#include #include "sllist.h" #include "sllist-inl.h" #include #include #ifndef ASSERT_NZ #define ASSERT_NZ(e) ASSERT_NE(0, e) #endif #ifndef ASSERT_Z #define ASSERT_Z(e) ASSERT_EQ(0, e) #endif class SListTests : public ::testing::Test { }; struct my_elem { int value; sllist_node slnode; }; TEST_F(SListTests, testBasic) { sllist_root sl; memset(&sl, 0, sizeof(sl)); ASSERT_TRUE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); my_elem elem1, elem2, elem3; sllist_append(&sl, &elem1.slnode); ASSERT_NZ(sllist_contains(&sl, &elem1.slnode)); ASSERT_FALSE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); sllist_node *tmpnode = SLLIST_FIRST(&sl); sllist_remove_head(&sl); ASSERT_NE(tmpnode, SLLIST_FIRST(&sl)); ASSERT_EQ(tmpnode, &elem1.slnode); ASSERT_EQ(&elem1, SLLIST_ITEM(tmpnode, struct my_elem, slnode)); ASSERT_TRUE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); sllist_append(&sl, &elem1.slnode); sllist_append(&sl, &elem2.slnode); sllist_append(&sl, &elem3.slnode); ASSERT_EQ(sl.last, &elem3.slnode); ASSERT_EQ(SLLIST_FIRST(&sl), &elem1.slnode); // Test prepend my_elem elem4; sllist_prepend(&sl, &elem4.slnode); tmpnode = SLLIST_FIRST(&sl); ASSERT_EQ(tmpnode, &elem4.slnode); sllist_node *cur; int itercount = 0; SLLIST_ITERBASIC(&sl, cur) { itercount++; } ASSERT_EQ(4, itercount); } #define BASIC_NELEM 3 TEST_F(SListTests, testBasicIter) { sllist_root sl; my_elem elems[BASIC_NELEM]; memset(&sl, 0, sizeof(sl)); memset(elems, 0, sizeof(elems)); for (int ii = 0; ii < BASIC_NELEM; ii++) { sllist_append(&sl, &elems[ii].slnode); } sllist_node *cur; int itercount = 0; SLLIST_ITERBASIC(&sl, cur) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(cur, struct my_elem, slnode); itercount++; elem->value++; } ASSERT_EQ(BASIC_NELEM, itercount); for (int ii = 0; ii < BASIC_NELEM; ii++) { ASSERT_EQ(1, elems[ii].value); } } static void fillDynamicSlist(sllist_root *root, my_elem **ptrs, int nptrs) { sllist_iterator iter; SLLIST_ITERFOR(root, &iter) { sllist_iter_remove(root, &iter); } for (int ii = 0; ii < nptrs; ii++) { free(ptrs[ii]); ptrs[ii] = (my_elem *)calloc(1, sizeof(*ptrs[ii])); sllist_append(root, &ptrs[ii]->slnode); } } TEST_F(SListTests, testExtendedIter) { sllist_root sl; my_elem *elemp[BASIC_NELEM] = { NULL }; memset(&sl, 0, sizeof(sl)); fillDynamicSlist(&sl, elemp, BASIC_NELEM); // Delete all elements from the list sllist_iterator iter; SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(iter.cur, struct my_elem, slnode); sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); memset(elem, 0xff, sizeof(*elem)); free(elem); } ASSERT_TRUE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); memset(elemp, 0, sizeof(*elemp) * BASIC_NELEM); // Delete only the first element of the list. Repopulate fillDynamicSlist(&sl, elemp, BASIC_NELEM); SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(iter.cur, struct my_elem, slnode); if (elem == elemp[0]) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); memset(elem, 0xff, sizeof(*elem)); free(elem); elemp[0] = NULL; } } int itercount = 0; SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); itercount++; } ASSERT_EQ(BASIC_NELEM-1, itercount); ASSERT_TRUE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); // Delete only the middle element fillDynamicSlist(&sl, elemp, BASIC_NELEM); SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(iter.cur, struct my_elem, slnode); if (elem == elemp[1]) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); memset(elem, 0xff, sizeof(*elem)); free(elem); elemp[1] = NULL; } } ASSERT_FALSE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); // Delete only the last element fillDynamicSlist(&sl, elemp, BASIC_NELEM); SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(iter.cur, struct my_elem, slnode); if (elem == elemp[BASIC_NELEM-1]) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); memset(elem, 0xff, sizeof(*elem)); free(elem); elemp[BASIC_NELEM-1] = NULL; } } ASSERT_FALSE(SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(&sl)); SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { my_elem *elem = SLLIST_ITEM(iter.cur, struct my_elem, slnode); sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); free(elem); } } struct NumberedItem { sllist_node slnode; int value; }; static int ni_compare(sllist_node *a, sllist_node *b) { NumberedItem *na = SLLIST_ITEM(a, NumberedItem, slnode); NumberedItem *nb = SLLIST_ITEM(b, NumberedItem, slnode); return na->value - nb->value; } TEST_F(SListTests, testSort) { sllist_root l; memset(&l, 0, sizeof(l)); NumberedItem items[10]; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { items[ii].value = ii; sllist_insert_sorted(&l, &items[ii].slnode, ni_compare); } int last = -1; sllist_node *cur; SLLIST_FOREACH(&l, cur) { NumberedItem *ni = SLLIST_ITEM(cur, NumberedItem, slnode); ASSERT_EQ(last, ni->value-1); last = ni->value; } /** Insert another item */ NumberedItem big1; big1.value = 100; sllist_insert_sorted(&l, &big1.slnode, ni_compare); ASSERT_EQ(l.last, &big1.slnode); NumberedItem small1; small1.value = -100; sllist_insert_sorted(&l, &small1.slnode, ni_compare); ASSERT_EQ(SLLIST_FIRST(&l), &small1.slnode); NumberedItem middle1; middle1.value = 5; sllist_insert_sorted(&l, &middle1.slnode, ni_compare); NumberedItem *ni_next = SLLIST_ITEM(middle1.slnode.next, NumberedItem, slnode); ASSERT_EQ(5, ni_next->value); ni_next = SLLIST_ITEM(items[3].slnode.next, NumberedItem, slnode); ASSERT_EQ(&middle1.slnode, ni_next->slnode.next); } template class SList : public sllist_root { public: SList() { clear(); }; void append(T& memb) { sllist_append(this, getNode(memb)); } void prepend(T& memb) { sllist_prepend(this, getNode(memb)); } void insert(T& memb, int (*compar)(sllist_node*,sllist_node*)) { sllist_insert_sorted(this, getNode(memb), compar); } bool contains(T& memb) { return sllist_contains(this, getNode(memb)) != 0; } size_t size() { return sllist_get_size(this); } void remove(T& memb) { sllist_remove(this, getNode(memb)); } bool empty() { return SLLIST_IS_EMPTY(this); } void clear() { SLLIST_FIRST(this) = NULL; last = NULL; } T& front() { if (empty()) { throw std::out_of_range("List is empty"); } return *llToItem(SLLIST_FIRST(this)); } T& back() { if (empty()) { throw std::out_of_range("List is empty"); } return *llToItem(last); } T& operator[](int ix) { int cur = 0; sllist_node *ll; SLLIST_FOREACH(this, ll) { if (cur++ == ix) { return *llToItem(ll); } } throw std::out_of_range("No such index"); } private: sllist_node * getNode(T& memb) const { return &(memb.*m); } T* llToItem(sllist_node *node) { // Get the offset T *obj = 0; sllist_node *offset = &(obj->*m); char *diff = (char *) offset; return (T *) (((char *) node) - diff); } }; TEST_F(SListTests, testSandwichSort) { // moar sort tests SList sl; NumberedItem itm_1, itm_2, itm_3; itm_1.value = 1; itm_2.value = 2; itm_3.value = 3; // 1, 3, 2 sl.insert(itm_1, ni_compare); ASSERT_TRUE(sl.contains(itm_1)); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl[0].value); sl.insert(itm_3, ni_compare); ASSERT_TRUE(sl.contains(itm_3)); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl[0].value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl[1].value); sl.insert(itm_2, ni_compare); ASSERT_TRUE(sl.contains(itm_2)); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl[0].value); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl[1].value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl[2].value); sl.clear(); // Insert 3,2,1 sl.insert(itm_3, ni_compare); sl.insert(itm_2, ni_compare); sl.insert(itm_1, ni_compare); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl[0].value); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl[1].value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl[2].value); } TEST_F(SListTests, testPrependSort) { SList sl; NumberedItem itm_1, itm_2, itm_3; itm_1.value = 1; itm_2.value = 2; itm_3.value = 3; // 2, 3, 1 sl.insert(itm_2, ni_compare); sl.insert(itm_3, ni_compare); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl[0].value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl[1].value); // Prepend item 1 sl.insert(itm_1, ni_compare); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl[0].value); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl[1].value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl[2].value); } // Ensure removing the tail item inside an iterator does what we want it to TEST_F(SListTests, testRemoveTailIter) { NumberedItem itm_1, itm_2, itm_3; itm_1.value = 1; itm_2.value = 2; itm_3.value = 3; SList sl; sl.append(itm_1); sl.append(itm_2); sl.append(itm_3); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl.front().value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl.back().value); sllist_iterator iter; bool removed = false; SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { if (iter.cur == &itm_3.slnode) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); removed = true; break; } } ASSERT_TRUE(removed); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(1, sl.front().value); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl.back().value); } TEST_F(SListTests, testRemoveEmptyTailIter) { NumberedItem itm_1; SList sl; sl.append(itm_1); sllist_iterator iter; SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); } ASSERT_TRUE(sl.empty()); } TEST_F(SListTests, testRemoveFirstIter) { NumberedItem itm_1, itm_2, itm_3; SList sl; itm_1.value = 1; itm_2.value = 2; itm_3.value = 3; sl.append(itm_1); sl.append(itm_2); sl.append(itm_3); sllist_iterator iter; SLLIST_ITERFOR(&sl, &iter) { if (iter.cur == &itm_1.slnode) { sllist_iter_remove(&sl, &iter); } } ASSERT_EQ(2, sl.size()); ASSERT_EQ(2, sl.front().value); ASSERT_EQ(3, sl.back().value); }