.label]; //array
return null; //null
fetch: function(/* Object? */ request){
// summary:
// Returns an Array of items based on the request arguments.
// description:
// Returns an Array of items based on the request arguments.
// If the store is in ASYNC mode, the items should be expected in an onComplete
// method passed in the request object. If store is in SYNC mode, the items will
// be return directly as well as within the onComplete method.
// note:
// The mode can be set on store initialization or during a fetch as one of the
// parameters.
// See:
// -
// -
// -
// See
// - onBegin
// - onComplete
// - onItem
// - onError
// - scope
// - start
// - count
// - sort
// request: String
// The items in the store are treated as objects, but this is reading an XML
// document. Further, the actual querying of the items takes place in Tibco GI's
// jsx3.xml.Entity. Therefore, we are using their syntax which is xpath.
// Note:
// As conforming to a CDF document, most, if not all nodes are considered "records"
// and their tagNames are as such. The root node is named "data".
// example:
// All items:
// | store.fetch({query:"*"});
// example:
// Item with a jsxid attribute equal to "1" (note you could use byId for this)
// | store.fetch({query:"//record[@jsxid='1']"});
// example:
// All items with any jsxid attribute:
// | "//record[@jsxid='*']"
// example:
// The items with a jsxid of '1' or '4':
// | "//record[@jsxid='4' or @jsxid='1']"
// example:
// All children within a "group" node (could be multiple group nodes):
// "//group/record"
// example:
// All children within a specific group node:
// "//group[@name='mySecondGroup']/record"
// example:
// Any record, anywhere in the document:
// | "//record"
// Only the records beneath the root (data) node:
// | "//data/record"
request = request || {};
if(!{ = this;
if(request.mode !== undefined){
this.mode = request.mode;
var self = this;
var errorHandler = function(errorData){
var scope = request.scope ||;, errorData, request);
console.error("cdfStore Error:", errorData);
var fetchHandler = function(items, requestObject){
requestObject = requestObject || request;
var oldAbortFunction = requestObject.abort || null;
var aborted = false;
var startIndex = requestObject.start?requestObject.start:0;
var endIndex = (requestObject.count && (requestObject.count !== Infinity))?(startIndex + requestObject.count):items.length;
requestObject.abort = function(){
aborted = true;
var scope = requestObject.scope ||;
if(!{ = self;
if(requestObject.onBegin){, items.length, requestObject);
items.sort(, self));
for(var i = startIndex; (i < items.length) && (i < endIndex); ++i){
var item = items[i];
if(!aborted){, item, requestObject);
if(requestObject.onComplete && !aborted){
items = items.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
items = items[0];
}, items, requestObject);
items = items.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
items = items[0];
return items;
if(!this.url && ! && !this.xmlStr){
errorHandler(new Error("No URL or data specified."));
return false;
var localRequest = request || "*"; // use request for _getItems()
if(this.mode =={
// sync mode. items returned directly
var res = this._loadCDF();
if(res instanceof Error){
if(request.onError){ ||, res, request);
console.error("CdfStore Error:", res);
return res;
this.cdfDoc = res;
var items = this._getItems(this.cdfDoc, localRequest);
if(items && items.length > 0){
items = fetchHandler(items, request);
items = fetchHandler([], request);
return items;
// async mode. Return a Deferred.
var dfd = this._loadCDF();
dfd.addCallbacks(dojo.hitch(this, function(cdfDoc){
var items = this._getItems(this.cdfDoc, localRequest);
if(items && items.length > 0){
fetchHandler(items, request);
fetchHandler([], request);
dojo.hitch(this, function(err){
errorHandler(err, request);
return dfd; // Object
_loadCDF: function(){
// summary:
// Internal method.
// If a cdfDoc exists, return it. Otherwise, get one from JSX3,
// load the data or url, and return the doc or a deferred.
var dfd = new dojo.Deferred();
if(this.mode =={
return this.cdfDoc; // jsx3.xml.CDF
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
}), 0);
return dfd; // dojo.Deferred
this.cdfDoc = jsx3.xml.CDF.Document.newDocument();
this.cdfDoc.subscribe("response", this, function(evt){
this.cdfDoc.subscribe("error", this, function(err){
}else if(this.xmlStr){
return new Error(this.cdfDoc.getError().description); // Error
if(this.mode =={
return this.cdfDoc; // jsx3.xml.CDF
return dfd; // dojo.Deferred
_getItems: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */cdfDoc, /* Object */request){
// summary:
// Internal method.
// Requests the items from jsx3.xml.Entity with an xpath query.
var itr = cdfDoc.selectNodes(request.query, false, 1);
var items = [];
return items;
close: function(/*dojo/data/api/Request|Object?*/ request){
// summary:
// See dojo/data/api/Read.close()
/* dojo/data/api/Write */
newItem: function(/* object? */ keywordArgs, /* Object|String? */ parentInfo){
// summary:
// Creates a jsx3.xml.Entity item and inserts it either inside the
// parent or appends it to the root
keywordArgs = (keywordArgs || {});
// record tagName is automatic and this would add it
// as a property
// TODO: How about some sort of group?
console.warn("Only record inserts are supported at this time");
delete keywordArgs.tagName;
keywordArgs.jsxid = keywordArgs.jsxid || this.cdfDoc.getKey();
parentInfo = this.getIdentity(parentInfo);
var item = this.cdfDoc.insertRecord(keywordArgs, parentInfo);
return item; // jsx3.xml.Entity
deleteItem: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// Delete an jsx3.xml.Entity (wrapper to a XML element).
return true; //boolean
setValue: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property, /* almost anything */ value){
// summary:
// Set an property value
item.setAttribute(property, value);
return true; // Boolean
setValues: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property, /*array*/ values){
// summary:
// Set property values.
// TODO: Needs to be fully implemented.
console.warn("cdfStore.setValues only partially implemented.");
return item.setAttribute(property, values);
unsetAttribute: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item, /* String */ property){
// summary:
// Remove an property
return true; // Boolean
revert: function(){
// summary:
// Invalidate changes (new and/or modified elements)
// Resets data by simply deleting the reference to the cdfDoc.
// Subsequent fetches will load the new data.
// Note:
// Any items outside the store will no longer be valid and may cause errors.
delete this.cdfDoc;
this._modifiedItems = {};
return true; //boolean
isDirty: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity ? */ item){
// summary:
// Check whether an item is new, modified or deleted.
// If no item is passed, checks if anything in the store has changed.
return !!this._modifiedItems[this.getIdentity(item)]; // Boolean
var _dirty = false;
for(var nm in this._modifiedItems){ _dirty = true; break; }
return _dirty; // Boolean
/* internal API */
_makeDirty: function(item){
// summary:
// Internal method.
// Marks items as modified, deleted or new.
var id = this.getIdentity(item);
this._modifiedItems[id] = item;
_makeXmlString: function(obj){
// summary:
// Internal method.
// Converts an object into an XML string.
var parseObj = function(obj, name){
var xmlStr = "";
var nm;
for(var i=0;i';
for(nm in obj){
xmlStr += parseObj(obj[nm], nm);
xmlStr += ''+name+'>';
return xmlStr;
return parseObj(obj, "data");
* Identity implementation *
getIdentity: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// Returns the identifier for an item.
return this.getValue(item, this.identity); // String
getIdentityAttributes: function(/* jsx3.xml.Entity */ item){
// summary:
// Returns the property used for the identity.
return [this.identity]; // Array
fetchItemByIdentity: function(/* Object|String */ args){
// summary:
// See dojo/data/api/Identity.fetchItemByIdentity(keywordArgs).
// Note:
// This method can be synchronous if mode is set.
// Also, there is a more finger friendly alias of this method, byId();
var id = args;
args = {query:"//record[@jsxid='"+id+"']", mode:};
args.query = "//record[@jsxid='"+args.identity+"']";
if(!args.mode){args.mode = this.mode;}
args.byId = true;
return this.fetch(args); // dojo/_base/Deferred|Array
byId: function(/* Object|String */ args){
// stub. See fetchItemByIdentity