--- title: Frontmatter and keys blurb: Examine all of the different frontmatter keys and their use in a single location. layout: template-logo-medium --- <%= md_links %> <%= md_images %> <%= current_page.data.title %> ============================== <%= current_page.data.blurb %> Frontmatter ----------- Frontmatter is metadata that is included at the top of every content page but will not be present in the output. It is used to provide information to _Middleman_ and _Middlemac_ on a page by page and group basis. Here is the frontmatter from this very page’s source file: ~~~ yaml --- title: Frontmatter and keys blurb: Examine all of the different frontmatter keys and their use in a single location. layout: template-logo-medium --- ~~~ You can also specify your own frontmatter keys and values. All frontmatter is available for use in your pages and templates via `current_page.data`, e.g., `current_page.data.title`. Also know that if you want to style content that will be rendered to HTML in the frontmatter, such as in a blurb, then HTML is required. HAML and Markdown do not touch content in the frontmatter. For example, if you want to emphasize text in a blurb, you will have do to something like this example: ~~~ yaml blurb: I must emphasize that going to war with an empty treasury is bad. ~~~ Middlemac Frontmatter Keys -------------------------- `title` : The page title will be used in to the HTML `` tag for every page, and more importantly, will be the text displayed for links by all of _Middlemac_’s built-in partials. `blurb` : The blurb will be used as a description for a link for the included _Middlemac_ partials that render indexes. This help documentation also repeats the blurb at the top of every article. `layout` : Specify the layout or template to use to render the page. If you don’t specify a layout, then the `layout-html4` layout will be used by default. `xhtml` : Specify this key if you want to force a page to use the `layout-xhtml` layout instead of an html4 layout. You should never do this, though, except for the main, top-level landing page. Apple’s help specifications require HTML4. `order` : Set the sorting/display order for a particular file within its group. `navigate` : When used in a group’s parent (i.e., the `index.html` for the group) then members of the group will display the page navigator buttons. `navigator` : When set to `false`, overrides the display of the page navigator for this page only. `target` : Indicates which [targets][targets] and [features][features] this page is applicable for. `exclude` : Indicates which [targets][targets] and [features][features] this page should be hidden from.