// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @class Provides common methods for sending events down a responder chain. Responder chains are used most often to deliver events to user interface elements in your application, but you can also use them to deliver generic events to any part of your application, including controllers. @extends SC.Object @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.Responder = SC.Object.extend( /** SC.Responder.prototype */ { isResponder: YES, /** @property The pane this responder belongs to. This is used to determine where you belong to in the responder chain. Normally you should leave this property set to null. */ pane: null, /** @property The app this responder belongs to. For non-user-interface responder chains, this is used to determine the context. Usually this is the property you will want to work with. */ responderContext: null, /** @property This is the nextResponder in the responder chain. If the receiver does not implement a particular event handler, it will bubble to the next responder. This can point to an object directly or it can be a string, in which case the path will be resolved from the responderContext root. */ nextResponder: null, /** @property YES if the view is currently first responder. This property is always edited by the pane during its makeFirstResponder() method. */ isFirstResponder: NO, /** @property YES the responder is somewhere in the responder chain. This currently only works when used with a ResponderContext. @type {Boolean} */ hasFirstResponder: NO, /** @property Set to YES if your view is willing to accept first responder status. This is used when calculcating key responder loop. */ acceptsFirstResponder: YES, becomingFirstResponder: NO, /** Call this method on your view or responder to make it become first responder. @returns {SC.Responder} receiver */ becomeFirstResponder: function() { var pane = this.get('pane') || this.get('responderContext') || this.pane(); if (pane && this.get('acceptsFirstResponder')) { if (pane.get('firstResponder') !== this) pane.makeFirstResponder(this); } return this ; }, /** Call this method on your view or responder to resign your first responder status. Normally this is not necessary since you will lose first responder status automatically when another view becomes first responder. @param {Event} the original event that caused this method to be called @returns {SC.Responder} receiver */ resignFirstResponder: function(evt) { var pane = this.get('pane') || this.get('responderContext'); if (pane && (pane.get('firstResponder') === this)) { pane.makeFirstResponder(null, evt); } return YES; }, /** Called just before the responder or any of its subresponder's are about to lose their first responder status. The passed responder is the responder that is about to lose its status. Override this method to provide any standard teardown when the first responder changes. @param {SC.Responder} responder the responder that is about to change @returns {void} */ willLoseFirstResponder: function(responder) {}, /** Called just after the responder or any of its subresponder's becomes a first responder. Override this method to provide any standard setup when the first responder changes. @param {SC.Responder} responder the responder that changed @returns {void} */ didBecomeFirstResponder: function(responder) {} });